MookJong said:I really havn't made my mind up on this issue, I can see both sides of the story really.
I agree with Jack Straw asking people to remove their vails when he is having a face to face conversation with them. Looking at somones face when you interact is a a very natural thing and I think it is disrespectful to the person you are talking to if you hide away.
I'm not sure why so many people are talking about racism however, this issue has very little to do with race. A white, black or Asian woman following Islam could equally be wearing a vail.
The issue is about culture not race, wearing a vail or hiding you hair is not part of traditional British culture, however it is part of Islamic culture, so how do we say who is right. We have three choices really:
1. Let all cultures in this country practice all non violent customs and traditions.
2. Ask other cultures to meet us half way by not practasing tradiotions on a daily basis that are very much against our own culture. Practicing them for special occasions is tolorated.
3. Oultlaw anything not seen to be traditionally British
As far as I'm concerened things have moved on from a hundreds of years ago, the key values of religion are still important but superficial practices are neither here nor there and hopefully over time will be relaxed and forgotten about.
Anyone getting themselfs too worked up about this needs to chill out and worry about their own lives a bit more.
Excellent post there MookJong and pretty much how I feel about it.