This is looking amazing, can't wait for more updates
Thanks Sneblot
Love the fan grill for your psu.
Thanks infernox, got a few more of those grills to make yet.
Not the update I was hoping to post.
I'll come clean, I've not been getting much done at all feeling too demotivated (think I just needed a little time out, this project is kicking my rear all over the place lol) so absolutely nowhere near the point of what I was hoping to get done for my 4000th post on bit-tech but that was making me avoid posting far too much & there is much to comment on in other logs & new ones, also need to make the "workshop" more of a workshop that isn't prone to turning into a big game of twister & where's wally insane edition where you need a microscope when trying to find misplaced bits.
Again with that flipping spindicator?, fraid so & we’re not there yet lol.
When I went to do the new wire work on the spindicator after getting some get up & go to continue with white LED's (3rd time doing the soldering BTW) I thought that copper ring idea was possibly a far fetched silly idea that would be near impossible to do & in fact a great doable idea suggested by Keir for connecting all the negative LED legs for the spindicator so went ahead measured & designed/printed it & got busy making it out of 1mm copper sheet.
Snipping LED legs.
Soldering wires of same length to the positive legs.
This bit was difficult & took the longest lining up all 12 legs through the 1mm holes of the copper ring, was a little frustrating.
But managed it & then soldered it in place along with a wire to go to the negative wire, the heat shrink wasn't good enough for making a snug fit so had to think of something else so I ordered some liquid electrical tape which I'll brush on any exposed joints (hopefully have that tomorrow).
The colour discs for changing the spindicator colours, made these from coloured transparent vinyl's (bought a bunch of a4 sheets) & 1mm acrylic sheet & will easily be as good as certain coloured LED's with the diffusion from the opal frosted acrylic (I hope

) & are relatively easy to change the colours but not easy enough to change without some effort so plenty of testing will be done to find my favourite colour once it's whirling.
Also added 2 extra plain discs to make the switch need a tiny push instead of a fairly long push to function but might switch that for 1 because I think 2mm extra will be the perfect addition instead of 3mm, as it is it only requires a very faint push.
How it looks from behind when installed, looks a bit messy at the moment but it won't once I get it connected to the spindicator & use liquid electrical tape to keep solder joints from shorting out & get the lengths to perfect length & neatly routed fixed in place.
Space, did I mention how little there will be between the switch & PSU, look at the huge gap, spindicator was only just possible to be part of the marble switch.
I'll likely make a PSU back plate that mounts to the psu & back panel to give a pinch of space, good thing I don't need to use the modular cables for the HTPC, the gap you see on the switch house is due to having 1 too many 1mm discs in the pipe so it's forcing it over a touch like said the marble only needs a faint push to function, this will change.
Decided to have a go at getting the Zalman CNPS12X Ultimate Performance Triple Fan CPU Cooler base flat because it was a very long way away from flat & had a really bad see saw effect because of 1 of the heat pipes in the middle being at a higher level than the others which created a 1mm see saw, my advice to anyone buying 1 of these coolers, put it on a surface you know is flat & check it out to see if it has a nasty see saw effect & then get something like a metal ruler to check the base out carefully visually, if it isn't flat get it exchanged rather than try to flatten it, I'll show why.
I have never had to file a heat sink base before, had to lap them before now but never had to file, that's as bad a sign as you can get of quality control gone AWOL.
So, once I got it flat from filing I wanted to go a little further by now lapping it, I should have settled for a not flat base but a flatter than what it was base, this fat chunk of 10mm thick aluminium with smooth edges has been serving me nicely for sanding things perfectly flat.
I kept checking for sweet flatness & it has a slight concave base also as a nice bonus on top of the wonky base & because of how much I had to file down it must have left virtually no pipe left to sand so a tiny hole formed on the worst heat pipe & a little liquid had come out, I knew it was knackered at this point so continued to see how bad it would get if I made the base completely flat just to see how badly made the base is on this.
Not good at all as it happens, I noticed another wet spot, joy.
Oh yeah, this is what happens when you make the base of this cooler perfectly flat, a little tiny hole wiped with tissue made it cave in very easily, awesome, not, so see this warning & if you buy 1 of these coolers & it isn't nice & flat possibly with 1 or more heat pipes bulging higher than the rest, get it exchanged & don't try to fix it yourself, it will cut you £60 to £70 short & leave you highly disappointed, could have pre ordered hitman absolution & assassins creed 3 with that & had change to buy I am alive, gutted.
I did also check it out for how you remove the fans if you want to mod them which most modders would want to I expect, the plastic strip mounts the fans are on have some kind of arrow plugs 1 at the top & 1 at the bottom that go into the fins so there might be notches cut out of the fins so they clip in place, free them & you free the fans allowing you to mod them.
Zalman you let me down with your garbage quality control on your flagship air cooler & I'm £65 out of pocket leaving me quite gutted indeed, that could have bought more aluminium or a bunch of good games, doubt I'll buy Zalman again, it did cross my mind to buy another because it does look awesome for an air cooler but could have had the same damn issue so thought I'd have to be very stupid to buy another because even if it was flat it would have been garbage surface finish on the base in need of a good lapping.
I have totally jumped ship & ordered a nicely engineered Noctua NH-D14 which I'll mod to be a monster of a triple custom 140mm Akasa viper fans which kick a hefty 110 CFM & are PWM fans

that might well match OK water cooling, that's how I lose the plot, whatever failed me I make something far more awesome, I don't know why, I just do, maybe I need to get the gutted feeling away from me fast & this seems to work.
The workshop sort out can wait until the project is complete, this update wouldn't have been posted today if the Zalman cooler didn't show serious flaw & would have had the HTPC & stand altogether probably in a week or so, so see you in a week, at least I got what was going to be a special 4000th post done & I can comment on logs again,

was just aiming to make it an excellent update, the full HTPC & stand & spindicator whirling away & sweet custom all aluminium fan, oh well, next update.
A bunch of the power section shots since I made the marble flush to the inset panel, I wonder if people will get sick of seeing this particular piece lol but if they do there is the anodising contrast thing to come & it will all need a very good sanding session before that, still looks a bit rough but I do like it, how bout you.
More as soon as I have more to show.