"Just stop oil"

This is the thing though. Everyone who is campaigning for Stop Oil is probably a hypocrite when it comes to Stop Oil. Just look at Greta's carbon footprint as she flies all around the world with her team to tell us to fly less. Do you order things online and have them delivered to your door or shop locally? Do you own a car and if so what type and how many miles do you drive? All of these things increase the carbon footprint. How did the protestors get to their protest site? How did they travel. You get what I'm getting at.

You must know how silly this sounds right? They obviously want an alternative lol they dont wont the world to go dark.

Just stop oil are a bunch of elitist hypocritical spanners who do nothing for the cause of environmentalism. A tiny minority support them, the rest of us just think they're ***** at the extreme end of the virtue signaling spectrum. Which is all they're all about really. You'd have to be a bit naive to think otherwise.

edit: ooo, did'nt realise ****** was a swear word on here - it really was very mild, honest.

Most of us dont think they virtue signaling but I do think you may have been gaslit.
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I have no possible response

It shows.

So what exactly do you think they are trying to achieve by these protests? (and no, having publicity is not an achievement in itself* if nobody is interested in what you have to say when you get it).

How effective do you think disrupting normal people's lives is in achieving that goal?

* unless (and I have my suspicions) having their 15 minutes of fame is their goal, much like a lot of the Tiktok generation - climate change is just a convenient bandwagon to jump on
It shows.

So what exactly do you think they are trying to achieve by these protests? (and no, having publicity is not an achievement in itself* if nobody is interested in what you have to say when you get it).

How effective do you think disrupting normal people's lives is in achieving that goal?

* unless (and I have my suspicions) having their 15 minutes of fame is their goal, much like a lot of the Tiktok generation - climate change is just a convenient bandwagon to jump on
Lol thanks for delivering exactly what I expected :)
Obviously publicity and spreading the message is the goal and disruptive protest is what gets them this. What other reason is there for protest other than publicising the issue being protested? They are keeping environmental discussion on the front page of the papers and on the main TV channels that simple fact is raising awareness and has been the aim of every protest movement in history. I get that you don’t like the method and you probably think they are wasting their time etc etc but history will judge them differently. We are in the last chance saloon with climate change, successive governments have ignored the issue and disruptive protest is forcing the issue out of the shadows and into the mainstream consciousness.

Once again I ask how could these people get a similar amount of air time and focus on this issue without resorting to disruptive process? If there method is wrong what is the alternative they missed?
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some alternatives:
a. positive campaign, e.g. encourage ppl to switch to EVs, encourage plastic alternatives, etc.
b. try to get in power, win elections like other ppl do when they want to run the country.
c. find the nearest cliff, population is too big anyway.
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.....Once again I ask how could these people get a similar amount of air time and focus on this issue without resorting to disruptive process? If there method is wrong what is the alternative they missed?
They probably could'nt. The reason they need to is that nobody seriously believes their extreme form of doom mongering.
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Lol thanks for delivering exactly what I expected :)

Anytime, I aim to please :)

Obviously publicity and spreading the message is the goal and disruptive protest is what gets them this.

The problem is that their message is lost in the noise. Honestly I don't know exactly what it is they're protesting about (obviously i'm aware it's something to do with fossil fuel usage), and quite frankly I'm not interested in finding out more because their methods suggest to me that it's unlikely to be anything positive.
Anytime, I aim to please :)

The problem is that their message is lost in the noise. Honestly I don't know exactly what it is they're protesting about (obviously i'm aware it's something to do with fossil fuel usage), and quite frankly I'm not interested in finding out more because their methods suggest to me that it's unlikely to be anything positive.
Lol you’ve got the message they are pushing our reliance on fossil fuel has to end if the human race wants to continue to exist in anything like its current form!
Lol you’ve got the message they are pushing our reliance on fossil fuel has to end if the human race wants to continue to exist in anything like its current form!

Based on the example they're setting, I'm not sure it deserves to :cry:

What alternatives are they Proposing? And more importantly, what are they suggesting the average person in the street (i.e. the people they are targeting) should do about it?
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They probably could'nt. The reason they need to is that nobody seriously believes their extreme form of doom mongering.
The reason they need to is no government has taken the threat of climate change seriously for a generation, when we could have been making the changes we were making the problem worse and if we don’t do something now it will be too late. Yes they push the extreme end and rely on a silly three word slogan but that’s the only thing that registers in todays society, we chose our last government based on a three word slogan and extreme nonsense.

