Kingdom Come: Deliverance / Open-World RPG / Medieval History

r_batchtype 1 is the default setting now so a bonus for Vega owners unaware of this pre-patch.

I cannot max all my sliders anymore - does anyone else find this to be the case?
Tried new patch just. No discernible difference in performance or LOD pop in that I can see. i.e. no improvements. Not started game properly yet, just bezzing round the first village testing stuff really. If anything, dare I say it, it felt slightly more stuttery than it did, until I'd run around for a bit and felt like everything had 'cached' in. Hmmm

I like the new AA settings choice though. There's only 3 but The best one seems to be the top one - SMAA 2TX - what is that!? I'm familiar with SMAA and TXAA, is this some sort of hybrid?

Also, it's just downloaded another update. Tiny one at 14.7MB. What's that then???? EDIT - just done another quick test bez around the village after this wee second update. Totally smooth and stutter free. Either they just landed a very important further tiny update or perhaps my previous patch install didn't fully work and steam had to download a few missing files?
Either way, seems good now smoothness/ lack of stutter wise, in the first village at least.

EDIT 2 - sorry to bang on about this, but if that new second mini update was new, it's really made it butter smooth. Just done a 5 minute bez round the first village and not one single stutter or hitch. Lovely stuff!
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The one with the bird cages from the huntsman in Rattay? That one has always worked for me.
Unfortunately it's been broken for lots of people for ages (not me, fortunately). No mention of it specifically in the notes, but I bet it's one of the ones mentioned in forum posts in response to the patch as it's been such a biggie for so long.
I think I am going to wait until I eventually upgrade my GPU, currently rocking an EVGA GTX 1070 SC.

I've read average things about the combat though?

Don't know what resolution your rocking, but the GTX 1070 will do fine if you tweak the settings.

Combat is different, but good once you get used to it. It does not hold your hands but there is plenty of training options with certain NPC's to get into the hang of things.
I cannot max them. I set everything to ultra & it all sticks except the sliders.. seen a couple of comments elsewhere from people with the same issue..
The sliders are now linked to Object Quality and Vegetation Quality, you cannot adjust them independently anymore.
Downloaded the patch, to bad for me it is a week late though. I was off for 6 days after last Friday, so would been great then. :p

Does anyone had time to check if some of the more "game breaking" quest bugs been fixed ?? Don't remember the name but you had to do a certain quest before another or things would go pearshaped ??
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