I've done it - I'm half the man I used to be.

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Christ, nice one. I found it hard work cutting out just over 1/5 of my weight, gone from 110kg to 80 back to 92. Struggling to quit the booze hasnt helped, really need to cut that out
My heavens! He's human! All this time I've thought you were a Vindaloovian mate!

Honestly though, massive congratulations, you've done what so many would claim was impossible!
Congratulations, that's a really impressive feat of endurance and willpower.

Coincidentally I'm just at the end of my annual 'calorific corrective phase'. I long ago realised that I'm nowhere near disciplined enough to keep my weight stable... I love food too much! So I put on about a stone a year, and then lose it in three or four weeks (thanks to a physical job and a masochistic streak). I find that tough enough, so I have no idea how folk manage over much, much longer periods.

One day at a time, I guess. :-)

Well done to you, and to anyone else trying to avoid their bad food habits.
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