[ITT: Charitable donations]Skywalker's daughter, Bethany

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Ive just been offered some security work at the IoW festival in 2 weekends time and after seeing that video ive decided im going to be sending my full weekends wage your way, you will make much better use of it than i ever could :)
Skywalker, you and your family are very brave. I wish you all the best and keep the faith :).

Also, thanks to Gilly for organising this, what a result.
Ive been out all evening, and just got home, that total so far is simply fantastic!
I cannot believe how brilliant this forum is.
Well done everyone!
Wow, well done everyone, and keep up the good work hehe. It's an honour to be a part of such a fine community here :)
£20 on way via BT from myself.

As I have a 5 yr old, I would be devisated if my son was in Bethanys position.
I really hope that this benefits Bethany.
Kids of your own are the best! They make you smile, make you cry, make you angry, make you upset, make you happy, make you laugh, make you want to dance. And thats every day - well it is with my son lol

All the best Skywalker! I wish you luck, on your brave battle onwards in the next few months!
Great job all, I've been around to see these sorts of collections before (See the zoltan link in my sig for further details) and it's great to be a part of this.

Well done to each and everyone who has donated.
Payment sent via BT. I didn't even make it halfway through the threads of skywalker before breaking into tears! Our wishes are with you and your family!
This is absolutely amazing chaps and ladies! Has anyone considered notifying any newspapers? Even if they're just local/small papers, something like this is a rare sight and people should see what a close community like OcUK can do for someone in need.

I barely made it through the first thread without having to choke back the tears, my thoughts are with Bethany and her family :)
I havent read all the threads but I did read the orig and the last and thats enough for me. I shall donate and GL with it all wishes go out to all the family. And good job gilly and the rest of the members for stepping up and helping out!
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