Just had to punch a bloke in B&Q

Gilly said:
I find it very difficult to believe you.

However, if it is true, then you are what is the problem with our country. The fact that you let people walk all over you with no retaliation.

there IS retaliation, just not mindless violence, YOU are what is wrong with this county, all these people who think that THEY have the right to take the law into their OWN hands.
Just to post this little factual snippet into this:

A distant relation of mine (who my Dad works with) was travelling home along the East Lancs one night - NSL dual carriageway.

As anyone who is familiar with that particular road will know - there is a small string of shops at some point on the part between Liverpool and Haydock Park.

So, he was doing the posted speed limit at ~11.30pm when a scuffle broke out in front of those shops and one of those involved vaulted the railings there to escape - straight onto the bonnet of the car, where he died instantly.

IF the pedestrian had right of way, the person in question would have been in jail now. As it happens, he isnt - proof positive that this whole "pedestrians have right of way" nonesense is indeed just that - nonesense.

You WILL get out of the way of my ~1 Tonne killing machine thank you very much.
Overload said:
Isn't that what the OP did anyway (aswell as hitting him)?

the OP is no better off where as if he had done things RIGHT he could have sued the attacker and got the repairs payed for.
VeNT said:
mind if I return the favor?
You can if you like, but I fail to see where I've attacked you. :confused: You were the one, as you said, that descended into name calling.

Overload said:
Isn't that what the OP did anyway (aswell as hitting him)?
No idea, he didn't tell us what he did afterwards, unless I've missed it.
LoadsaMoney said:
i would have done more than punch the **** in the face,

/keyboard warrior mode
I've had my cars damaged 3 times but I was more subtle.

1 - The first time I was T-cutting it when I'd just had a new paint job and a woman came out with a dirty bucket of water and chucked it all over my car and started complaining about cars being in front of her house. I waited two weeks then started a campaign of throwing all my dogs poo over her back gate into her yard for well over a month.

2 - I was at a party and decided to leave because some lads there were getting out of hand. I'm a wimp and didn't want aggro and as I was driving off a thug ran out and kicked my car which left a huge dent. The thug was an assistant chef at a well known hotel in Stoke and he ended up paying for it with his wages because it was his bosses party. I waited 3 months and got my revenge. This was the early 80's and Ska was all the rage and he drove a scooter. He turned up for work and I turned on his scooter with stanley knife, pliers and cutters and completely wrecked it.

3 - I had an accident on a roundabout because some fool didn't know how to use one. The police weren't interested and the lad gave me his address. I turned up in the evening and showed his Dad the Highway Code on how to use roundabouts and his son admitted that he didn't do it properly (he was on the left side when he wanted to turn right and turned straight into me). His Dad laughed, admitted to his sons fault but said I wouldn't get a penny. Six months passed until I got my revenge. You guessed it, it was late at night and I set about their car with a stanley knife. I only knifed the tyres and knifed the bodywork this time.

So the next time this happens, find out where they live, bide your time and take your revenge.
It is much sweeter.
dmpoole said:
I've had my cars damaged 3 times but I was more subtle.

1 - The first time I was T-cutting it when I'd just had a new paint job and a woman came out with a dirty bucket of water and chucked it all over my car and started complaining about cars being in front of her house. I waited two weeks then started a campaign of throwing all my dogs poo over her back gate into her yard for well over a month.

2 - I was at a party and decided to leave because some lads there were getting out of hand. I'm a wimp and didn't want aggro and as I was driving off a thug ran out and kicked my car which left a huge dent. The thug was an assistant chef at a well known hotel in Stoke and he ended up paying for it with his wages because it was his bosses party. I waited 3 months and got my revenge. This was the early 80's and Ska was all the rage and he drove a scooter. He turned up for work and I turned on his scooter with stanley knife, pliers and cutters and completely wrecked it.

3 - I had an accident on a roundabout because some fool didn't know how to use one. The police weren't interested and the lad gave me his address. I turned up in the evening and showed his Dad the Highway Code on how to use roundabouts and his son admitted that he didn't do it properly (he was on the left side when he wanted to turn right and turned straight into me). His Dad laughed, admitted to his sons fault but said I wouldn't get a penny. Six months passed until I got my revenge. You guessed it, it was late at night and I set about their car with a stanley knife. I only knifed the tyres and knifed the bodywork this time.

So the next time this happens, find out where they live, bide your time and take your revenge.
It is much sweeter.

Cueball said:

/keyboard warrior mode

I can see it now...

Mohinder said:
I had a fight in B&Q once. One of the staff came up to me and asked if I wanted decking, so I got the first punch in and legged it.

LOL - I actually thought this thread was about this joke...

So as you can imagine after reading the rather serious openning post, I let out an almighty cackle when I saw your post! Legend!
Cueball said:
I can see it now...


Those should be Stanley knives.

There was a funny incident why I stopped the dog poo campaign.
At the time I lived in a Coronation Street type street where there was a 'backsies' between the back of my yard to the back of the other yards.
I'd pick our dogs poo up in a shovel, sneak over the 'backsies' and lob it over her gate and sneak back.
About a month later I was sneaking back when I saw a couple watching me who were there having a snog.
I said hello and stopped there and then :D
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VeNT said:
mind if I return the favor?
For what exactly?

Gilly merely stated that he thought you were delusional/naive. Your response was to call him something which required fully starring out. He was expressing his opinion of your comments within the context of the discussion whilst you were engaging in non-constructive name calling. There's a difference.

I actually find this irony quite comical, considering your vitriol for the OP's "disproportionate" response to the pedestrian's unprovoked attack on his vehicle.
As you approach a zebra crossing look out for people waiting to cross and be ready to slow down or stop to let them cross, stop before the white dotted line - not after it.
If you have time, give an arm signal for slowing down , this lets the pedestrians know what you are doing and also warns other vehicles that you are stopping.
You MUST give way when someone has moved onto a crossing...be aware of pedestrians approaching from the side of the crossing
dmpoole said:
So the next time this happens, find out where they live, bide your time and take your revenge.
It is much sweeter.
Remind me to never make an enemy of you DMP ;).
Mohinder said:
I had a fight in B&Q once. One of the staff came up to me and asked if I wanted decking, so I got the first punch in and legged it.

Mohinder said:
I had a fight in B&Q once. One of the staff came up to me and asked if I wanted decking, so I got the first punch in and legged it.

That has to be one of the funniest first reply's I've read here. :D :D :D :D
R124/LA420 said:
That has to be one of the funniest first reply's I've read here. :D :D :D :D

It was proper good, totally unexpected after the serious nature of the first post and i had about a 0.5 second time elapse where i thought.. eh? oh? HA!
The finding out where they stay is the best if its serious enough to warrant you going out your way to find them.

As ive said my dad was jumped by two guys with a golf club at 3am,totally unprovoked as shown by the cctc. One of them took the fall and pleeded guily and got off with an £800 fine of which im sure he still has not paid to this day. Just shows how crap the courts are here when with cctc footage,two guys with a bloody golfclub 10 minutes after it and a woman in a kebab shop as a witness they pretty much get off with it.

Wake up call at 6am for the accused. ;)
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