Jack Straw has the right idea!

ElRazur said:
Yeah, the world is flat and run by the illuminaties, elvis is alive, man never landed on the moon and tupac is in jamaica smoking weed.

Never said that, but illuminaties and man never landing on the moon is true to some extent. The internet is a powerfull tool for research.
dirtydog said:
If you have proof that our own government carried out the July 7 2005 attacks then maybe you should start a thread rather than derail this one :) I am guessing you have no proof though so it's probably best to knock it on the head now...

Wasnt my intention to derail, so im sorry about that.
AJUK said:

Please start a new thread on this whole idea, I would like to discuss such issues but as mentioned above I think it is just way too far off topic for this thread. :)

Agreed - move along or be deleted. :)
Spawn said:
So its ok for jamaicans and other non muslims to go around gay bashing then is it??...swings and roundabouts really isnt it??.

No it is not and i havent at any time on the firum implied so. Remember Shabba ranks? his career ended over that gay bashing incident on tv.

Has there been any claims or incidents where a gay person in the UK has been stoned or beheaded by a group of muslims??...i dont think there has been as of yet. a lot of these punishements are dished out in countries that are quite backward compared to us. Their laws and judicial system is ten times worse than say here in the uk. Hell i dont agree with the punishments either as they are barbaric and quite evil but the people doing such punishments are imo ignorant and quite backward in what they think...these preachers have some pretty good ways of brainwashing people. I wonder why i was never brainwashed...oh yeh probably because i was raised in a western country rather than back home.

There wouldnt be as the law as you pointed out wouldnt allow it and like you said, we aint brainwashed over here.

Im sure the same thing happens over there in Nigeria does it not El??, so who or what do u blame that on??. Peoples ignorance or the people in charge...and im not talking about muslims/islam here. Im sure there are some pretty evil stuff happening in Nigeria...or was at one point.

You are right to some extent. As of two years ago, there was an international outcry over a judgement that was dished out in a sharia court in nigeria - basically, a woman was to be stoned to death because of adultery! (please feel free to look it up)

The problem with nigeria is this - we have a democratic government overall but some MUSLIM state unofficially opt out and choose to practise sharia law instead. On top of that, we have constant tribal and religious tension hence why the president was unable to do jack about the sharia incident because he is seem as not from that tribe and not a muslim.

If you are saying this people are backward and barbaric...aint it the same quran they read as you or perhaps they have a different understanding as to you and me? I mean the quran frowns on homos- they followed that, the quran recommend the ultimate punishment - they did exactly that....perhaps im getting it wrong.
This whole caper has just reminded me of how I very nearly ruined my holiday actually, Kinda seething again just remembering it.

Saturday afternoon last week I was walking down the high street in my town after doing a little shopping for the remainder of the goodies I needed to go abroad, nearly home and I stop at a crossing behind a presumably muslim woman (headscarf and veil again) her husband who is pushing a pushchair, and their perhaps nine year old daughter...

speaking 'forn so I have no idea what was said, but the Little girl said something to her mother (who ignored her) and about five seconds after she said it her father PUNCHED her in the side of the head with enough force to almost knock her over, I was incredibly angry when I saw it and sorely tempted to give him a crack around the face himself, his wife visibly flinched when he did it, but said nothing, when the crossing went he grabbed the girl and dragged her over the road.

I love kids (mostly) and am not against the occasional smack across the legs for serious behaviour, but nearly flattening a nine year old?

Quite honestly if I'd not been going abroad the next day I'd probably be in the cop shop for a 'racially motivated attack' right now :(
Teki187 said:
Never said that, but illuminaties and man never landing on the moon is true to some extent. The internet is a powerfull tool for research.

Dons tin-foil hat, nope, I can still feel the rays altering my brain, where did I put my spare lead hat? :D
EDIT: Man never landed on the moon to SOME extent? What does that mean :confused:

Deep breathe:Back on topic.
I have thought of a analogy in relation to muslim women wearing a burka (SP?), here on internet forums it is well known we use a lot of emoicons to display the context and meaning of our posts, otherwise things can be easily misconstrued. The same could easily apply to women wearing burkas, which is what Mr Straw is saying.
If I'm honest it really doesn't bother me at all. Then again I feel little sense of identity in any country. I do however accept that people should make the effort to integrate themselves into the society in which they are wanting to be part of. Now as everyone knows I'm hugely pro-arab but I still believe that some effort should be made to not stand out and live your life in a more western world and without going OTT. If people from the western world visit the middle east, much to my joy people do make the effort to behave and interact in the way they are expected to in those countries. It's only right.

A multi-cultural hotpot like the UK is it's only normal that so many bits of tollerances have to be adopted. But the effort goes both ways. People from other cultural backgrounds should *not* expect to be treated any more specially than anyone else - however there should not be undue discrimination towards people wanting to intergrate, certainly not if they are making the effort.

People who do not make the effort I can understand the reticence that people have towards such groups.

I think we're not making it easy on them, and they are not making it easy on themselves. I must concede the point that we are not a muslim country and that a bit of respect and regard towards the natives of the UK is a valid request.

I do not think however that they should not be welcomed to the UK. I do not think that they should not be allowed to have their mosques/chapels/synagogues/etc... I do not think they should not be able to have their specialist shops and so on and have little communities of their own.

