Joe Lycett - Qatar/Beckham debate

I lived in the UAE for 12 years, the amount of closet homosexuals there is ridiculous. So many locals are married to their cousin or what not and have boyfriends. Never seen anything like it. I was speaking to a teacher that told me she caught boys at school on multiple occasions touching each other up in the class room! I don’t know if it’s repression or what.

It’s also normal for men to hold hands, play with each others fingers or ears in public, you see this a lot in the Indian/ Pakistani community over there. For men from the Gulf it’s a common greeting to touch each other nose to nose.

Gay guys that I knew said it was one of the best places for them to be, they couldn’t scream out loud that they were gay but guys wearing make up and clearly looking gay was not an issue at all. The Middle East really is a strange place.
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It’s also normal for men to hold hands, play with each others fingers or ears in public, you see this a lot in the Indian/ Pakistani community over there.
That's not sexual. It's a cultural thing showing closeness and loyalty between best friends.
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Absolutely, have you watched Fifa Uncovered on Netflix? Corrupt to the core.

As backdated as their views and principals may be, who are we to say they should change their own country just because we want to visit? If I had a friend who brought their children over and they jumped on the sofa, scribbled on the walls, peed in the plants and screamed the place down and I said you can't do that in my house, stop - "but we get to do this in our house" was the reply, would you bend and allow it? Of course not.

It's simple - don't go there. Perhaps, given enough time the country will see that their views and laws are incongruent with the rest of modern society and will learn to change. Or give them money, that seems to work.

It’s not someone’s house. It’s a public international event with majority support from nations with a “liberal” tradition. If you can’t be a reasonably hospitable, don’t apply to host the tournament.
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Its a world cup, not european cup not everyone believes in liberal values.

The vast majority of footballing nations do. Or at least don’t threaten homosexuals with the law.
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It’s not someone’s house. It’s a public international event with majority support from nations with a “liberal” tradition. If you can’t be reasonably hospitable, don’t apply to host the tournament.
This is spot on, and it's why UEFA will fine clubs if their fans sing songs or chants that are deemed offensive, even if they aren't deemed offensive in that particular host country where the tie is being played. If those clubs want to take part in a UEFA competition then they need to meet UEFA expectations and standards.
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Its a world cup, not european cup not everyone believes in liberal values.
Such a cop-out for seemingly accepting that some countries discriminate and/or outright murder people for being born a certain way as 'cultural'.

Culture is an inherently unstable affair thankfully else we'd still be subsisting on wild animals, potentially poisonous foliage and dying of dysentery/syphilis constantly.
One that comes to mind is the legal voting age. Why can you legally work full time, join the armed forces and get married at 16 in E&W (changing in E&W next year but valid just now) but cannot vote until 18?

To me, that's age discrimination in law
One that comes to mind is the legal voting age. Why can you legally work full time, join the armed forces and get married at 16 in E&W (changing in E&W next year but valid just now) but cannot vote until 18?

To me, that's age discrimination in law
That isn't what you said.

Plenty of countries, including the UK, discriminate people for being born a certain way.
Any examples?
Fair point... My initial point wasn't limiting it to examples in law but I see that's a fair request given its Qatari law we are comparing.
That isn't what you said.

Any examples?
Positive discrimination in disabled job laws due to someone being born disabled- ?

If you are going to accept a country in the club and then all vote to see who hosts… then respect the outcome of the vote.
If you’re not going to accept the result… don’t be in the vote/organisation.
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