right, here is my tuppence on this one... i'm not a keyboard warrior so i'm not gonna say i would have jumped out and drop kicked him, but i would have been tempted to try
there are 2 things going on here...
1. the zebra crossing should he/shouldnt he have been there
2. keying the car & the resulting punch in the face
starting with #1.
to all the people saying "pedestrians always have a right of way" crap, lets take another situation:
your average stopping distance at 20mph is 40ft(12m) (20ft thinking, 20ft stopping) taken from the highway code..
Mr pedestrian is joggin along the road listening to his MP3 player, not paying much attention to anything at all (usually how i jog along when i'm listening to music really until i reach a road)
Mr driver is happily doing the 30 limit along a nice clear road, sees the pedestrian walking along the road so slows to 20 incase the pedestrian decides he wants to cross.
at the last second the pedestrian decides he wants to cross the road, with the car 10 meters away from the crossing, and abruptly changes direction out onto the crossing.
now its about 2 meters that the jogger has to travel till he is right in the path of the car, plenty of time to get that distance before the car has had time to get there.
the pedestrian gets hit, who had right of way?
if there were witnesses, what would be said in court?
now for #2
irrelevant of whether you had right or way, or he had right of way, he shouldnt have keyed your car! thats just not on, criminal damage in any situation!
and whilst you
shouldnt have got out and smacked him one, it was justified!