I've done it - I'm half the man I used to be.

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Very ,very impressive and just goes to show what some will power can do for you. You've made a life style change rather then just dieting , good on yer sir.
Fan bloody tactic effort there feek, well done!
Let's hope it's easier to stay trim than to get trim. I should imagine that's the difficult part.
Thank you.
It's all down to eating 2,000 calories per day and walking five miles every day. No gym, no fads, nothing else.

Great to hear and that is all you need do. No stupid fad diets etc. Just eat the correct amount of calories eating healthy food and do a bit of exercise every day
Very well done sir, my hat goes off to you!

On a selfish note I am glad you put this up for inspiration for myself and others.
Well done - I've been trying to do this since I was 17 - but have always found a distraction and given up (I'm 25 now).
I'm going to try again using your method - we'll see what happens. :)

If I manage it, I'll buy you a low-carb beer. :p
That takes some doing, congratulations. Now you have to make sure you keep up the walking and eating sensibly.
Good effort!

I've recently dropped a stone and a half but stopping fizzy pop and snacking, all in 2 months with no other changes.
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