I disagree with this mentality... to say "I only notice it on web pages" is to already admit there is a noticeable problem with something that costs £1500. I have replaced many items over the years that I was not happy with and got back great samples after 1 or 2 swaps.This is the problem though, you will spend most of your life replacing things if you want perfect / very close to perfect... All of these screens have banding or tint or some other problem and the best option is to keep whichever you are happy with in normal content, not so much if you can see the issue on test slides etc. Only time I really notice is web pages and I don't plan to use as a monitor for web browsing, so I am leaning towards just keeping it, judging from looking on other forums at other peoples panels, this one seems relatively good.
Wow those are pretty bad was that the cx48 model though ?
I know a few guys on avforums said after a few days their picture got better overall and less problematic. I can understand fully though if I spent 1.5K it has to be good good not just ok or like those screenshots, I would certainly get it in writing by which ever company you got it from there exact tv return policy and return procedure and cost also since if by say week 3 it's not improved, id rather send it back at my own expensive or £30 carrier charge then hang onto a 1.5K bad set.
You may have missed these on the other thread but this guy got his 2nd 48cx replacement panel and it turned out worse than his first one:
Also, that thing I mentioned after a good 2-3 weeks or few hundred hours of use may improve the PQ on the cx oleds few people here mentioned there's improved:
I think those guys had the 48cx also, so the general trend is after some good quality use and time hopefully it improves but its just a fyi, you will know what's right and best to do!
That is very true of the post above perhaps do it if its not improved at all though after a week or bit, I was going to suggest if the customer services can perhaps replace the screen for you by sending out a new one and you will then afterwards re-arrange a drop off or collection of the faulty TV set at a later on date ?
If they ask why not at same time just tell them its wall mounted and only the engineer can remove it or some excuse....
That way you can have both screens and test them out, otherwise not unless you purchase a new set which is overkill I know then simply send back which ever one is worse or just keep getting replacements and take pics to see which ones worse.
If you do anything get it in email or writing or take the persons name down.
How do you know if you will get a better sample or not until you try? I really don't understand this whiney "but what if" failure mentality that stops people even making the effort to improve a situation. Better to try and fail than regret not trying... in my experience a lot of the time things do improve.Let say you get 10 panels, they all have tint and banding (which they all do)... What are you going to do? Accept one that you find acceptable, or not have one at all? Even with minor uniformity problems these still destroy any other option for picture quality.
How do you know if you will get a better sample or not until you try? I really don't understand this whiney "but what if" failure mentality that stops people even making the effort to improve a situation. Better to try and fail than regret not trying... in my experience a lot of the time things do improve.
As for "not have one at all"... that depends if a problem was bad enough that I know it would annoy me and be noticeable throughout my ownership. In that case, I would rather not own it. However, that rarely happens.
I sisn't say perfect... I said near-perfect, which means as good as you can possibly get until you are satisfied enough to keep something. I have over 2 decades of buying and swapping electronics behind me... OLED panels are hardly the first example of inconsistent quality and manufacturing in the displays world and I also did a hell of a lot of research on OLED's and their faults before deciding not to buy one as a desktop PC display until they are downsized far more sensibly to actual PC monitor sizes.Yeh this forum probably not the best place to ask... for example do you have any experience of these panels? Or just your general opinion? My reason for not returning is because I am quite knowledgeable about it and I think the chances of getting a worse one are more than getting a better one.
The general opinion of anyone who knows about this, seems to be to to keep the one I have now. To repeat what I said before, they ALL have banding or tint or both + other potential issues. There is no such thing as a perfect one. Anyway lets leave it at that its pointless going on about it.
Anyone who owns one and wants to post pictures of your white screen or banding would be very useful, thanks.
I can't say I've noticed any major issues with mine. You need to be careful with some of these tests because e.g. loading a white background at max brightness and studying for defects can be a bit like running Prime 95 for hours when testing a CPU.
I've had monitors with horrendous BLB and sent them straight back, but my X35 only had BLB on total dark background and was barely noticeable in normal gaming use.
Anyone who purchased from Currys, did you get any documentation for the 5 year warranty ?
The Currys internal computer system automatically also say 5 years included so if there was any issue it's an internal thing
I'm glad I went with a C9 now for couch gaming. I've seen a lot of these uniformity issues with the CX, not limited to the CX48 either.