Jack Straw has the right idea!

Sky news

" Why are some muslims wearing the vale , i haven't seen anything in the keran(?) which dictates you have to wear one "


" i'm not religiously qualified to comment on that , i wouldn't know "

Wtf?! :rolleyes:

93% of voters agreed with Jack on sky news , im starting to wonder who has more power in this country the government or muslims
Gilly said:
Same reason you have to wear trousers.
ah, ok. So if a Muslim woman doesn't wear a headscarf then it is rude, because there are plenty of Muslim women round here that don't wear one, yet I don't see any men around with no trousers (not that I've been taking a survey or anything ;) ).
I am late into this thread but I have two comments to make.

Firstly, this is the only sensible and correct thing that Straw has ever said. He is completely right and I say fair play to the incideous dwarf.

I can't help thinking that he thoroughly deserves to be hoisted by his own petard. The whole climate of controversy has been created by NuLabour and it is good to see him on the receiving end of it for a change.
ah, ok. So if a Muslim woman doesn't wear a headscarf then it is rude, because there are plenty of Muslim women round here that don't wear one, yet I don't see any men around with no trousers (not that I've been taking a survey or anything ;) ).

Well not ALL muslim women wear one or are forced to wear one, i know plenty of muslim women who dont wear one...hell my gf in NYC doesnt wear one but after she gets married to me she said she will...i couldnt care less tbh what she wears...her choice and i wont dictate to her what she should wear. Thats the problem with a lot of muslim women, they dont want to wear one if they had the choice but ya see....they havent a choice either their parents or husbands are forcing them to wear one because they dont want other guys oggling their daughters/wives but yet its ok for them to oggle other women....massive hypocrisy there and i dont agree with it but if thats how they run their lives then fine by me. In fact i find it a bit of a turn on all this hijaab thing, its like un-wrapping a present:p. Thankfully most of the hijaab wearing lasses i know tend to be quite gorgeous and fit underneath all those garments:p.

Personally i have no problems talking to someone in a veil so Straw is a bit of muppet for again bring this whole muslim thing into the limelight but hey bad publicity is good publicity for us muslims...:D.
Spawn said:
Personally i have no problems talking to someone in a veil so Straw is a bit of muppet for again bring this whole muslim thing into the limelight but hey bad publicity is good publicity for us muslims...:D.

Us muslims.... Well there ya go!

Actually a vast majority of the country agree with Straw.

Why do you muslims feel so untouchable , why do you have to make such a fuss when ANYTHING is said towards muslims ?
I still maintain the view of "When in Rome........."

Walking around in the nude would not be seen as culturally or socially acceptable in the middle of the high street.

However, if you wish to practice this, there is always a naturist society or nudist beach where this would be the norm.

Its a clash of two cultures so different that neither will accept the others ways.
What about those areas in the middle east whereby women have to wear head dresses... Lets see how they get on letting their hair out :rolleyes:
I havent read the whole thread so pardon me, but here is my contribution- Jack straw is bang on target and right in saying so. If i wear a balaclava to go see my bank manager or dress up as a ninja to go get a loan, im sure i would be ask to take that covering off my face so why not muslim women?

I predicted this was gonna happen - there is a limit to so much non-sense the indegenous people of this country can take coming from muslims and foreigners.....and yes i am a foreigner.

Nickg said:
not really. its about the differences between muslim culture and western culture.

if you went to a muslim country, you would respect their "culture", which has a religious base. therefore, if you had to take your shoes off to enter certain buildings, then in all likeliness you would take your shoes off, as opposed to suing them for descrimination.

the western culture has a base in religion, but is also upon other customs which have become the norm in our society. handshakes, business dress, etc have all become part of our culture, and are arguably as important to us, as the culture which has become common in other countries.

so what is it about these muslims who believe that their culture is more important, or righteous than ours? they have chosen to uproot and move into another culture, and yet are not willing to make their sacrifices in order to fit in and allow our country to move forward. reducing the features which made it attractive for them to move here in the first place.

That was what I was tring to say, but sleep deprivation tested my powers of expression.

An example of the differences of Western and Muslim cultures for you from a female muslim friend of mine:

Unmarried Muslim girl gets pregnant in Europe. Options were:
1. Keep baby and become family outcast with no support.
2. Abort baby and family none the wiser.
She resentfully went for option 2.

In the West, marriage is becoming less of a prerequiste for child rearing.

Random thought, but what's the muslim stance on homosexuality?
Neil79 said:
Us muslims.... Well there ya go!

Actually a vast majority of the country agree with Straw.

Why do you muslims feel so untouchable , why do you have to make such a fuss when ANYTHING is said towards muslims ?

Hear, hear!

I am insulted when muslims laugh and express pride over the 7/7 bombings. Were these attrocities "Good Publicity" :mad:

Decent "British Muslims" should speak out against this behaviour, if not, they are as bad as the bombers.

Being a British Citizen is more than living here. Its about loyalty, heritage and giving and taking, rather than just taking.

Our grandparents fought to maintain these values

Its simple.... all radicals sputing hate about this country..... if you don't like it - leave.
weeble said:
Random thought, but what's the muslim stance on homosexuality?

Death in a painful and barbaric way - hanging to death, stoning to death, toturing to death, infact anything that brings about death slowly and painfully. :)
ElRazur said:
Death in a painful and barbaric way - hanging to death, stoning to death, toturing to death, infact anything that brings about death slowly and painfully. :)

Death by being strung up by the nads. :eek:
I have no problem with what Straw suggests, infact I would like to add capital punishment and treason to those who go off from the UK to fight UK soldiers n Afghan etc.
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