Just had to punch a bloke in B&Q

Piggymon said:
My head hurts :(

Basically the dude who walked infront of the car is clearly a clumsy twonk because he fell over his own feet after Mr Dublove smacked him twice and yes he probably deserved a quick jab but I still think Mr D over reacted a touch

I'm off to watch Ice Age 2 at the pics shortly and I want to think happy thoughts !

*sends Piggymon happy happy thoughts.... and is a bit jealous you're going to see Ice Age 2!! :p :)
Feek said:
Two wrongs make a right, do they?


No but three lefts do. :D

Seriosuly two wrongs don't make a right and in a world of and eye-for-an-eye and a tooth for a tooth all people would be blind and toothless.
cleanbluesky said:
He shouldn't have keyed your car, but pedestrians have right of way

Yes we all know that, but jumping out infront of a car in a car park isn't exactally his fault. As he said he did what all drivers would do to show they were angry, beep his horn, to have your car keyed for just beeping it utter carp tbh, I actually dont think anyone would act any differently to the OP.

We will have a lot of people say they would "take a statement" act all profesionally, but in the heat of the moment it isnt always that clear cut.

Quantic said:
You are one VERY angry person. I would definitly not be putting a few scratches above being arrested for assault or even ABH. Be careful matey, him or his wife may have taken your reg.
Until you find yourself in a similar situation and manage to restrain yourself from doing the same, I'd refrain from preaching if I were you.

If they report him to the police then my advice would be to plead diminished responsibility and counter-claim for the damage to the car.
cleanbluesky said:
He shouldn't have keyed your car, but pedestrians have right of way

Yes, they do. But, as a padestrian I realise I should be careful when crossing roads and look out for traffic - not just blindly step out! Its a two sided coin: the right of way arguement, to me, doesnt work.
Cueball said:
Even if Dublove was half way over the crossing before the numskull & wifey stepped out?

Yes, pedestrians have right of way even if they wander in front of you and last time I checked you have to see if anyone is LIKELY to cross as you approach a crossing and you SHOULD stop and let them pass according to the highway code. If they step out, you MUST stop.

Also, I really dont think that two pedestrians just JUMPED out onto the crossing... that would require a 3-6 ft leap to come from no-where straight in front of a car...
Vertigo1 said:
Until you find yourself in a similar situation and manage to restrain yourself from doing the same, I'd refrain from preaching if I were you.

If they report him to the police then my advice would be to plead diminished responsibility and counter-claim for the damage to the car.

I have been in an even more extreme situation actually. I had my rear windscreen smashed with a baseball bat for showing someone the finger outta my window for cutting me up. I phoned the police, he was arrested. I got my car covered under HIS car insurance. Plus I got £1,300 compensation for distress from the courts.

So, unless you KNOW what situations people on this board have been in, I'D refrain from preaching ALSO!

Oh, and FYI, diminished responsiblity is a defence for murder ONLY!
dirtydog said:
Regardless of who stepped out first, where the car was blah blah blah.. it boils down to this: the bloke keyed the car so he deserved a smack.

I'm going to side with this camp.

Who says the guy was going to stop at just keying the tailgate? Perhaps he had something else other than a set of keys in his pocket.....er you know what I mean.

Im sorry, but the whole telling the law and getting witnesses thing is overated imo. The cops don't care and you try getting JoePublic these days to agree to giving a witness statement, most people just don't want to get involved.

If this happens to me in the future, I hope I have the guts to stand up and protect myself/my property.

cleanbluesky said:
Also, I really dont think that two pedestrians just JUMPED out onto the crossing... that would require a 3-6 ft leap to come from no-where straight in front of a car...

Like the man who drove out of his drive straight into a bus..............the bus was five minuites early!

I think that both parties are out of order, the OP for blaring his horn (It's a carpark and if you have to do that you're either not concentrating or driving too fast either way it's your fault) and as for the guy keying the car that's just plain stupid. In his situation a quick hand gesture might have been forthcoming from me.
I made a diagram of what happened.

This pic shows the point at where I hit the brake and toot my horn. The bloke is ahead of his wife and both are not looking in my direction. They came bombing out into the road faster than i was moving (like I said they were almost jogging)

Mr Joshua said:
What happened after you punched him, did he say anything or did you leave before he had chance?

Nope I left pretty quick. He didn't utter a word & neither did his wife (which would lead me to conclude that even she thought his actions were that of a xxxx) I was gonna crouch down and say something to him but I thought better of it.

As I was walking away a bloke who saw what happened told me he'd have done the same.
A near identical thing happened to me in a car park, quite recently infact. I was turning a corner and going towards the exit and this guy and his wife and 2 kids just blindly start walking across the road (there's no padestrian crossing here). I thought theyd realise and wait till i'd gone when i got closer to them, but they just carred on.

I didnt beep my horn but i stopped abruptly close to them and they jumped and the guy started mouthing off at me, nice language too...I just looked at him and shook my head and drove off.

Carparks seem especially bad for this sort of thing, padestrians who just refuse to look where theyre going. :mad:
cleanbluesky said:
Just had a fight in public yeah, some guy comes up to me and does the 'threads are talking' thing, comes RIGHT up to me and even APOLOGISES because he knows he's full of ****.... I had to smack him one of course...

lmao quote of the day easily

by the way my contribution to the thread

Title : just had to punch a bloke in B n Q......... no you didnt mate, he was out of line, but no
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