Kickstart classic RPG - Wasteland 2!

No, I'm playing it at a higher resolution. Enjoying it thus far, although I'm finding the Ag facility quite challenging , and my characters seem to get an incredible amount of bad luck eg. weapons jamming, critical failures on skill checks etc even though the luck stat on a couple them is quite high.
Played about 10 hours now. It is ok. Not great, but not bad. The combat is incredibly underwhelming, and hardly tactical at all(no sneaking, really?). Isometric combat is never exciting at the best of times, but this seems particularly can we make it more boring? Weapons jamming every 5 seconds! You need to use up all your AP to reload!. It just drags out encounters far too long

Tbh, the game has been completely outshone in every department by Divinity, which does practically everything better. This feels very simplistic in comparison.

Also, having to choose where to go first for the first mission might sound good on paper when you are trying to demonstrate the reactivity of the game, but it falls completely flat in-game, and doesn't really make sense.

I went to the AG center first. When I got to Highpool(second area) they kept asking why nobody was sent there to help them....Good point!

Edit- I just read this Eurogamer review and it pretty much sums up some of the frustrations with the game.
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I'm the opposite - I'm actually enjoying it the more I play. I'm not too fussed about the lack of stealth ; that isn't a facet of gameplay I normally get too wrapped up in. The weapon jamming remains annoying though, and seems to occur far more often than what is predicted. I've had characters with only a 1% chance have 3-4 jams in a row in a single fight !

I think graphically the game could have been better, particularly the character models/customisation, but the story, general ambience and old school RPG feel really appeals to my tastes. Voice acting is good and suits the game perfectly.

Initially the game can be quite hard - some of the random encounters were way above my level. However, once you get several levels under your belt your party truly begins to feel like Desert Rangers who can handle themselves competently.
I'm the opposite - I'm actually enjoying it the more I play. I'm not too fussed about the lack of stealth ; that isn't a facet of gameplay I normally get too wrapped up in.

It isn't so much 'stealth' gameplay that is missing(though I find it bizarre that there is none), it is that it is almost impossible to move your rangers around tactically before a fight starts. I thought that was a major part of the game, and tbh, the main point of a party-based game! That you can't get any of your characters in to cover before starting combat is poor. It has pretty much removed any kind of tactical gameplay, as every fight turns in to just a straight up shooting match.
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It isn't so much 'stealth' gameplay that is missing(though I find it bizarre that there is none), it is that it is almost impossible to move your rangers around tactically before a fight starts. I thought that was a major part of the game, and tbh, the main point of a party-based game! That you can't get any of your characters in to cover before starting combat is poor. It has pretty much removed any kind of tactical gameplay, as every fight turns in to just a straight up shooting match.

Ah, but you can. You just have to enter single character mode and move your party individually to where you want them to be before engagement commences. Of course, some of the mobs get are alerted to your presence quite rapidly so you may not get the chance ( which is where a stealth mechanic would have been helpful ).

When I started the game I was just moving my whole party around together ... but having them all hunched up was causing line of sight issues & friendly fire damage. And, of course, as you know ,the game doesn't allow you to "place" your party at the start of combat which is probably a feature a lot of players, me included, were expecting in a turn-based game.

Now I just send my sniper/scout ahead of the party ( he has perception skill too ) in dangerous areas and once hostiles are identified I move the rest of the party up to him and place them behind any cover that exists. Once that is done I let the sniper take the opening shot, and battle begins ... with all my characters in position.
Now I just send my sniper/scout ahead of the party ( he has perception skill too ) in dangerous areas and once hostiles are identified I move the rest of the party up to him and place them behind any cover that exists. Once that is done I let the sniper take the opening shot, and battle begins ... with all my characters in position.

That is very rarely possible though, and even when it is, it is poorly implemented as you can't sneak in to position or anything.
Combat wise I think it works well - at first I was frustrated with the gun jamming until I started seeing it happening to the bandits too. Now it's just something you have to allow for - the guns left after the apocalypse are all rusting pieces of crap :) All in all early impressions are great. Loads of skills, attributes, a proper inventory. It's what I want in a PC rpg.

//edit - it's still good. It's just like I remember the original Fallout games being, just with better combat. I just finished the first big quest area and everything bar the visuals - which for me are functional and good enough - has been great fun. I suggest making your party from scratch - it's worth the time investment. I now have a gang of cowboys including a Wyatt Earp like leader, a bruiser based on Jayne from Firefly, a sweet talking saloon ****, and a beardy old doc. This is exactly what the PC needs more of.
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Encountering quite a few bugs, and some just poor design. Quite often it doesn't recognize clicks, or scenery gets in the way. The camera angle is really poor(can;t put my finger on it, but it just never seems like you are seeing enough to me). It is disappointing as this really should have been sorted in the rather long beta/early access!...Atm, I am on a random encounter where I can't move any of my squad because it will not recognise the place I am trying to move to, so it is coming up red.

^I also have a character based on Jayne!:D...I bet Firefly characters are quite common tbh
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20 hours in now. Enjoying it in parts, but most of it feels like a chore. I have put loads of points in to outdoorsman so I can avoid the combat as much as possible...I have done the same 'random encounter' about 6 times:rolleyes:(dead guy on the bonnet of a truck that has been displayed like a trophy), and what makes it worse is that my weakest ranger hits for about 40, strongest for 90ish, all with over 100HP, and the enemies have 11 HP and hit for about 6 at a time:o...It is just poor. But of course the fight still lasts too long as guns jam and my rangers have ridiculously low chances to hit.

Atm, I can't say the game is anything more than ok tbh.
Funny, I have pretty much opposite impressions. During random encounters I have usually 100% chance to run and yet I do them because I enjoy the combat, the party is balanced in a way that is enjoyable to me. Right now I am in Prison and thinking about how to resolve the situation there. Kill everyone or not kill everyone?
Can't wait to get off work and make a decision.

Haven't seen any bugs or crashes yet. The camera is fine if played with right hand on WSAD to move it as needed, which I don't mind.
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