Jack Straw has the right idea!


if they want to wear there vail , I dont see a problem with it.

his excuse for asking them to remove it is bull ,

"He said watching facial expressions was an important part of contact between people"

what does he do when hes on the phone ?
Roughneck said:

if they want to wear there vail , I dont see a problem with it.

his excuse for asking them to remove it is bull ,

"He said watching facial expressions was an important part of contact between people"

what does he do when hes on the phone ?

Facial expressions ARE an important factor when talking to people. Just because its different on a phone it doesnt mean that its good to be talking to a pair of eyes through a veil
Hedge said:
Facial expressions ARE an important factor when talking to people. Just because its different on a phone it doesnt mean that its good to be talking to a pair of eyes through a veil

look he doesnt need to look at people faces when hes on the phone ,

whats hes point?
Roughneck said:
look he doesnt need to look at people faces when hes on the phone ,

whats hes point?
Perhaps because on the phone, neither person has an advantage or disadvantage over the other in that respect.
Another reader asked: "Once in the holy month of Ramadan, I forgot to brush my teeth, and some tiny bits of food remained in my mouth. I swallowed the bits unintentionally. Do I have to perform the qaḍa (repent) for that day's fast?"

"If you did not know that some bits of food remained between the teeth, or you did not know that they would reach the throat, and they were swallowed unknowingly and unintentionally, then you are not liable to make (repent) of the fast," said Khamein

The underlying argument here is the covering of the face. Its nothing to do with race or religeon but culture.

The fact here is that in our culture, anyone hiding their face has some sort of "shifty" reason for hiding it e.g. Rapists, muggers, bank robbers etc, etc.

This has been a typical aspect of our culture for years. Bringing a religion/ culture to a country that is hugely different should be done in the acceptance that certain aspects of it should be "modified" in order to respect the cultures of the country that is welcoming them.

If they cannot/ will not accept this, do not come here... move to a place where the culture you wish to live in is the Tradition. Do not move a a place that is hugely different and expect the natives to accept your culture when you will not accept/ respect theirs.

If i went into my bank wearing my crash helmet or a ski mask/ balaclava... what do you think would happen????

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no where near enough actually! :D

Just makes me so :mad: when there is no give and take. They can wear what they like for all I care but covering your face in a society/ culture where the the first instinct covering your face raises is suspicion is only asking for trouble. Its rude - at best!!!!

If I entered a mosque without taking my shoes off, that would be rude - which is why i would remove them.

It simply riles me.
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I agree, they shouldn’t wear them in public in the UK.. I've tried interviewing a few Muslim women wearing these and it’s really hard to read their reactions and sometimes to even understand what their saying even when they do speak English. :mad:
Van_Dammesque said:
From the article:

I don't think I am allowed to post what Im thinking! :o :eek: :D

Archaic beliefs, unbelievable.

Why are they, while you are fasting you are meant to abstain from food,water and shock horror sex, your mind is meant to be in a clear state of mind,you can however give your missus a good seeing too, after you have opened your fast, dont see the problem tbh.

Catholocism also frowns upon those who partake in the 5 nuckle shuffle.

I dont see the point of the link posted by CBS, all it serves is to whip up some more hysteria.Islam isnt the only faith that partakes in a some form of fasting.
Tinders said:
Why are they, while you are fasting you are meant to abstain from food,water and shock horror sex, your mind is meant to be in a clear state of mind,you can however give your missus a good seeing too, after you have opened your fast, dont see the problem tbh.
Contary to religous belief, the mind works better if is has fuel, starving yourself during daylight hours is, quite frankly, pointless to the point where it is stupidity.
Why do the muslims fast anyway? Don't tell me, I do not wish to know why, the fact that they do with no obvious health benefits is enough for me to dismiss it as stupidity.

Catholocism also frowns upon those who partake in the 5 nuckle shuffle.
Firstly I find catholocism equally as archaic and pointless, the reason why they do not like the knuckle shuffle is becuae they thought semen contains small humans and the shuffle would be killing humans!

I dont see the point of the link posted by CBS, all it serves is to whip up some more hysteria.Islam isnt the only faith that partakes in a some form of fasting.
Hysteria? Or rather pointing out what the archaic, backward and pointless practices are employed by these strict religions. And to come to this country and have the law and society expected to bow down to these people is not acceptable tbh.
I think it's time we integrated with the muslims, after all they are ALWAYS right, and they think just because they are immigrants shouldn't stop them turning England into an islamic state. How long before a banks held up by a gang wearing veils? Letting my mind wonder a bit, shouldn't there be islamic olympics? We have the real olympics, the gay olympics (who did win the 100m mince?) so why not the islamic one, the 100 metres breast stroke could be interesting (and open to cheating) the winner is the female(?) all in black with brown eyes
Van_Dammesque said:
Hysteria? Or rather pointing out what the archaic, backward and pointless practices are employed by these strict religions. And to come to this country and have the law and society expected to bow down to these people is not acceptable tbh.

In what way are you bowing down to me when im fasting, thats a personal thing between me and my god, who are you to tell me what is right and wrong in this matter.

We do not set our yardstick by Catholicism

This is a Christian country, the religion by default defines the yard stick.
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wohoo said:
In what way are you bowing down to me when im fasting, thats a personal thing between me and my god, who are you to tell me what is right and wrong.
You miss understand me, I was talking about the religion as a whole, not just fasting.
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