Joe Lycett - Qatar/Beckham debate

You don't have to squeeze into some cheeks to be a homosexual. You do have to play snooker to be a snooker player.

I understand what you're trying to say, but you're doing a terrible job :cry:

Homosexual relationships are still illegal, but you can legally be a homosexual.

Is that not the dictionary definition of an oxymoron?
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Incorrect. Sodomy is illegal, and same-sex cohabitation iirc. Simply being a homosexual hasn't been illegal since 2004

This is not a very good point, though. I can judge the USA for their outrageously lacks gun laws without needing to go there (although I am there often). I can judge Israel for their illegal occupation of palestine. We have all the information necessary to make such a judgement. See how silly your stance is?
Judge the governments actions sure, but 300+ million odd people?

It doesn’t make any sense to sit at home and criticise a society you have never experienced.
Judge the governments actions sure, but 300+ million odd people?

It doesn’t make any sense to sit at home and criticise a society you have never experienced.
Who here is criticising 300 million people? Take a step back buddy, you're taking this too personally.

The criticism in this thread is at the Qatari government and FIFA (and Joe lycette).
Who here is criticising 300 million people? Take a step back buddy, you're taking this too personally.

The criticism in this thread is at the Qatari government and FIFA (and Joe lycette).
Exactly this I would be amazed if the average Qatari gave a stuff about what colour armband Harry Kane where’s or if some welsh fans want to wear crap hats in bright colours! They probably have real life stuff going on like everyone else in the world. The Qatari government have disappeared down a rabbit hole and FIFA have shown zero backbone in the face of large amounts of cash.
More hypocrisy... lots of the current critics are super happy to travel on gulf state-owned airlines, play for teams sponsored by (or owned by) gulf state royal family members/companies and of course willingly holiday in the gulf states ... or indeed take money from them themselves:

Gary Lineker, an outspoken critic of the Qatar World Cup, pocketed £1.6 million while working for the Gulf state's sports broadcaster.

The face of the BBC's World Cup coverage gave a 'virtue- signalling' monologue ahead of the tournament's opening match, singling out the host nation's record on human rights and migrant workers.

But it has emerged that he was paid £400,000 a year for four years from 2009 to 2013 by Al Jazeera, which is owned by the Qatari state. Lineker's contracts to front Champions League coverage for the channel – seen by The Daily Mail – included 'minimum 5-star hotels' and first-class flights if necessary.

He is said to have insisted on a one-week holiday each February to allow for his traditional trip to Barbados. Lineker's last deal with the Doha-based broadcaster was signed in August 2012 – 20 months after the controversial decision to hand Qatar the World Cup.

Rules for thee but not for mee......
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Who here is criticising 300 million people? Take a step back buddy, you're taking this too personally.

The criticism in this thread is at the Qatari government and FIFA (and Joe lycette).
Well some people on here are saying they will never visit Qatar, why would that be because of a "dodgy government" or because they don't like the people.

If the goverment does things a certain way, why wouldnt you visit the people and write the entire nation off completely as not worthy of a visit?
More hypocrisy... lots of the current critics are super happy to travel on gulf state-owned airlines, play for teams sponsored by (or owned by) gulf state royal family members/companies and of course willingly holiday in the gulf states ... or indeed take money from them themselves:

Rules for thee but not for mee......
All while heating their homes using Qatari gas.
Well some people on here are saying they will never visit Qatar, why would that be because of a "dodgy government" or because they don't like the people.

If the goverment does things a certain way, why wouldnt you visit the people and write the entire nation off completely as not worthy of a visit?
You can condem actions of governments whilst having different reasons for not wanting to ever go there, in my personal case with Qatar anyway.
You didnt say either way, just decided that the salient point from Dowie's post was his comment "rules for thee and not for me" and decided to interpret that as having something to do with the government.
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