"Leytonstone Tube station stabbing a 'terrorist incident'" - BBC

We survived the Blitz, we'll survive these Islamotards.

We're doomed - we don't have the stomach for a fight anymore. The government wants to cut our armed forces and police forces to the smallest levels ever while our population hits record highs every year - security will just be for those who can afford it. Meanwhile the leader of the opposition is a pacifist who refuses to fight jihadis, while his backers would rather see MPs who voted for airstrikes against IS stabbed in the street.
May have been?
Of course it was a terrorist attack.
It was clearly to instil fear for a political reason.

Doesn't matter if he was a lone person or part of a bigger group, it is still clearly a terrorist from what we know.

To the batcave! I mean, you had better get to the police station as they could do with the information you hold that clearly confirms this as a terrorist attack.

On a more serious note, the police are treating it as a terrorist attack, however, it may have been a mentally ill person. I was merely posting to the earlier posters that not not all terrorist attacks have to involve explosives.

And what 'exactly do we know"? A man was stabbed by a man yelling, "this is for Syria". The police would have arrested under TACT as that is what the initial thought process was - a terrorist attack. However, enquires, investigations may reveal the guy was actually a bit of a nutter.

I have my own thoughts.
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You had better get to the police station as they could do with the information you hold.

As you out point they're already classing it as such. It's only some people on here saying the opposite, and that's a bizarre conclusion to come to.

Most people who commit such crimes can be diagnosed as mental, doesn't stop it being a terrorist attack, it fits snuggly into terrorist definition, both dictionary and legally.
Knew it wouldn't be long. Although some questions need to be asked

- what if it wasn't just a knife, would armed response had been there in quick manner
- until armed arrival how would we have coped in the situation
- how did this event transpire. Where there any close security
- would officers carrying tasers only be safe if the nut job was carrying a gun

Good to see some local people trying to take him down a peg or two him and good that he was contained but I fear this is just the start of things which maybe a little heavier next time

We need to be on top of these and take such attacks down quickly. Foiling them if possible before they have began, would have been hard seeing that coming though
This style off attack is currently what armed police officers are training for, luckily in this instance it was only one man with a knife.

I dread to think of the carnage that would have been caused if the man was armed.
As you out point they're already classing it as such. It's only some people on here saying the opposite, and that's a bizarre conclusion to come to.

Most people who commit such crimes can be diagnosed as mental, doesn't stop it being a terrorist attack, it fits snuggly into terrorist definition, both dictionary and legally.

But, after the investigation, it is found the man is mentally ill, he can be de arrested for the TACT offence and and rearrested under PACE:


Please don't think i am defending this - but we have to make sure we have the facts and the right conclusion is reached.
Still struggling to see how this is labelled as terrorism, the chap in the story below was motivated by Lee Rigby's death but he wasn't called out as a terrorist or an act of terrorism.


It's these inconsistencies daesh look out for selling their narrative. I can't help but think this underground attack is being upsold to support our recent vote

It's the Police who decide not a political party
Knew it wouldn't be long. Although some questions need to be asked

- what if it wasn't just a knife, would armed response had been there in quick manner
- until armed arrival how would we have coped in the situation
- how did this event transpire. Where there any close security
- would officers carrying tasers only be safe if the nut job was carrying a gun

I work in London so maybe I can help with a few of these answers.

I don't know how quickly the police got there (the ones tasering). However regular police are always patrolling / at random stations throughout the day. I come in and out of Fenchurch street and more often than not there are either armed and/or police with tasers on duty.

Whilst walking round London there are plenty of armed police patrols just driving round. These police cars are marked with yellow circle stickers on their windows (and a yellow star on their roof if you can see it).

This incident may have been dealt with within minutes if the police were already at the station once it all kicked off, if not I presume it would have been dealt with pretty rapidly still, and armed police wouldn't have been too far behind.

If the attacker was armed with a gun? The first set of police officers would have been stuffed, and the public. Unfortunately their isn't much you can do if a man with a gun walks into a crowded public spot. Especially if he is willing to die. (not saying that was the case here)

EDIT: admit that my experiences are more central/ city based.
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Think the case here is that it was driven by certain ideology, but this doesn't look a well planned act of terror by any organisation. Lone guy with an agenda in his head, we'll have to see if more surfaces about his background.
This is right on my doorstep and on another sat night i may have been passing that station! all very real now, i have a feeling its going to kick off big time around here any time soon
This is right on my doorstep and on another sat night i may have been passing that station! all very real now, i have a feeling its going to kick off big time around here any time soon

It kicked off years ago, it's just that they're pretty good at stopping planned attacks. Some will slip through eventually. It's the lone/unplanned stuff that is impossible to gather info about.
Think the case here is that it was driven by certain ideology, but this doesn't look a well planned act of terror by any organisation. Lone guy with an agenda in his head, we'll have to see if more surfaces about his background.

That's sort of how I feel about it. Not every act of Islamic terrorism (if we assume that's what this was) is going to be run by Isis. It won't stop them claiming it though, and media outlets certainly get a kick out of reporting things as Isis attacks if they get a chance.

You aren't going to stop these sorts of attacks that come with no warning signs and aren't carried out as part of a larger group, you can just hope to be able to bring them to an end quickly.
It kicked off years ago, it's just that they're pretty good at stopping planned attacks. Some will slip through eventually. It's the lone/unplanned stuff that is impossible to gather info about.

Aye and it's partly thanks to our laws on guns/explosives that the lone attacks that do make it through tend not to be big ones with a lot of victims.

One of the key differences between say the U.S. and the UK tends to be the ease with which a lone or very small group of "independent" nuts (for whatever reason) can cause multiple major injuries.

Over here they're more likely to get caught trying to get a gun/explosives before the attack, or not know how to get them and thus end up with things like knives, whilst in some countries it's very easy to get the weapons.

So rather than having someone able to stand still in a crowded environment and hit a bunch of people who may be a distance away, you tend to end up with that person having to get within arms reach of every victim.
Doesn't help the people they do get, but it does tend to mean they can't get as many
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