Just had to punch a bloke in B&Q

dirtydog said:
They still have a duty to stop, look and wait for cars to stop before crossing the road.

Yes, but some pedestrians are stupid. Drivers are in control of an extremely powerful machine and therefore should be ULTRA careful when around areas where there is going to be a lot of pedestrians.
Piggymon said:
We can only go by what you originally post mate and your first post did say you punched him in the face until he hit the ground which to me conjures up an image of you punching the crap outta him until he collapsed on the floor and then you later post than you only punched him twice ..

I don't see a contradiction in what he said :confused:
Quantic said:
Yes, but some pedestrians are stupid. Drivers are in control of an extremely powerful machine and therefore should be ULTRA careful when around areas where there is going to be a lot of pedestrians.

Well it sounds like he was careful or he'd have hit them with his car! ;)
sorry but mate you get Kudos from me, if someone deliberately damaged my car, I'd have no choice but to punch them.
Who here would honestly turn a blind eye, and/or just shout "oi wtf you doing to my car you tool?!?"
Do you honestly think he would have said sorry and offered to pay for it?
those of you on here who are saying he should have reacted differently are right in a way, but faced with the situation you don't think about what to do, you knock the guy the **** out!!

fatiain said:
From what Dublove said, he was halfway across the crossing, therefore matey-boy didn't have right of way.

Eh? If he was halfway across the crossing then why would he just stop and beep him!! That doesn't make sense at all! :confused:
LordSplodge said:
Great. Tell me where this B&Q is so I can avoid it and you.

They sell tools inside B&Q and that is where the pair of you belong. Him for being and idiot and stepping out onto a crossing without looking and then keying you car and the you for being a complete tool by punching him and thefore commiting GBH or ABH.

Brilliant. The next time somebody acts like a tool infront of me I will solve the problem with violence after all it works...

Yes I'd be ****** if somebody keyed my car but I'd phone the law and use what is called insurance. What if the guy had a heart problem and went down becuase he had had an heart attack?

Violence is the first recourse of the weak-minded.

While the nice side of me agrees with you on this what would you really have done if you were in my position? He certainly was not of the age to be suffering a heart problem.

Got out and asked him to pay for the damage? Put him under civil arrest and phoned the police? I think he'd have laughed if I asked him to pay & dissapeared before police arrived.

This guys lesson learnt today is act like a **** and somebody might just come back at you.
dirtydog said:
I don't see a contradiction in what he said :confused:

This statement

Dublove said:
I went ballistic, slammed the the car to a stop flew out the door and punched him in the face till he went to the floor.

Is completely different to this later one

Dublove said:
I didn't punch in that hard! Twice, first was a jab then a heavier followup. Then he mostly fell over his own feet really. Wasn't like I kept punching him & punching him all the way to the floor.
Enfield said:
The CAR was half-way across the crossing!

That's what I said! If he (the car) was halfway across the crossing then why didn't he just continue over the rest of the crossing?? The car could not hit the man unless he ran into it!
Clerkin said:
wtf, if his car was half way accross the crossing how was a guy running out into the crossing going to get hit, unless he ran into the side of the car. :confused:

OK, i'll break it down for you.

You have one whole. You take away a half, what are you left with? A half.

As stated it's a 5mph limit so they guy had time to run out in front.
Either they weren't on the crossing and he would have been able to keep going. Or he was forced to stop because they walked out in front of him.

If it's the second, they had the right of way.

Although I don't advocate violence I find it hard to criticise what the OP did in the situation. People don't know how they're going to react to extreme provocation, and although he might have taken the wrong option in this case hopefully he'll learn from it and in future comparable situations he might make a different decision.

Verdict: Eye for an eye (I hope the guy got a bloody nose).
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