"Just stop oil"

8 Mar 2005
London, UK
I don't see what the issue is here at all. These jokers coordinated and then executed multiple actions which potentially disrupted 10s of thousands of the general public going about their day with varying degrees of impact. Sentences in that context seems reasonable and puts on notice others who think such actions are legitimate. They are not.

Want change? Vote Green / other parties or stand up your own political movement which shares your ideology and bring people with you.
9 Mar 2003
I don't see what the issue is here at all. These jokers coordinated and then executed multiple actions which potentially disrupted 10s of thousands of the general public going about their day with varying degrees of impact. Sentences in that context seems reasonable and puts on notice others who think such actions are legitimate. They are not.

By this logic, Mick Lynch should be serving 3 whole life terms at this point.
9 Mar 2003
Strike applications are legal. So my logic stands I'm afraid.
Only because the law says one is legal and the Torries past another to say the other isn’t.

The impact of one days trains strikes is orders of magnitude higher than a few orange people walking up the M25 for a few hours.

All I’m saying is that you guys support the JSO oil people going to prison because you don’t support their cause. If it was a cause you did support, your stance would be completely different.

To be clear, I don’t support JSO’s actions, nor do I support the laws passed by the Torries which absolutely do impinge on people’s general right to protest and is something which absolutely could be abused by a future authoritarian government.

A concept that would unite the country like no other :)
I really don’t think it would. The only reasons unions exist in this country is because of a complete failure of employee, employer relations and the general race to the bottom. If employers engaged with their staff honestly and treated their staff fairly, they wouldn’t need to unionise.
8 Mar 2005
London, UK
Only because the law says one is legal and the Torries past another to say the other isn’t.

The impact of one days trains strikes is orders of magnitude higher than a few orange people walking up the M25 for a few hours.

All I’m saying is that you guys support the JSO oil people going to prison because you don’t support their cause. If it was a cause you did support, your stance would be completely different.

To be clear, I don’t support JSO’s actions, nor do I support the laws passed by the Torries which absolutely do impinge on people’s general right to protest and is something which absolutely could be abused by a future authoritarian government.

I really don’t think it would. The only reasons unions exist in this country is because of a complete failure of employee, employer relations and the general race to the bottom. If employers engaged with their staff honestly and treated their staff fairly, they wouldn’t need to unionise.
The law is the law. I don't make the rules up! Don't like them? Vote for a party that better suits your ideology and legal stance. For the record, I despise industrial action, especially so on the transport network which impact is wholly disproportionate to the general public.
13 May 2003
I really don’t think it would. The only reasons unions exist in this country is because of a complete failure of employee, employer relations and the general race to the bottom. If employers engaged with their staff honestly and treated their staff fairly, they wouldn’t need to unionise.
It was a light hearted comment in a GD thread. Chill. Whilst I don't agree with a word you said above I absolutely approve of unions and the right to strike, but rarely in living memory have UK unions been the force for good they should have been.
13 Apr 2019
The cold wet North East of England
Being sat in a prison cell for a few years to think about their life choices is literally the only thing that will stop some of them.

You may not agree with their methods but they clearly care about a good cause. Most people are selfish and would never put themselves at risk of violence or prosecution in order to try to fight for something which does not directly benefit them. Therefore, it's rather ignorant to condemn their "life choices" as if they are drug addicts or benefit fraudsters.

Also, I find it ridiculous that at a time when the government is having to release prisoners after 40% of their sentences, due to the prisons overflowing, that non-violent environmental protesters (with no other criminal history) are being sent to prison for record sentences of 5 years.
25 Mar 2008
Usual meltdown by the JSO fan boys on Twitter, but as is the norm the replies are pure gold..

Fascinating to see the ilk who insist plotting action that will cause traffic disruption deserves long prison sentences...

"Brexit blamed for delays as British truckers and travelers face gridlock at Dover"

(Of course, I'm only joking, indulgence of xenophobia is much more important than anything else - global climate and UK prosperity included. As you were, patriots)
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29 Jan 2008
The impact of one days trains strikes is orders of magnitude higher than a few orange people walking up the M25 for a few hours.

All I’m saying is that you guys support the JSO oil people going to prison because you don’t support their cause. If it was a cause you did support, your stance would be completely different.

No, those are very different scenarios, you've missed a key fundamental difference here and come to a flawed conclusion.

Not turning up at work or striking (as the RMT sometimes do) is perfectly legal and it's up to their employer to fix, no one is stopping some trains from running operated by people not on strike.

Similarly threatening to quit your job at an opportune moment (which might have significant costs) and asking for a raise is fundamentally different to threatening to reveal your boss's affair and asking for a rise.

Invoking your right to quit or to not do something (overtime, on call, turn up on X day etc.) is different to actively blocking/disrupting/breaking things.

You may not agree with their methods but they clearly care about a good cause. Most people are selfish and would never put themselves at risk of violence or prosecution in order to try to fight for something which does not directly benefit them. Therefore, it's rather ignorant to condemn their "life choices" as if they are drug addicts or benefit fraudsters.

We're living in a democracy, not a dictatorship, if they want to choose this self-indulgent path where they get to LARP as heroes who are bravely fighting their imaginary fight by just being a complete pest to the rest of society then they're going to have to accept the consequences of their actions.

Sadly they don't seem to be prepared to admit that they're wilfully breaking the law for a righteous cause even, in fact, they tried to weasel out of it and attempt some sort of jury nullification thing and it backfired thus the sentences:

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