"Just stop oil"

No they have put the cause back by a long way. Climate change is known about by most people and accepted by almost everyone. But these idiots actively turn people off supporting the change we need. They cause resistance when we need agreement and cooperation.
As I said we can disagree on the methods, for me they keep the conversation front and centre. They helped stopped the Tories burying it in the anti immigration propaganda they hid everything else under. Do they go to far? Sometimes almost certainly but the cause is worthy.
As I said we can disagree on the methods, for me they keep the conversation front and centre. They helped stopped the Tories burying it in the anti immigration propaganda they hid everything else under. Do they go to far? Sometimes almost certainly but the cause is worthy.
We not only disagree on methods but also on results. I personally think they deter perople from supporting the change we need. Good on you for supprting them. But many more have been put off the cause.
All publicity is good publicity :)
What was the benefit of the publicity they got from throwing paint/dye/cornflower/whatver over a national monument and treasure such as Stonehenge?

What was the benefit they gained from sitting on top of trains and stopping the most efficient and least carbon pilluting method of transport running?

"Awareness" isn't a valid answer. We are all aware of the issue already. So beyond that what benefit has that vandalism provided?
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Crazy when you think earth is approx 4.5b years old, we are a spec in time.

I always find it amazing to think about things like that. Also things like all the elements on this planet - including the ones that are the building blocks of our bodies - all were created billions of years ago in the centre of stars that exploded and flung those elements out into space. We are literally star dust and the atoms that make us up are as old as the universe and will go on til its end....
i wonder how many of the people here whos view is (paraphrasing) "its just evolution, if a few billion die they die, if the planet is no good for humans or mammals then let the cockroaches become the top dog for a while" have kids or grandkids?

I know I started thinking a lot more about the future beyond my lifespan after having a child. it isnt that i was deliberately selfish, it is jut that my perspective changed a little.

a bit like those starving kids or child abuse adverts or kids getting killed by missiles or violent assaults etc on the news.... i used to think they were sad / despicable........ but now i have a kid who is around the same age as those in the adverts i find them much harder to watch.

I do know one thing.... anyone who is a big fan of stop the boats and minimising refugees being allowed into the country................ those people really need to think about what happens if the ice caps melt and the sea level rises by a few feet....... because the numbers we are seeing now will literally be a drop in the ocean if that happens.
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I always find it amazing to think about things like that. Also things like all the elements on this planet - including the ones that are the building blocks of our bodies - all were created billions of years ago in the centre of stars that exploded and flung those elements out into space. We are literally star dust and the atoms that make us up are as old as the universe and will go on til its end....
it is incredible isnt it!, and a slightly lighter comment in this thread which is welcome too

enjoy drinking dinosaur wee when you have a glass of water........

(mind you forget the dinosaur, the way things are now its probably your next door neighbours wee from last week :D )
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As I said we can disagree on the methods, for me they keep the conversation front and centre. They helped stopped the Tories burying it in the anti immigration propaganda they hid everything else under. Do they go to far? Sometimes almost certainly but the cause is worthy.

What is worthy about the cause - the (new) government has already committed to stop (new) oil in the North Sea, the apparent aim of this protest group but they're still out protesting... How is that worthy?
i wonder how many of the people here whos view is (paraphrasing) "its just evolution, if a few billion die they die, if the planet is no good for humans or mammals then let the cockroaches become the top dog for a while" have kids or grandkids?

I know I started thinking a lot more about the future beyond my lifespan after having a child. it isnt that i was deliberately selfish, it is jut that my perspective changed a little.

a bit like those starving kids or child abuse adverts or kids getting killed by missiles or violent assaults etc on the news.... i used to think they were sad / despicable........ but now i have a kid who is around the same age as those in the adverts i find them much harder to watch.

I do know one thing.... anyone who is a big fan of stop the boats and minimising refugees being allowed into the country................ those people really need to think about what happens if the ice caps melt and the sea level rises by a few feet....... because the numbers we are seeing now will literally be a drop in the ocean if that happens.
I have kids but then again I am overly logical, very non-emotional, rather selfish and rather an uncaring individual, so thats why I'd have no real qualms about humanity being replaced by another species. I'm very much a que sera sera sort of person, though I do have a very strong hedonistic streak.
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All publicity is good publicity :)

Their carbon footprint must be huge. Travelling all over the place in their North Face jackets, splashing paint on priceless artwork etc. Shame a bunch of clever kids like that couldn't go into politics or the sciences and make a real difference

i wonder how many of the people here whos view is (paraphrasing) "its just evolution, if a few billion die they die, if the planet is no good for humans or mammals then let the cockroaches become the top dog for a while" have kids or grandkids?

I know I started thinking a lot more about the future beyond my lifespan after having a child. it isnt that i was deliberately selfish, it is jut that my perspective changed a little.

a bit like those starving kids or child abuse adverts or kids getting killed by missiles or violent assaults etc on the news.... i used to think they were sad / despicable........ but now i have a kid who is around the same age as those in the adverts i find them much harder to watch.

I do know one thing.... anyone who is a big fan of stop the boats and minimising refugees being allowed into the country................ those people really need to think about what happens if the ice caps melt and the sea level rises by a few feet....... because the numbers we are seeing now will literally be a drop in the ocean if that happens.

I have a child, I do fear for her future when we're dead and gone, however I know that society will not accept going backwards too far in terms of quality of life, we are not subsistence creatures anymore. I would be in favor of limiting population growth, there really is too many people. R.E. mass migration, we'll need to shut up shop and get forceful else be overrun with people we can't feed. We're an island though, can't be that hard!

When all the oil and coal is too expensive to extract, we'll all have electric cars and biofuel airplanes anyhow. The benefits of reduced pollution are reason enough to move away from fossil fuels. People love a good doom and gloom! Life, of some sort, will go on.
No they have put the cause back by a long way. Climate change is known about by most people and accepted by almost everyone. But these idiots actively turn people off supporting the change we need. They cause resistance when we need agreement and cooperation.

I dont agree all I see personally are people getting annoyed who generally dont want to change or still deny.

I think they would prefer JSO didnt exist so they could just ignore the climate thing.
Assuming that's true it simply proves JSO tactics are not effective.

Not at all, that is an illogical conclusion.
I only referenced one sub section.
For all we know they are indoctrinating a next wave with their actions. They would view that as extremely effective.

Even if its not directly affecting individuals views it keeps the climate in the news and makes it far more likely to get reporting as opposed to if seemingly no one cares.
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