Jack Straw has the right idea!

What a lot of the muslims don't seem to realise (or they do and are being deliberately provocative) is that covering the face is offensive and has conotations of evil in Western culture. For instance, armed robbers and Irish terrorists often wear balaclavas, executioners used to wear hoods and the Klu Klux Klan wear hoods. People cover their faces when they don't want to be identified and therefore, it is virtually impossible to trust them.

On another issue which I don't think has been mentioned is that of security. Jack Straw is a high profile former cabinet minister and as such I think it is literally inconceivable to allow someone into his prescence that hasn't been frisked and identified. Is it Mrs Muhammed the Burnley housewife or Mr Muhammed the Jihadist under the veil, who the **** knows without looking?
Neil79 said:
Us muslims.... Well there ya go!

Actually a vast majority of the country agree with Straw.

Why do you muslims feel so untouchable , why do you have to make such a fuss when ANYTHING is said towards muslims ?

Crikey :eek:..chill out...

For the record i dont feel untouchable so please do me a favour and get off your high horse. If other muslims feel untouchable then thats their program, not mine.
I kinda agree with Straw anyways, i can see that most people...non muslims that is;) would have a problem with anything to do with islam...not just the veil bit.

Weeble the islamic standpoint on homosexuality in case you dont know is that its frowned upon and is not permitted within islam. But as you know or heard most will concentrate on the punishements dished out the homosexuals rather than the reasons for it being frowned upon.
Spawn said:
But as you know or heard most will concentrate on the punishements dished out the homosexuals rather than the reasons for it being frowned upon.
Ah so stoning to death is okay because there are good reasons for it... thanks for clearing that up :)
Spawn said:
Weeble the islamic standpoint on homosexuality in case you dont know is that its frowned upon and is not permitted within islam. But as you know or heard most will concentrate on the punishements dished out the homosexuals rather than the reasons for it being frowned upon.

Hello spawn......**swivels in chair side to side** so we meet again?

Look i dont like homo too but the capital punishment over something that it would appear they cant change is just unjustifiable. See that's another reason why Islam is backward and need to catch up with times.
Those Kill-the-gays rule was written thousand of years ago when we barely know how much we know today. Same thing goes for animals labelled as "unclean" by quran and bible. :)
AndyOcUK said:
Hear, hear!

I am insulted when muslims laugh and express pride over the 7/7 bombings. Were these attrocities "Good Publicity" :mad:

Decent "British Muslims" should speak out against this behaviour, if not, they are as bad as the bombers.

Being a British Citizen is more than living here. Its about loyalty, heritage and giving and taking, rather than just taking.

Our grandparents fought to maintain these values

Its simple.... all radicals sputing hate about this country..... if you don't like it - leave.

Sorry to say but 7/7 wasnt done by muslims nor terrorists.
There paid by the goverment, dont believe everything you read in the media. Did you know 3 of the major UK newpapers cheif editors are on the pay roll for Mi5?
leaskovski said:
Cool, get woman to dress in head veil thingy, rob bank, no one can see her face, gets away with it! :D

Exactly - we can't do anything we'd ask a white person to do. Political correctness dictates that to apply the laws of this country to muslims would be racist.

I resent this as I am not racist at all.

Its political correctness and lack of integration, mutual respect and tolerance gone mad.
ElRazur said:
Hello spawn......**swivels in chair side to side** so we meet again?

Look i dont like homo too but the capital punishment over something that it would appear they cant change is just unjustifiable. See that's another reason why Islam is backward and need to catch up with times.
Those Kill-the-gays rule was written thousand of years ago when we barely know how much we know today. Same thing goes for animals labelled as "unclean" by quran and bible. :)

So its ok for jamaicans and other non muslims to go around gay bashing then is it??...swings and roundabouts really isnt it??.
Has there been any claims or incidents where a gay person in the UK has been stoned or beheaded by a group of muslims??...i dont think there has been as of yet. a lot of these punishements are dished out in countries that are quite backward compared to us. Their laws and judicial system is ten times worse than say here in the uk. Hell i dont agree with the punishments either as they are barbaric and quite evil but the people doing such punishments are imo ignorant and quite backward in what they think...these preachers have some pretty good ways of brainwashing people. I wonder why i was never brainwashed...oh yeh probably because i was raised in a western country rather than back home.
Im sure the same thing happens over there in Nigeria does it not El??, so who or what do u blame that on??. Peoples ignorance or the people in charge...and im not talking about muslims/islam here. Im sure there are some pretty evil stuff happening in Nigeria...or was at one point.

Dirtydog said:
Yes I think you did

PMSL so you *think* i did...riiiiigghht....either i did or i didnt..so what is it??.
Teki187 said:
There paid by the goverment, dont believe everything you read in the media. Did you know 3 of the major UK newpapers cheif editors are on the pay roll for Mi5?

Yeah, the world is flat and run by the illuminaties, elvis is alive, man never landed on the moon and tupac is in jamaica smoking weed.

Please start a new thread on this whole idea, I would like to discuss such issues but as mentioned above I think it is just way too far off topic for this thread. :)
Teki187 said:
There paid by the goverment, dont believe everything you read in the media. Did you know 3 of the major UK newpapers cheif editors are on the pay roll for Mi5?
If you have proof that our own government carried out the July 7 2005 attacks then maybe you should start a thread rather than derail this one :) I am guessing you have no proof though so it's probably best to knock it on the head now...
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