Successive governments and society at large has ignored the moderate environmentalists for a decade now we are faced with a brand we can’t ignore and surprise surprise those who have been ignoring the problem now want to suppress the messengers rather than tackle the problem!
Based on the example they're setting, I'm not sure it deserves to :cry:

What alternatives are they Proposing? And more importantly, what are they suggesting the average person in the street (i.e. the people they are targeting) should do about it?
The protests are not targeting the people in the street this is the thing half the posters here don’t seem to get. The target is the government and changing policies which is what will give the people on the street the chance to be green. Just stop oil only have one policy and that is that the government stops granting new licenses for the exploitation of fossil fuels in the UK. I’m not really sure I agree as some fossil fuels will be needed going forward and it is probably better for those to be produced in the UK. They are affiliated though with other protest groups like insulate UK and extinction rebellion etc all pushing different variations of the green agenda. If the government did anything more than pay lip service to green policies the protests wouldn’t be necessary!

I’m not a big fan of modern buzz word politics and single issue groups in general but something needs to change and these people are much more likely to force it than those sat at home thinking about it!
The protests are not targeting the people in the street this is the thing half the posters here don’t seem to get. The target is the government

If 50% of people are getting the wrong end of the stick, then has it not occurred to you that maybe they're doing it wrong?

If they're targeting the government and not people in the street then why are they attacking art galleries, sporting events, and blocking people going about their every day business rather than barricading downing street and protesting outside MPs homes?
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If 50% of people are getting the wrong end of the stick, then has it not occurred to you that maybe they're doing it wrong?

If they're targeting the government and not people in the street then why are they attacking art galleries, sporting events, and blocking people going about their every day business rather than barricading downing street and protesting outside MPs homes?

Neither of those suggestions get them the attention mass disruption and the targeting of public events do. There are protests every day in parliament square which nobody talks about and don’t make the news.

People will hopefully get it eventually hence I keep explaining it. I’m well aware people don’t like disruptive protest I get that it’s annoying but if you really believe in something and think that only urgent action can avert a major environmental disaster then you need to do something drastic.

The suffragettes disrupted all sorts of things and at the time were slatted for it yet history recognises their struggle was justified. The ANC used many forms of violent protest in South Africa and history judges them justified.
It’s quite worrying that they have received harsher sentences than people convicted of violent crime but it seems the judge decided to make an example of them, guess we will see if harsher sentencing deters future protests.
Neither of those suggestions get them the attention mass disruption and the targeting of public events do.

So their goal is to get attention rather than to actually change anything?

The suffragettes disrupted all sorts of things and at the time were slatted for it yet history recognises their struggle was justified. The ANC used many forms of violent protest in South Africa and history judges them justified.

You keep comparing them to movements in the past and say history will remember them favourably.

Or maybe they'll be remembered as the people who set climate change campaigning back by years due to the backlash against them.

Not sure which of our crystal balls is working better today, but it certainly seems to me that there are far more people against them than are sympathetic, and that's only going to get worse the more stupid stunts they pull, and the more people's lives they affect.
So their goal is to get attention rather than to actually change anything?

You keep comparing them to movements in the past and say history will remember them favourably.

Or maybe they'll be remembered as the people who set climate change campaigning back by years due to the backlash against them.

Not sure which of our crystal balls is working better today, but it certainly seems to me that there are far more people against them than are sympathetic, and that's only going to get worse the more stupid stunts they pull, and the more people's lives they affect.

Im going to be honest people driving that are inconvenienced by protestors are hardly rational people. I lose my **** if someone hasnt left enough space on the inside to get by when turning right.
So their goal is to get attention rather than to actually change anything?

You keep comparing them to movements in the past and say history will remember them favourably.

Or maybe they'll be remembered as the people who set climate change campaigning back by years due to the backlash against them.

Not sure which of our crystal balls is working better today, but it certainly seems to me that there are far more people against them than are sympathetic, and that's only going to get worse the more stupid stunts they pull, and the more people's lives they affect.
Attention to the cause is what changes things, they have a platform that they wouldn’t get without disruptive protest. I’ve literally said it in every post.

I’m not seeing a huge backlash it’s the daily mail and the crappy government doing the usual look over there while we steal all your cookies nonsense and even if you disagree with the methods I don’t see how it is going to turn those who believe in climate change against it? Any statistics to back up more people are against them than for them or that they are actively turning people who wanted to stop climate change into people who now want to kick it up a gear?
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