Jehovahs Witnesses

Am well ignorant in these circumstances and don't even open the door. I just sit at my desk and shout **** OFF as loud as i can. Then if they continue to knock i have a look and see if it's anyone important.
I should say that knowone comes to my front door but strangers and the police and i live alone.

Having said that i was happily caught out the other week which has created a serious dilemna in my head.
I opens the door and two women were there. One being the obligatory granny but the other being a totally hot women. :D She was lovely, real clean looking and sweet with a fantastic look in her eye that had me wondering all sorts of things why i stood and chatted.
The main thing i wondered was how the hell does an odvious Nomar like me get inside her pantys. :p

Needless to say i have reviewed my welcoming method to my front door and look out for her most days. :p
VeNT said:
love that, the bit when they come round the next day and mannys there looking like jesus

Gotta love Black Books :)


I'm afraid Witnesses get about the same reaction from me that cold telesales callers do. That is, contempt, and probably some choice phrasing. The only difference is I'll tell them to their face instead of over the phone.

In principle, I have no problem at all with JWs. They're welcome to believe whatever they want. But I don't go knocking on their door trying to shove my religious beliefs down their throats, and I expect the same courtesy from them. If I want to discuss their religion (and hell will freeze over first), I'll find them and ask. In the meantime, leave me alone, dammit. That's all I want - people that think they're entitled to ring me or knock on my door 'selling' whatever rubbish it is this week to leave me alone.

And I'm not very tolerant of those that don't. If you don't want an unpleasant reception, don't knock on my door peddling this garbage. Go commune with your God, or something, but do it someplace that isn't my doorstep.
Yeah man, invite them in and offer them a drink, sit there with a bifter, listening to hard techno.

I normally say go away, I mean the crappy leaflet they give you, it shows all these people hugging lions and such living in paradise. It is a load of bull, it aint gonna happen.

There is no point having a rubbish life and sacrificing and living in hope of something better at the end.

I say enjoy yourself as much as possible. My morals are quite high anyway, almost Christian.
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Is it JW convert-a-punter week or something? They were round mine on Friday, I answered the door in my pants and best sleep t-shirt, baby sick dribbling down one shoulder.

JW1, "How do you feel about the state of the world at the moment?"
Me, "To be honest, I think it's a bloody mess"
JW2, "Really, do you think it could improve?"
Me, "It's going to get worse before it gets better"
JW1 "have you thought about letting Jehovah into your life"
Me "let me stop you right there....."
JW2 "But...."
Me "Really, no thanks. Bye"

I am now the proud owner of an "Awake" magazine. Apparently I need to love more. :D

What happened to "The Watchtower"?
reflex said:
Damn..5,11 and 9 stone! haha.

When J.W's knock here i say "If you touch my property again im going to put my willy in your ear!" Or just close the door in there face.. :p

Can you lift your computer? :eek:

I'm 2 stone more than you at the same height and I've got no fat on me at all.
Invited both JW's and Mormons in quite a few times because I like a good theology argument.
I have quite a few JW mates who are quite normal and I've helped with the construction of two Kingdom Halls (doing the PA Systems).
I've even gigged with my bands at 3 different JW functions.
Spreading the word is part of their religion - if you can't just say no then its your fault - theres no need to hark on about it.
The most surreal visit I had was when one of them spotted my Gibson Les Paul and said he had one back home in Sweden but wouldn't see it for another two years.
I invited him in for a quick go and he was absolutely brilliant and his mate had no idea he could do that.
georges said:
Can you lift your computer? :eek:

I'm 2 stone more than you at the same height and I've got no fat on me at all.

Yeah i can, iv always been underweight, its ironic as i eat loads and hardly do any exercise. When i used to do boxing, i put on a fair bit of muscle but was still underweight!
There was a Joey working as a cleaner where I worked & she tried to get me interested lol as I am Atheist, it seems their children are not permitted to celebrate birthdays or Xmas & also not allowed to attend morning assembly at school & have to sit outside the door.

She gave me a book to read which pointed out that the Earth is only £7000 years old & that Dinosaurs cannot be millions of years old as generally perceived lol ! The bit that really bugs me about about religious sects like Joeys is when they go to such extremes as rather letting their child die than allow a blood transfusion, I know two families broken apart because one partner got sucked into the sect & the other wasn't interested.

