"Just stop oil"

I doubt it's a coincidence they targeted the garden funded by one of the biggest wealth management firms in the UK (RBC Brewin Dolphin), who also happen to be owned by the biggest financier of the fossil fuel industry.
I don't think anybody is saying we won't adapt, it's more, we won't adapt before millions have died
Why not? Also what do you mean by adapt in your example?

Because it's difficult to imagine what that future would be.
Once climate change falls over a tipping point, the future becomes very uncertain for all life on the planet. We could see 99% of all species dying off. What would that leave us? We'd survive, but what would be the point? No planet, no nature, just living to exist in an underground bunker. And it's not like we could come out next Tuesday, it would take millions of years for the planet to recover.
The first tipping point is thought to be around 3 C. We are already half way there...way ahead of the most pessimistic estimates.
Did you not see the irony as you wrote this? You point out that it is difficult to imagine the future and then immediately go on to imagine what you think the future is going to be.

Crops failing globally isn't really something you can adapt to.

It's pretty bleak stuff if/when runaway climate change occurs.

Maybe a tiny number of humans persist in habitats like those you'd have to build to live on Mars. But we'd have wiped 99.9% of all the flora and fauna on the planet, which is the true tragedy.
This is kind of what I am referencing. I don't anticipate crops failing to be an overnight phenomena. We won't wake up one year to find that we literally can't grow wheat or some other crop. Any degeneration in crop yield, would occur over multiple years. Did we just pretend not to notice this or something in your prediction?
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@dowie There is a question tho about how much of "our" emissions we have simply moved to a 3rd country. E.g. because we moved such a lot of our manufacturing to China, etc. So now "our" emissions are their emissions, but those goods are still destined for our consumers.

Perhaps accounts for some of the drop but certainly not all, unfortunately, we don't have much control over how they generate electricity... Trump tried to get Germany to be less reliant on Russian oil and they just laughed at him, he was right though... but whether China shifts more towards renewables is another matter.

Some fusion reactors would be very useful if we finally get that working... has always been a few years away but there does seem to have been some progress.

Would be quite amusing if someone does crack fusion, we all pivot to electric cars, clean electricity generation for industry and homes etc.. and we just use oil distillates for manufacturing, roads, air travel etc.
Why not? Also what do you mean by adapt in your example?

Did you not see the irony as you wrote this? You point out that it is difficult to imagine the future and then immediately go on to imagine what you think the future is going to be.

This is kind of what I am referencing. I don't anticipate crops failing to be an overnight phenomena. We won't wake up one year to find that we literally can't grow wheat or some other crop. Any degeneration in crop yield, would occur over multiple years. Did we just pretend not to notice this or something in your prediction?
Why does it have to be an overnight phenomena? There may come a point - in the future - where climate change exceeds our ability to adapt. That doesn't have to be overnight.
Why does it have to be an overnight phenomena? There may come a point - in the future - where climate change exceeds our ability to adapt. That doesn't have to be overnight.
When i say overnight phenomena I mean something that catches us unaware. Humanity gets blindsided and just cannot react.

We would realise when the climate is approaching a level where we can no longer adapt via technology, probably decades in advance. How long have people been talking about the demise of Moore's law? We've known for over decade that we were reaching the limit in that area.

I agree that progress isn't infinite there are somethings that we can't adapt to but we would know with pretty strong certainty if that was to happen.
At this rate they will have covered more sports than the BBC , whats that so far, horse racing, snooker, rugby, football, Formula 1. Which sport is up next I wonder, UFC? Cricket? Darts? ... cricket I would imagine would be a fancied target
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