LG DM2780D 27" 3D monitor


That's a little steep for passive glasses!

Hopefully that will come down soon.

May send them (another) email asking if those would be correct glasses for LD DM2780D, and if the prices may drop...

I feel sorry for anyone for whom 3D was the primary reason for purchasing the DM2780D.

It was my primary reason :)

Got a lovely 2560x1440 IPS screen for plain old 2D :)
You guys kinda suck..... with my ****** English i managed to sort it out.
I got D2342P and I got wrong glasses with them. Big purple ghosting. Glasses on side got CINEMA 3D instead of MONITOR 3D

First thing i did is emailed LG.... **** THAT **** dont even bother with trying to sort it out using email it is WASTE OF TIME

Then i gave LG costumer service a ring. Spoke to guy named IAN explained situation with having wrong glasses and that tilting sorts out ghosting. Left him my mobile number and he contacted technical support. One hour later he rang me back and left me a number that i had to email back to LG with
Receipt --- scan of amazon one
Monitor details : wrote it down and did a photo of back of monitor just to make sure
I explained in email once more what was is wrong.
That was last week.

Last evening after no response from them i called LGs CS again to check whats up..
Guy told me that new glasses ware sent to me 2 days ago with second class postage and should get to me next week.

Best option is to just ring them and say LIE !!!
Say that there was no glasses in the box with monitor and you want them sent over ASAP and you are sorted :) That is if you dont have that monitor for over 2 weeks :P.

ps. I love 3d on this monitor. No headache after 8 hour session in bf3 what so ever :)
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You know, I am glad you got sorted, but to say we "suck" because we weren't able to, makes me wish I could suspend you myself.

The first thing I did was phone.

You may have found it easy, but that's the whole problem here - some people in LG know what the hell they are doing and others don't. It seems the majority DON'T!!!!!!!!!!

And I am also hassling them more than I normally would, because I want to make sure that other people don't have to jump through hoops like some of us have.

It's go nothing to do with how good or bad one's english is - it's just pure pot luck who you speak to.
Well that shows its just best like i said LIE that there was no glasses with monitor in first place....

Sad thing is that you guys payd good buck for 27inch one. I got 23 inch one just for 140.

I wish you could buy proper glasses for those monitors and cinema not that **** you get that costs like 10p to make :(

I heard good stuff about Zalman ones.
And if it goes for more information try this topic about LG Glasses :

And if it goes for SUCK part. I always get stuff sorted. Even if I have to scream on some poor ******* over the phone. Maybe i will screw hes day up but at least it makes my day better :D.
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LOL - if everyone just lied to support claiming either no glasses or defectives then LG support would still be ignorant of the actual issue - and - they would probably have sent out the wrong type as replacement. Back to sqare one!!!
That happened to one US customer.

Its almost certainly because of the persistence of accurate complaints about the issue that I have been dealt with after a single contact email.

Zalmans - I have these and while they solve the 'Purple' problem they still show ghosting with this monitor. (to a lesser extent, and in normal colours) - both in tri-def games and 3D movies.

Ive considered DIY extra pairs using products like this http://www.polarization.com/polarshop/product_info.php?cPath=22&products_id=42 - still looking for a cheap UK supplier.
Might be easier (will be cheaper) doctoring 2pairs of the £1 glasses making 2 eyepieces from 1 pair to glue (@45°) onto the frame of the other pair with lenses popped out.
Could use similar method to produce left eye only and right eye only specs for those dual player games on a single screen.
Hi guys just to let you know i think lg might try and sue me if i dont stop what im doing they told me i have a letter being posted to me by head office and that this will be the final correspondence i will recieve from them lol
well you can always send them back and get money back. You should have 3 sets of good glasses and have none WTF
Forgot to say, decided to get in touch with Amazon as well, and I got to say, I love their customer service. They were aware of the issue (probably thanks to Lee :) ), and said would have sent replacement straight off had they had stock in, but they said they would be following up with LG on the matter.

Whether or not they do remains to be seen, but at least I felt like I was heard.

With any luck, the new IPS 3D monitors will be out before I have a satisfactory resolution and maybe Amazon will give me a trade in towards one of them :)
Ye that is a good idea. Amazons CS is one of best ones out there... I still dont have my glasses :/
I got box from LG today.
TWO boxes of glasses !!!! So i got 2x normal ones and 2x clip one
Told ya you have to have some luck and be a ******* over the phone :D
Top box was ones i got with monitor. Like it says Cinema 3d ones i got today say 3d monitor. Boxes different 2

Purple ghosting is gone :)
Feel free to use this picture to prove that THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF ****ING GLASSES not like some of guys in CS say that they are all thesame...
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Guys at TriDef forums asked me for snap of Part number so posting it here 2.
Turns out

It is even bigger **** up !!!!
This is photo of box that one chap from TriDef got with hes monitor:

Look at the product number. It is correct but it is on wrong box !!!!
Some idiot managed to label wrong boxes with good labels. So when they are doing packing check with scanners it shows on their system that there are GOOD GLASSES in box with monitor !!!!

This is really bad for LG. Ok we here and on other forums are more like PRO pc users and we know that there is something wrong and we fund a solution aka Zalman monitor Glasses.
Now think what would typical Bob do ??? He does see that 3d is working and its got purple ghosting. But he thinks that its the way it is on those monitors and he is not happy with image quality. So or he returns the monitor or whines to hes mates that those passive 3d monitors are ****.... Maybe that is why those 23 inch monitors dropped in price so much lately ??
ps. Just noticed that wrong labeled ones are made in China and ones i got are made in Korea.
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Mind if I link to the pics in the first post?

Might be easier if I link people to it and they don't have to look for it.

Will let Amazon and LG know where the mistake was.

I have mine sorted now. But there are many who don't.

And there are many who I am sure are not aware and are putting up with substandard 3D experience.

So have sent off a letter to watchdog. I think LG should be making more effort to contact purchasers of affected units, and also to make clearer to both their staff and customers that there are 2 kinds of glasses (at least).
Yeah, I like it.

I have not tried active shutter (and didn't want to) so I can not compare it, but the 3D is good.

Despite having high res Hazro display, I always want to play Skyrim on this in 3D :)

Everything just feels so flat when I go back to 2D :)

The only problem in all of this is LG's handling of the glasses issue.

Many will complain it's half res, etc, but at no point have I felt it looked crap. I don't sit right up close though. About 1m to 1.5m.
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