I've done it - I'm half the man I used to be.

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Thanks everyone - I'm a bit slow in replying because I've been away all weekend. One of the things I did was to climb a 10m wall. I've never done anything like this before.


why do you always use a different font, just curious. also, how do you actually do it
Because I like it.

How did you get rid of the baggy skin?
I didn't, it's just well hidden but I have a plan for that.

Top job and well done. Now don't lose any more or it will start to look unhealthy.
I'm done, I'm not going any further.

Also you have to do a cheesy weight watchers type pic wearing those old shorts. :D
I threw away all my old clothes so that sort of picture isn't going to happen.

That's not the same man. Surely?!

What size feet you got Feek ?
Depending on shoe manufacturer, I vary between a 10 and an 11. The brown shoes I'm wearing in the first post are a 10, the trainers in the picture in this post are a 10.5

Well done Feek, what are you doing with all your lovely hats?
Hats? I do have quite a few hats and all bar one, they still fit. My trilby is just too large now so I might sell it and get another one. Maybe.

So how did you do it??
See post 1.

Impressive! I suppose you are not big boned after all. :D
Never claimed I was ;)

Here's a question I'd love an answer to - how do you feel with the weight gone? Do you feel happier, have more energy etc?
Naturally I feel better. I have more stamina, better endurance. I can walk for hours at a very fast rate and not be totally wiped out at the end - At the other end of the scale, I can walk up stairs without being totally out of breath when I'm done.

Few questions for me old mate. :D

1. How much has the new wardrobe cost ya ?
2. Has the Missus got all possessive with you now ?
3. You're getting plenty right ?
4. Does your old man still look the same as it did last time you saw it ? :p
1. Too much - It doesn't help that I've restocked it twice now and need to do some items again.
2. Yup :)
3. Yup :D
4. Bigger ;)

That's extremely impressive but how on earth do you get to 22st in the first place. Surely somewhere along the way you think you are a bit overweight or someone says something which causes you to reevaluate how you look?
I've said this in other places and it sounds stupid but it's true. You don't realise how much you weigh until you get on the scales. I hadn't been near a set of scales for years and although I'd thought that I needed to lose some weight, I had no idea how much. Then when I did, I started the "I really need to lose some weight" thing but hey, it's easy to put things off until tomorrow, isn't it?

I was inspired by someone I knew who had dropped about five stone doing exactly what I've described in the opening post of this thread. I figured I'd give it a try, found it easy and just kept on with it.

I've always been a bit chunky but it took me twenty two years of married life to put on the weight I did. I put that down to contentment, easy living and a sedentary job behind a desk. Half a stone a year doesn't sound much but do that for over twenty years and one can end up a bit porky.

I've had a recent blood test and everything looks very good. My cholesterol is well in the healthy range, my HDL, LDL and triglycerides are spot on and my glucose level shows that I'm in no risk of developing diabetes. A well known doctor reckons I've added ten years to my life by doing what I've done.
So how do you plan to do this..

Less walking or more Big Macs & Krispy Kremes to top up the Calorie count?

Serious question.
I enjoy the walking and it's good for me so I'll try and slowly increase my calorie count until it all levels out. I don't really want to reduce the daily exercise.

Not sure I'll load up on Big Macs though, I've only ever had one of those in my life.

That's once I've lost the weight I've put back on this weekend ;)
Well done, that is a fantastic result and well worth the hard work. You look much better for it.

A mate of mine is currently trying to lose several stone and personally I think he's going about it the right way, more starving himself. It's great to see the results from what is really common sense and determination... that isn't to take anything away from the result though.

Do you find people you've known for years don't recognise you? I get that from my school days as I was a proper fat-kid.
I somehow thought this thread is about taking out one of your testicles due to cancer or something of that sort, glad I was wrong.

Very inspiring good lad, well done.
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