"Just stop oil"

29 Aug 2006
In a world of my own
Slightly ironic Cressida’s mother complaining that her daughter will miss her brother’s wedding..

Lucky no one on the M25 missed their cancer appointments, family funerals etc etc etc.
These people are so detached from reality it’s almost unbelievable.

Completely self absorbed and out of touch with reality. The entitlement is shocking.
22 Nov 2006
The next in line for a custodial sentence has got to be Phoebe Plummer.
Like the others she’s had plenty of warnings..

She’s as unhinged as the rest of them.

Like him or not, JRM does do a great interview by feeding her as much rope as she needs to hang herself..

She just doesn't seem to get it that solar won't work at night and that the switchover is going to take a very long time

Mogg is a ****, but this kid is trying to lecture him on what he does for a living.
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24 Oct 2012
She’s right though.

I never thought this collection of words would ever come out of me, but big up to Katie Hopkins. I really hope the mother and Cwessida get to see it, and I hope the whole country backs it.

I've said it a million times and I'll say it again. We've stopped all sorts of reprimand in society, even having a pop at your own screaming kid in a restaurant is frowned upon in society, and this is the result. No consequences, no learning. Welcome to JSO.

Thing is, they are learning now. Last year they were lying in roads and blocking up society. The heat clearly started getting a bit much as they were close to getting flung off a bridge and have in some cases ended up with real time. So now they sprinkle orange dust on cultural landmarks instead. All the lessons they should've been taught as kids are slowly being administered in their adult life, and they can thank their limp wristed parents for failing them as kids.

Clowns, throw them all in the bin.
24 Oct 2012
I do wonder how the other inmates will respond to these idiots in prison. Having worked in Brixton Prison for four months and seen exactly how prisoners operate, if I was that mother, I'd be sending her a massive pot of lube. Orange ofc, so she can still support her cause whilst she's getting widened. Anyone know which prison she'll be in? I'd love to send her some nice orange Just Stop Oil drip to wear whilst she's inside, it'd be a crying shame if she could no longer demonstrate her love for her cause to her fellow inmates, who I'm sure will all jump on the bandwagon and start making orange flour to throw around in the showers.

I am absolutely loving watching them getting their arses handed to them.

Actually, if anyone knows which courtroom this will be taking place in, let's have a whip round and send the judge some nice lunch. A nice slice of wedding cake ought to be lovely with a cup of tea.
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22 Nov 2006
Well, in the old old days if they did some of the stuff they do they would get a good hiding, from the police in some instances. That was the deterrent. When presented with an actual fight or struggle, this upper middle-class mob would quickly vanish.

Prisoners won't care about rules. But most likely they will get separated or put in to some weak, open prison. If they ever actually go and it isn't some suspended sentence.
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23 May 2006
The next in line for a custodial sentence has got to be Phoebe Plummer.
Like the others she’s had plenty of warnings..

She’s as unhinged as the rest of them.

Like him or not, JRM does do a great interview by feeding her as much rope as she needs to hang herself..
the problem is, JRM is a fantastic debater and she was clearly a hot head, and she should have had better fall back defence than i am not a scientist!. I do not agree with JSO but at the same time the problem is, NIMBY nobwits and lack of government support has completely derailed what initially was a decent start to providing renewables....... the whole what about when it is dark and when the wind doesnt blow is a huge deflection.... The Dunkelflaute in this country does not historically last for more than 2 weeks, for that we need storage and then an emergency fail safe.....but for the rest of the time we just need more renewable generators to counter when not running at close to peak output.

I would also counter with so what in an absolute emergency we need to buy energy from the EU, indeed a more connected grid europe wide is no bad thing for emergencies - tho i accept we should not rely on it too much as someone made a great point that if we rely too much on it, it would be a target for terrorism......

we need some nuclear for our backbone, and right now yes we probably need some gas......... but we would need a hell of a lot less if we had not stalled rolling out new wind power - both on and off shore, and if solar had been pushed harder, and most importantly of all, if the grid had been expanded at a better rate for new connections to said turbines etc......

so sure, she is ultimately not realistic and right now moggy may well be correct if we did suddenly stop oil.......... but that does not negate the argument that we are not doing enough to insulate our houses, or invest in new renewables and grid improvements, which if done would drastically lower our demand for fossil fuels.

i will say, that lass had bigger balls than i do. i would not want to go onto GBeebies and face JRM in a debate as you must surely know you are on for a hiding as well as ridicule from 99% of the people watching..... in the same way i would not want to go onto LBC and debate with James O'Brien - even if i fully believed i was correct.

i did not like her bringing his own personal money into it.... i wonder if the families of the often middle class or above JSO protesters are all throwing their savings at companies offering to insulate peoples houses. There is no shame in having money so long as its come by fairly.
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23 May 2006
I do wonder how the other inmates will respond to these idiots in prison. Having worked in Brixton Prison for four months and seen exactly how prisoners operate, if I was that mother, I'd be sending her a massive pot of lube. Orange ofc, so she can still support her cause whilst she's getting widened. Anyone know which prison she'll be in? I'd love to send her some nice orange Just Stop Oil drip to wear whilst she's inside, it'd be a crying shame if she could no longer demonstrate her love for her cause to her fellow inmates, who I'm sure will all jump on the bandwagon and start making orange flour to throw around in the showers.
if this is true and you are not just joking............ (i dont personally know many who have been inside thankfully) then that is shameful.

I mean prisons should be punishment (as well as rehabilitation). they should not have a lot of the luxuries which we take for granted...... but at the same time prisioners should be safe and kept in an healthy environment. if it is true that they face assault - sexual or otherwise - then that would be horrendous and is not something to joke about really esp for what is a pretty tame crime.....
31 Aug 2021
If you can’t do the time…

With the greatest respect Mike, what sort of people do think are banged up and what for.
I’ve known/know quite a few who’ve gone through the prison system and it isn’t some sort of Sunday school where they sit round singing kumbaya my lord.
Yes, no one deserves to get sexually assaulted, but having the odd scrap is to be expected.
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23 May 2006
If you can’t do the time…

With the greatest respect Mike, what sort of people do think are banged up and what for.
I’ve known/know quite a few who’ve gone through the prison system and it isn’t some sort of Sunday school where they sit round singing kumbaya my lord.
Yes, no one deserves to get sexually assaulted, but having the odd scrap is to be expected.
dont different prisons have different types of offenders? (or at least on different wings)

i dont see the point in putting a tax dodger for instance in the same cell block as someone like Charles Bronsen

perhaps i am a hypocrite and whilst it isnt ideal, i would worry less about 2 psychotic killers having a punchup than i would someone who actually still has a chance of being reformed after doing a petty crime.
30 Sep 2003
but at the same time the problem is, NIMBY nobwits and lack of government support has completely derailed what initially was a decent start to providing renewables.......
To be fair onshore wind is quite intrusive both visually and audibly. It also isn't the only solution to the problem so I think it is right that people are able to raise concerns. If that means the process has to stall while those concerns are looked into then so be it.

To quote Rachel Reeves that decisions on onshore wind should be made "nationally, not locally" has the potential to upset a lot of people who want to preserve the area that they live in... or NIMBYs if you like.
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