I'm a bit late into this thread but, as I've said elsewhere, I'm amazed at the transformation and you can be justifiably proud of your achievement - as I was 5 years ago when I lost a load of weight. Sadly, I fell back into bad habits and put it all back on again (and a good bit more besides

Partly due to your success, I have taken up the challenge again. About this time last year, I weighed myself and was shocked to find I had ballooned to nearly 19 stone. I decided something had to be done so I decided to do the same as last time, which had been successful. I did exactly the same as you, I watched what I was eating - both quantity and quality and took up walking again. I fairly quickly (4 months) shed 2 stone. At that point I decided to take a break - bad move. I put 1 1/2 stone back on over the next few months.
I started afresh 4 weeks ago and, when I weighed in this morning, I had lost 1 stone in the 4 weeks. I still have a long way to go but I know I can do it (I've done it before), I just need to stick at it and not falter.
I'm currently 17 1/2 stone (I'm a shade under 5' 10") and I'm aiming initially for under 14 stone - we'll see what happens after that. My initial goal was to get under 17 stone by Christmas and it looks like I should be on target for that.