I do think that as along as they make the effort to integrate themselves it's awesome. We have some fabulous cultures which offer so much diversity to the UK I find it wonderful. At the same time I concede that people who have been here a long time shouldn't have to bend over or make sacrifices, but a bit of give and take is possible nonetheless. I mean this for all cultures, Africa, Caribbean, Asian, Middle Eastern, European everything....

I don't think they are taking over - the UK has enough culture to hold it's own, it won't get diluted. It's all about balance and being fair to one another.
Freefaller said:
I do not think they should not be able to have their specialist shops and so on and have little communities of their own.

"Little communities of their own" is exactly the Problem.... deliberate and purposeful segregation from the norms and culture of the very country they HAVE CHOSEN to settle in. :confused:
Could all people wishing to discuss midgets, moon landings, mulder, sculley and such please move to the appropriate thread with immediate effect. This is the third time you have been asked


OcUK TechDept. ;)
ElRazur said:
...aint it the same quran they read as you or perhaps they have a different understanding as to you and me?

Exactly...my understanding and their understanding is different because my Imam used to explain the Quran and its verses in such a way that it didnt cause any offence nor did it brainwash us. Thats the big difference there, some people choose to interpret the Quran to suit their own ends and agendas...ive always said this...im kinda wondering why i bother anymore as it seems no one can quite grasp the concept yet in here. Or perhaps people are too blinded by their own ignorance and prejudice...god knows.
The same goes for any other holy book, the crusades back so many yrs ago were done on the back the Bible and its interpretations was it not?.

Also one thing a lot of people seem to forget and im sure FF can back me up on this but Arabic is a very hard and almost impossible language to interpret into english...in that case do we ban the use of Arabic or any other language??...only a matter of time before someone has a problem with other non english languages lol. Even my punjabi and urdu can be quite difficult to interpret to my friends when they come over for some food and it can be quite a difficult task in trying to explain to them without offending them etc.
Spawn said:
The same goes for any other holy book, the crusades back so many yrs ago were done on the back the Bible and its interpretations was it not?.

Or was it to reclaim the most holy place in Christendom?

>| Raoh |<
AndyOcUK said:
"Little communities of their own" is exactly the Problem.... deliberate and purposeful segregation from the norms and culture of the very country they HAVE CHOSEN to settle in. :confused:

No no no - not at all. You can have you're little communities and still integrate in society. The problem is that we're not giving them the chance, and they are not making it easy on themselves to try and integrate. Personally I think it's great walking through london as there are different "areas" - that is totally awesome. But then again I come from a very broad multicultural background so maybe it's more oblivious to me. The fact is I've never had any issues of "getting on" with different social/cultural groups probably helps.

Do you have different circles of friends? I do. I have some I know in different walks of lifes - different backgrounds etc... it doesn't stop me mingling with friends from other mutual connections. i.e. my skydiving friends and I have a certain relationship which is completely different and cliquey I guess compared to my rugby friends. Yet I get on with both, and they get on with each other... It's exactly the same.
Spawn said:

I see what you mean and honsetly today is friday, plus the fact that you are my forum buddy now, i dont wanna go in to this. I am getting tired of hearing islam come up on the news and intraweb all the time :p Perhaps we should pick on another religion like Arikrishna...im sure they most have a flaw!

Seriously spawn, we gonna disagree to agree. Lets leave this for another thread. Before i go bear in mind that wearing a burka or head cover aint exactly an islamic thing, it is more or less a tradition that happens to be in a place where islam was from.
Spawn said:
Also one thing a lot of people seem to forget and im sure FF can back me up on this but Arabic is a very hard and almost impossible language to interpret into english...in that case do we ban the use of Arabic or any other language??...only a matter of time before someone has a problem with other non english languages lol. Even my punjabi and urdu can be quite difficult to interpret to my friends when they come over for some food and it can be quite a difficult task in trying to explain to them without offending them etc.

Unless a language has the same roots, i.e. Latin, Greek etc... there will always be limitations to the interpretation/translation/transliteration between them. So you have to do your best and try and transcribe the meaning from you're own interpretation - and unfortunately that often dilutes or causes problems.

On a slight OT - read The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam - it has been translated into english in such a wonderful way that if only all translations were the same...
RaohNS said:
We both know that that is false

>| Raoh |<

No i know that you know its true;) and its definitely not false imho. But ill leave it there as invariably it will take the topic OT and im sure thats not what people want here.

So please lets carry on with the islamic bashing:p:D \o/
ElRazur said:
I see what you mean and honsetly today is friday, plus the fact that you are my forum buddy now, i dont wanna go in to this. I am getting tired of hearing islam come up on the news and intraweb all the time :p Perhaps we should pick on another religion like Arikrishna...im sure they most have a flaw!

Seriously spawn, we gonna disagree to agree. Lets leave this for another thread. Before i go bear in mind that wearing a burka or head cover aint exactly an islamic thing, it is more or less a tradition that happens to be in a place where islam was from.

Agreed :), we all seem to have differing opinions on the whole islamic thing and of course im going to be biased as im a muslim myself and yes i do get a bit heated especially when people make un-founded or ignorant claims about islam....i always find its better to do some research before commenting on a topic or subject:).

But anyways agree to disagree and plus im fasting today so im a bit ratty today...cant smoke so stress levels have gone through the roof today...:(:p. So apologies for any silly posts or comments ive made today...
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