Long term - The best interest for the average person in the country is to shift the gas and oil bars in this graph onto Nuclear, wind and solar
Best interest = Reduced energy cost by removing the reliance on large fossil energy companies.
However, this does need a large shift in how people use energy in their homes and transport - large cost impact to change fossil based appliances to renewables; mostly heat pumps and electric/hydrogen vehicles. This should/needs to be support funded by Goverment.
Enabling this change not only reduces energy cost but removes a large amount of fossil energy use, so we can meet Net Zero targets.
Best interest = Reduced energy cost by removing the reliance on large fossil energy companies.
However, this does need a large shift in how people use energy in their homes and transport - large cost impact to change fossil based appliances to renewables; mostly heat pumps and electric/hydrogen vehicles. This should/needs to be support funded by Goverment.
Enabling this change not only reduces energy cost but removes a large amount of fossil energy use, so we can meet Net Zero targets.
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