"Just stop oil"

65m years ago the earth got hit by a huge asteroid that devastated the planet yet it still recovered fast enough for much of the flora and fauna to bounce back, if history has taught us anything it’s that the earth is resilient.
Yet more of the same nonsense, find me a single climate scientist who is predicting the end of the world? Of course the world will survive it is man kind and our current way of life that is at risk.

Such a great counter argument to ‘man is messing up the climate’, but but what about the giant asteroid that wiped out the vast majority of the worlds dominant species and a huge chunk of the others? Really think about what you are posting before you do.
Indeed, no one thinks the planet wont survive, but it needs (assuming we want to carry on as a species) to be able to support human life
Around 80% of life was extinguished by that event you mention
Most other animals are kept in check from over population by the food or other resources running out and the same will likely happen to humans.

I don’t know why people think this is a bad thing when it’s been a part of evolution of species for millions of years.
Most other animals are kept in check from over population by the food or other resources running out and the same will likely happen to humans.

I don’t know why people think this is a bad thing when it’s been a part of evolution of species for millions of years.

Most sensible people who happen to be alive if/when it happens will consider it to be a very very very bad thing.
I’d imagine that was the case in the times of homo erectus but those who could adapt, survived and evolved.

Almost certainly not, they basically knew very very little.

And anyway its likely very different.

I find it pretty hilarious. The sorts who go on about Bristishness and stuff like that, are happy to gamble sending us back to the dark ages if we totally **** it up.
And yet they often argue if we move too quickly the risk of some disruption is supply would be the end of the world. No pun intended.
Almost certainly not, they basically knew very very little.

And anyway its likely very different.

I find it pretty hilarious. The sorts who go on about Bristishness and stuff like that, are happy to gamble sending us back to the dark ages if we totally **** it up.
And yet they often argue if we move too quickly the risk of some disruption is supply would be the end of the world. No pun intended.

The supply chain to our current way of life is literally all that's stopping a post apocalyptic warzone. Western society cannot support the number of people we have without industrial processes. It's that simple. You "just stop oil", you end the world.

Remember the toilet roll palaver? That times 1000 when people are hungry, angry and have no way out. Change is happening, but it won't be a year, or 10, 20 etc.
The supply chain to our current way of life is literally all that's stopping a post apocalyptic warzone. Western society cannot support the number of people we have without industrial processes. It's that simple. You "just stop oil", you end the world.

Remember the toilet roll palaver? That times 1000 when people are hungry, angry and have no way out. Change is happening, but it won't be a year, or 10, 20 etc.

Yep thats about right.
Which is why we have to start adapting now.
Wait until its proven and there is no way we will adapt before society melts down.

It would certainly be a reset probably a 90-95% global population reduction and then a race to recover all the technology to return to somewhere around where we are now in regards technology.
The supply chain to our current way of life is literally all that's stopping a post apocalyptic warzone. Western society cannot support the number of people we have without industrial processes. It's that simple. You "just stop oil", you end the world.
I think it will be inevitable that there will be a collapse of civilisation at some point in the future with the rate the global population is increasing, the only way around it is if we can invent our way out of it.
The supply chain to our current way of life is literally all that's stopping a post apocalyptic warzone. Western society cannot support the number of people we have without industrial processes. It's that simple. You "just stop oil", you end the world.

Remember the toilet roll palaver? That times 1000 when people are hungry, angry and have no way out. Change is happening, but it won't be a year, or 10, 20 etc.
How have people still not got this, the ‘just stop oil’ campaign isn’t about stopping the production of oil tomorrow it is about stopping the licensing of new exploration, currently the world has enough oil resources already tapped to enable the transition.
I don’t know why people think this is a bad thing when it’s been a part of evolution of species for millions of years.

Because humans will murder and generally devolve into absolute animals when this happens. Personally I think that as a higher life form with the ability not to let this happen quite easily, perhaps we should be doing something about it rather than saying "ces't la vie".
How have people still not got this, the ‘just stop oil’ campaign isn’t about stopping the production of oil tomorrow it is about stopping the licensing of new exploration, currently the world has enough oil resources already tapped to enable the transition.

How have the JSO people not noticed the number of charging points going up, solar and wind farms, reduction of packaging etc etc.? They're just annoying regular people, setting back the cause. It's a cult of well-to-do do-nothings
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How have the JSO people not noticed the number of charging points going up, solar and wind farms, reduction of packaging etc etc.? They're just annoying regular people, setting back the cause. It's a cult of well-to-do do-nothings
The argument is that the changes are nothing like fast enough, the previous government stopped all onshore wind, issued loads of new drilling licenses and gave permission for a new coal mine all while withering over new nuclear plants, not pushing through planning for national grid upgrades and failing to offer any incentives for insulating houses, installing solar etc etc. yes things are happening but at nothing like a fast enough rate. You can disagree with the methods just stop oil have used but they force this into the national conversation and stop it being quietly brushed back under the rug.
Most other animals are kept in check from over population by the food or other resources running out and the same will likely happen to humans.

I don’t know why people think this is a bad thing when it’s been a part of evolution of species for millions of years.
Because we are the first species to have evolved to the point where we understand what is happening and have the opportunity to do something about it. The dinosaurs and Neanderthals were passengers we are the pilots of our own demise
Because we are the first species to have evolved to the point where we understand what is happening and have the opportunity to do something about it. The dinosaurs and Neanderthals were passengers we are the pilots of our own demise

Dinos roamed for about 230m years, humans and ancestors about 6m?

Maybe nature should take control :D
You can disagree with the methods just stop oil have used but they force this into the national conversation and stop it being quietly brushed back under the rug.
Unfortunately though, the conversation for most people is what a bunch of ***** JSO are , due to their methods, rather than the wider debate
Dinos roamed for about 230m years, humans and ancestors about 6m?

Maybe nature should take control :D
I often wonder what the planet would be like if the asteroid hadnt hit. Would it still be populated with giant reptiles, would they have developed into bipedal reptilians, become more intelligent and built civilizations, would they have died out and been replaced by mammals anyway or insectoids, would all life eventually have died out and it would be a lifeless rock. Quite interesting what path the world could have taken.
You can disagree with the methods just stop oil have used but they force this into the national conversation and stop it being quietly brushed back under the rug.
No they have put the cause back by a long way. Climate change is known about by most people and accepted by almost everyone. But these idiots actively turn people off supporting the change we need. They cause resistance when we need agreement and cooperation.
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