
Wonder how many will pull their pledges before deadline. Saying you'll pledge does not mean you have, you can pull your pledge at anytime, before the end.

And I bet the book reward will be stupid.
POTATO MADNESS: Receive a potato-salad themed haiku written by me, your name carved into a potato that will be used in the potato salad, a signed jar of mayonnaise, the potato salad recipe

I kinnda wantr to give him money :D

Really?! :rolleyes:
Managed to get Engadget interested in Touchtime who havent fulfilled their backers nearly two years on - hopefully might finally get a resolution.

Gotta say this has stopped me backing anything else on kickstarter, there is zero backup from kickstarter or from the company if anything goes wrong.


That's the fear I have with backing expensive projects, that they don't even deliver anything. The most expensive thing I backed was $35 (Star Citizen) and that was enough for me, just not willing to risk it.
Urghh, they look annoyingly good :(. DON'T TEMPT ME :mad:.

It's always the worry though that; (1) they'll go out of business the day they get my monies, (2) they'll be so delayed that other, better products will already be on the market, (3) it falls apart the second I touch it, or (4) the sound quality is worse than shouting down a toilet roll tube.
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