"Just stop oil"

I like protests, it shows me democracy is still alive.

This is not a protest, this is some halfwits vandalising some ancient rocks. As far as I'm aware no fossil fuels were used in the transporting of the stones to the site.

What next? They going to shout at the frickin moon?
Probably due to all those JCBs the Druids used to erect the stones.

6 months in solitary should focus their minds.
Good, I don't care what the paint is made of.

If you want to protest something, I'll back your democratic right to protest. It's a prime example of actually living in a democratic country.

You want to attack something completely irrelevant to what you're protesting about then sit the eff back down and think about what the hell you want to achieve.

This does nothing but increase people against you and therefore your aim. Completely counterproductive.

If you had to have a guess what she? he? looks/sounds like, you’d have been correct..

“Celebrate the beauty of our natural world”

Then lobs paint all over it, genius!
She is living the stereotype and a massive hypocrite.

Her Patagonia T shirt is sourced from 14 countries including Vietnam, Thailand, China, Sri Lanka, India, and Bangladesh.

The frame of her glasses are plastic, probably manufactured in china.:cry:
She is living the stereotype and a massive hypocrite.

Her Patagonia T shirt is sourced from 14 countries including Vietnam, Thailand, China, Sri Lanka, India, and Bangladesh.

The frame of her glasses are plastic, probably manufactured in china.:cry:
And how did she/he get to Stonehenge? By magic? or in a massive 4X4?
Why is she worried about what the world will look like in 5000 years?

Fossil fuels are just one in a million issues of why the world will be unrecognisable in 5000 years. It is beyond all imagination to think of what the world will look like in 5000 years. The population increase will outweigh any impact fossil fuels will have in that time. Stuff boring old oil, we’ll be in the age of dilithium crystals by then ;)

I shouldn’t be surprised if there’s a nuclear Armageddon or two by then as well.
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