What commits most from committing crimes is they are normal and also they FEAR the punishment they would get before they did it.Precisely this...
They should fear the punishment for their actions, not the individuals themselves.. This is what keeps most of us from committing crimes... It is NOT the fear of the police or the officer(s) themselves, it is the fear of the punishment that will follow, which comes via the courts not the police.
Should we fear the mailman when they bring us a parking fine for that time we parked on double-yellow lines? Or should we fear the fine itself?
What prevents most people from illegally parking? Is it "OMG THE POLICE!!!111" or is it "Urgh, I really don't want to get a fine for this" ?
I think it's fair to assume that most people would say it's the latter of the two.
You keep saying punishment for their actions that means they’ve already done it ffs
Fear stops people from putting crime into ‘action’