Joe Lycett - Qatar/Beckham debate

Never been there but you can drink in other countries within the UAE (Dubai etc) so hardly a stretch is it?
Qatar isn’t in the UAE, and nor is Dubai a country within the UAE.

The UAE (United Arab Emirates) is a country comprised of 7 emirates. An emirate should be considered akin to a state within the USA (although with slightly different governing rules).

Dubai is a city within the emirate of Dubai.

Qatar is a country that borders the UAE.
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So, the private super rich "boxes" will be served whatever alcohol they want, but regular fans cant have anything. LMFAO, doesn't get more hypocritical Qatar than that really.
I was just checking and I know it is a little last minute but you are looking at 1k a seat return to Qatar and 500 to a grand a night for a hotel. I guess supply and demand but what do you expect when you host the biggest world tournament in a place smaller than the size of West Yorkshire. Haha.

If England would make it to the final you would need tens of thousands to just go there and support. I will be surprised if we even have 5 digit fans over there for the tournament. Say a family of 4 would go that's 4 grand in plane tickets, 10 grand in hotel, several thousand for tickets and spending money in a country where your scenery is basically desert.

Well done Fifa.

So, the private super rich "boxes" will be served whatever alcohol they want, but regular fans cant have anything. LMFAO, doesn't get more hypocritical Qatar than that really.

There is no such thing as a regular fan in Qatar. You have to be super gucci belt level rich to go out there to watch the football.
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Does Budweiser even count as beer?
They should let the winning nation host the world cup and if they don't want it then keep going down the ranking order until someone does
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This is now becoming quite funny.

Indeed, as if it wasn't already bad enough, they've made themselves look like right idiots doing this at the 11th hour. In an attempt for the Royal Family to make themselves look powerful, they've made a laughing stock out of their own country and just perpetuate the stereotype that Islamic countries are backward humourless killjoys.

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, you can bet no Olympics or WC will ever be in an Islamic country again for several generations.
There is no such thing as a regular fan in Qatar. You have to be super gucci belt level rich to go out there to watch the football.
Have a look at the video posted recently of the "English" fans. Qatar will fill the stadiums with migrant workers pretending to be fans - and they'll probably dock the price of the football strip from their wages.
Have a look at the video posted recently of the "English" fans. Qatar will fill the stadiums with migrant workers pretending to be fans - and they'll probably dock the price of the football strip from their wages.

Yes I listened to a segment on Talk Sport yesterday. They couldn't even sing It's coming home which even my missus knows and she hates football.

I hope these stadiums are all basically empty so we can all laugh. Even though it isn't really a laughing matter as thousands would have died for a sham competition.
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I'm hearing that alcohol can be sold if you are in a corporate box. So wealthy people get to drink but poorer people are not allowed. What a lovely country.
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