It seems that J W's survived the the blitz during the war because they were always stood in doorways :p
oxygene said:
For a start they dont gable so thats BS.

Also I think its nice people actually give others a chance to explain, like the first guy. I was actually happy to see smeone interested in something outside there own tiny box of how they have been brought up. I think a lot of people on this thread are just plain stupid and inconsiderate. JW from their point of view are doing a hell of a lot better job then other christians, cause it does infact say to "spread the word" in the bible. so all other christians that dont are hypocritial idiots.

And NO I am not a JW, I am just someone a little more considerate then others
He was taking the **** you plank!

If they were considerate for me, they wouldn't come bashing at my door like Christians also do trying to argue with me - "I'm gay, your religion doesn't allow that" - "Oh, God is all forgiv..."

Yeah, sod off.
Kroegen said:

Well today, at like 10am, im in the middle of eating my breakfast, and the door bell rings. I thought it was the posty so i ran to the door, but then i find out its Jehovahs Witnesses.

They looked abit parched, so i offered them in for a drink. We had some tea, and were reading the "Watch Tower" they had with them. It was very a heart warming experience. I have never met any type of people who will sacrafice soo much of there time to there religion. I respect them for that. Also yo ucan have a very deep chat about all kinds of things, like evolution and have a good discussion :p

Have you had them round before?

I've always found them to be very polite and friendly. I just explain to them that I'm not really religious and they accept that and go on their way.
Despite my mocking earlier, I have had the pleasure of the company of a few Jehova's Witnesses on many occasions as my mother has a friend who is deeply religious.

I quite enjoy a good debate about some of the core beliefs of the religion and it's nice to be abe to have a challenging conversatoin without anyone getting arsey about something someone disagrees with. Much the same with any religion, I couldn't personally put my faith in something in quite the way that they do, but I respect them for doing so.
oxygene said:
For a start they dont gable so thats BS.

Also I think its nice people actually give others a chance to explain, like the first guy. I was actually happy to see smeone interested in something outside there own tiny box of how they have been brought up. I think a lot of people on this thread are just plain stupid and inconsiderate. JW from their point of view are doing a hell of a lot better job then other christians, cause it does infact say to "spread the word" in the bible. so all other christians that dont are hypocritial idiots.

And NO I am not a JW, I am just someone a little more considerate then others
Where, in the bible, does it say "keep knocking on people's doors despite having been asked, politely and repeatedly, not to". Where does it say "ignore signs saying 'NO Jehovah's Witnesses'? Where does it say to make a thorough-going nuisance of yourself by pestering people.

I've been interrupted in the middle of my dinner by JWs. I've been got out of the bath by them. I've been interrupted in the middle of important business calls. I was even interrupted 'on the job' on one occasion, and I do NOT appreciate that. :mad:

Unless you can find where in the Bible it says to pester people that have made it clear they don't want to listen to the stuff your spouting, then perhaps "other Christians" just aren't as arrogant and inconsiderate as to try to stuff their beliefs down people's throats, whether they want it or not.

I respect anyone's right to hold whatever religious beliefs they want. On occasion, I'll even debate it with them. I do NOT respect people's right to pester me in my own home, despite having made it clear numerous times that I don't want to hear it.

As soon as JWs start showing me a little respect and courtesy by leaving me alone, I'll start showing them some. Meantime, I've had year after year of their pestering, and I'm sick to the back teeth of them. They're a right nuisance, and when they come to my door, they'd better be prepared for a VERY unfriendly welcome, because they are certainly going to get it. The very best they can expect if they catch me in a very mellow mood is "not interested" and a slammed door.
Sequoia said:
I've been interrupted in the middle of my dinner by JWs. I've been got out of the bath by them. I've been interrupted in the middle of important business calls. I was even interrupted 'on the job' on one occasion, and I do NOT appreciate that. :mad:


I think it's one of the ten commandments: "Respect thy neighbour" or whatever it is.

I remember my mum telling me about some JWs she let in once. It was around Christmas time and the children were staring amazed at the tree and the presents under it. Makes me feel so sorry for those children unlucky enough to be born to gullible parents.
This place seriously makes me cringe. They are the nicest people you will ever meet, a hell of a lot nicer then anyone else I have met, and they are jsut doing what they think right, and following their religeon a lot more to the letter then any other hypocrit "christians". The least people can do is say "sorry I am not interested" and be nice to the people who have such a hard time doing what is right.
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