"Just stop oil"

Maddie is one of six, her dad wasn't very green was he :) I can see this girl having to watch her back once some more information comes out about her, and she's also probably all but unemployable now by any respectable company.

I can't see how this woman associated this old man's memorial with whatever her objection to privately owned jet aircraft is. I wonder if the Green parties actually think such acts are good for their vote counts?
There's a new slogan thingie now; "End UK private jets" and apparently a memorial to Captain Tom is a worthy target for them????


I wonder if it would be effective as a punishment if part of their community service was to directly work on/repair the very damage they caused + whatever additional hours they're sentenced too... assuming they even get that as a punishment as opposed to a caution or small fine etc..

End UK Private Jets

UPDATE: Maddie has been arrested on suspicion of causing criminal damage, and escorted to custody by about 18 police officers.
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Ew disgusting... Hope she gets a big fine and a bunch of community service cleaning places up.

I think people like this must have been brainwashed to a certain extent... no normal person would think this was a good idea. The dad kind of says as much in the article.
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There's a new slogan thingie now; "End UK private jets" and apparently a memorial to Captain Tom is a worthy target for them????


I wonder if it would be effective as a punishment if part of their community service was to directly work on/repair the very damage they caused + whatever additional hours they're sentenced too... assuming they even get that as a punishment as opposed to a caution or small fine etc..
Sir Tom Moore, the guy who made headlines for walking. One of the most environmentally friendly things a person can do. Makes perfect sense.

Also this person collected human feaces in a container for this stunt. I think they need a padded cell.
Sir Tom Moore, the guy who made headlines for walking. One of the most environmentally friendly things a person can do. Makes perfect sense.

Also this person collected human feaces in a container for this stunt. I think they need a padded cell.

The girl has got a weird way of thinking, she actually admires Sir Tom and what he stood for and she goes on to say that Tom would support this because every time a Private Jet flies you might as well be pouring excrement all over him so that's what she's doing.
Of course people only see what she has done and not why she has done what she's done.
Yes, it was a very bad idea.
The very few acquaintances I have that are living in the private jet and private helicopter world (with HUGE private estates and their own private race circuit) are not likely in the least swayed, inconvenienced or probably even aware of these oiks activities or their very existence. I think they'd quite take to Kwasi's policies ;)

Owning the Brazilian equivalent of Tesco puts a few reais in the old bank. (If you like race cars and tasteful wealth and opulence, you'll like the photos, if you don't, no clicky...).
I see these idiots were out again yesterday stopping decent people going about their daily business.

I swear they should just be run over now.
That's perhaps taking things a bit far but I do think that the police in the UK could perhaps be permitted to be a little bit more gloves off with these sorts of things. When roads are being obstructed and loads of ordinary people are being inconvenienced then it shouldn't be a particularly long conversation, they don't need to pander to them, they know they're protesting, the police ought to tell them that they can either get up and move to the pavement or they're going to be physically moved to the pavement and possibly be arrested...

...then just drag them to the pavement, don't stand around gossiping with them and trying to negotiate etc..

In various Western EU democracies, the Police be more than happy to get batons out even, I don't think that is appropriate but I do think fannying around chatting instead of simply giving them a quick warning to move then grabbing them and dragging them out of the road is.

I've not heard of any bystanders being charged for moving them either, granted people obviously cant just pile in and start punching/kicking or do dangerous things like pushing them with vehicles (unless first threatened by them and needing to escape) but they probably can physically move them AFAIK - if you reasonably believe that they're committing a criminal offence etc.. then you maybe have a defence...but it's perhaps shakey. (Likewise, you can take the law into your own hands and throw the statue of a slave trader into a harbour then defend it in court). Really it needs the police to be empowered to do more as leaving it up to members of the public seems really dumb and could escalate quite badly if the wrong sort of person is having a bad day.

Blocking emergency vehicles is going to upset people too:

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Yeah Police response really needs to be faster in these situations. Just letting them cause arbitrary disruption / harassment to anyone travelling on or near whichever road they choose to block should not be an option.

Police should be moving them on immediately. I guess my ideal response would be giving them warnings, with ability to issue some kind of fixed penalty notice if they don't move within minutes amd have to be carried / dragged off. Give them a bigger fine if they still keep at it. Community service and bans on attending further events for repeat offenders.

'protests' like this have kind of hardened my opinion a bit tbh. Generally in favour of the right to protest etc, but where the protest's primary aim is to cause disruption rather than that being a side effect of having lots of people gather somewhere I just don't see why it should be a protected right.
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