Just had to punch a bloke in B&Q

Piggymon said:
Because the FIRST ones says he PUNCHED him UNTIL he fell to the floor and the SECOND one says he only punched him twice and the dude fell because he TRIPPED over his own feet

How the fudge can you say they are the same thing ? :confused:

It's kinda hard to explain this. I'm calming down a lot more now so maybe i'll be able to type stuff down a bit better.

First off I said he 'kinda fell over his own feet' That probably because he was stunned from a jab to the face then reeling backwards from a heavier followup, causing him to loose his balance.

Secondly from the time of the first punch to the time he's on the floor was about 2 seconds. I didn't really have time to think is he falling to the ground of his own accord? Did my punches make him fall to the ground?
Who cares about the op's grammer jeez :rolleyes:

Good on you mate. he was obviously a "tool" and got his comeuppance <sp>.

As for the dispute over the right of way, if he was in a car park the road may have been one way in which case the said pedestrian could have easily stepped out directly in front of the car on the 2nd half of the crossing from either side of the road or if the road was 2 way then if the dopey **** stepped out from the left.

If the car was only going 5mph then the pedestrian could easily rush out in front of the car.

Rant over :p
Piggymon said:
I've honestly never smacked anyone or been in a fight in my life .. apart from when I was about 7 I pulled a clump of this girl's hair out because she was slagging off my Daddy :o

Did she sue?
welshtom said:
And you cant read the rules on sig size :rolleyes:

I hadn't read them tbh, but in all the posts I made before (which lets face it, aren't many), it had never been pulled up.

I actually changed it after reading your post, and then a few minutes later it was replaced with "please change it" message :rolleyes:

EDIT: Just read the forum rules, and it doesn't say anything about signatures containing purely text, and text at the minimum size as well... although the board clearly allowed it, so maybe the settings need to be change.

/me waits for reply pointing to something I missed
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Dublove said:
I'm livid. I was leaving the B&Q car park and i'm just about half way over the mini zebra crossing lines they have at about 5mph when this bloke and his wife come bombing out across not even looking. I stop with a blast on the horn as I would have hit the fool. They obviously stop and i carry on. Anyway I glance in the rear view mirror to see this bloke rushing up after my car (i've only moved about 3/4 meter btw), the sod whips his keys out and keys my tailgate!!!

I went ballistic, slammed the the car to a stop flew out the door and punched him in the face till he went to the floor. His wife didnt' even squeek. There were other people about watching and one bloke said to me i'd have done the same what an *******.

Dunno what to do now, I need to get some chill pills. :mad:
so now you're both *******, congrats

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