"Just stop oil"

On your Grid view - sounds like you’ve been reading too much Daily Mail.
In the SC power industry thread I pointed out in near real time when prices and grid spare capacity hit historic highs and lows respectively numerous times this winter. UK power stations are running at unusually high load factors this summer due to a continued uncommon prolonged period of export through the interconnectors. Only 1 new decent sized thermal power station has been built in the last 10 years Keadby 2. Meanwhile loads of coal, gas and nuclear stations have closed (Didcot A, Tilbury, Eggborough, Cockenzie, Cottam, Rugely, Peterborough, Sutton Bridge, Barking, Hunterston, Dungeoness............. the list goes on) . Large scale wind at the edges of the grid and increased solar means the grid is paying for synchronous compensation (grid stability machines) for the first time in decades. By any objetive measure the grid is creaking and you can watch it in real time via a number of portals.
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In the SC power industry thread I pointed out in near real time when prices and grid spare capacity hit historic highs and lows respectively numerous times this winter. UK power stations are running at unusually high load factors this summer due to a continued uncommon prolonged period of export through the interconnectors. Only 1 new decent sized thermal power station has been built in the last 10 years Keadby 2. Meanwhile loads of coal, gas and nuclear stations have closed (Didcot A, Tilbury, Eggborough, Cockenzie, Cottam, Rugely, Peterborough, Sutton Bridge, Barking, Hunterston, Dungeoness............. the list goes on) . Large scale wind at the edges of the grid and increased solar means the grid is paying for synchronous compensation (grid stability machines) for the first time in decades. By any objetive measure the grid is creaking and you can watch it in real time via a number of portals.
I work in National Grid Future Connections so I’m semi-familiar :p
Anti-change and self-entitled much!!

On the charging side - it only take a small shift in your habits to fit an EV into your life.
On your Grid view - sounds like you’ve been reading too much Daily Mail.

I rarely spend more than £500 on a road car, I am not going to get much beyond a milk float with no batteries nor motor for that, so I am out of the Green EV revolution :) My current(less) main road car is one I have had for 15 years, so I am still doing my bit for the planet, if not consumerism.

I don't read the Daily Mail, if you went beyond blind hatred of it you'd know that since the great Paul Dacre gave up editorship to Geordie Greig and then on to Ted Verity it has taken a marked turn to the left.

I am totally entrenched in my view that a wholesale reduction in global and UK population is the only viable answer if you worry about mankind's future on the planet. As I see no signs of that nettle being grasped save perhaps by China, I won't be changing my habits to enchant the Gretas.
I rarely spend more than £500 on a road car, I am not going to get much beyond a milk float with no batteries nor motor for that, so I am out of the Green EV revolution :) My current(less) main road car is one I have had for 15 years, so I am still doing my bit for the planet, if not consumerism.
Fair enough - sounds like EV range and charging speed isn’t the blocker then.
I rarely spend more than £500 on a road car, I am not going to get much beyond a milk float with no batteries nor motor for that, so I am out of the Green EV revolution :) My current(less) main road car is one I have had for 15 years, so I am still doing my bit for the planet, if not consumerism.

I don't read the Daily Mail, if you went beyond blind hatred of it you'd know that since the great Paul Dacre gave up editorship to Geordie Greig and then on to Ted Verity it has taken a marked turn to the left.

I am totally entrenched in my view that a wholesale reduction in global and UK population is the only viable answer if you worry about mankind's future on the planet. As I see no signs of that nettle being grasped save perhaps by China, I won't be changing my habits to enchant the Gretas.
Lol dude, you buy old bangers rather than new. That is peak Greta behaviour. GG you played yourself.
I'm not convinced it's 5k difference, my research says like for like is more like 10k. Looking at something like Micra to a leaf, for the same trim level it'd about 10k.

That’s not really like for like, a Leaf is a much bigger and better car than a Micra.

It’s much easier to compare where brands do the same car in both ICE and BEV versions like the Corsa.

Another thing to factor in is that the base spec BEV is usually way better equipped than the base spec ICE version.
Is there a media blackout on the "dutch farmers strike" ? seems like we aren't supposed to know

none of the UK news websites/youtube channels seem to have any articles about it apart from the old one in 2019

is it because our media has an agenda to push? and so we can keep blaming Russia for every price rise or shortage
I hadn't realised that parts of Germany banned EV's from underground and multi storey car parks due to their high spontaneous combustion risks and the fact the car park entrances preclude fire engine access. Someone I was speaking to just now mentioned it. Is this still the case?
no idea but nearly all German housing blocks will have underground car parks so maybe thats why, the structure of the building could be damaged by the heat and lead to a collapse
For sure, but you can't preach you're anti-Greta whilst doing one of the most environmentally responsible things a human can easily do - reduce, re-use...

Don't worry that unintentional sap to the Greens is more than offset with gallons of leaded fuel "wasted" on engine dynos, very none emission friendly engine mapping and other very none Greta approved goings on :)
I hadn't realised that parts of Germany banned EV's from underground and multi storey car parks due to their high spontaneous combustion risks and the fact the car park entrances preclude fire engine access. Someone I was speaking to just now mentioned it. Is this still the case?
Yes, in response to a vehicle fire that happened there. The vehicle fire that happened was an ICE car though, so go figure.

Edit: parts of Germany = 1 garage from what I can see.
Don't worry that unintentional sap to the Greens is more than offset with gallons of leaded fuel "wasted" on engine dynos, very none emission friendly engine mapping and other very none Greta approved goings on :)
All good, as long as you aren't buying new. You've more then offset yourself. Froth away knowing you are a big greeny.
That’s not really like for like, a Leaf is a much bigger and better car than a Micra.

It’s much easier to compare where brands do the same car in both ICE and BEV versions like the Corsa.

Another thing to factor in is that the base spec BEV is usually way better equipped than the base spec ICE version.
Fair enough, but I'm sure the new Micra was the same size as the leaf (I've not looked at it in detail though).
In the future, why would you drive to a petrol station to refill an electric car? :confused::confused::confused::confused:
Because BEVs currently don't have the range for long journeys without stopping at services for a partial recharge.

Hopefully that will be improved on sooner rather than later, the best feature of the Cybertruck IMO is it's the first BEV with a decent range advertised and so hopefully in a few years that will become the norm for regular electric cars too.

That's of course assuming Hydrogen cars don't take off before them and Betamax BEVs.
Fair enough, but I'm sure the new Micra was the same size as the leaf (I've not looked at it in detail though).
The leaf is in the same category as a focus/Astra, the micra is in the came category as a Corsa and fiesta.

Sure those B segment cars have got bigger over the years but they are still smaller than a proper C segment car which have also fattened over the years
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