Here's a photo at 1AM last night on black background.
I can't complain about this monitor at all, here's hoping it doesn't slow develop an issue like Mrk's.
Also mrk, I'm still hoping they sort you out. I'm amazed they haven't just sent you a new monitor by now. It's getting well our of hand here. If you didn't buy the 29" one you'd be screwed.
IIRC "P" is meant to be a factory calibrated version (or something like that) - my "P" came with a certificate showing the serial no, some graphs and a pass-mark.
A big stuck Red Pixel on that screen, RMA it.
Seriously that is what I would except every time.
I really hope OCUK lower the price on this when you can get it £140 cheaper elsewhere.
Probably grey-import stock - see how well they do customer service on them - you'll probably have similar problems to MRK or worse.
Reading around has anyone had any issues with this monitor with the AMD 290 cards? particulary in crossfire?
FYI I spoke with LG today and have been informed that the revision 2.0 firmware will be available to download soon
Still would like to know if the 290 cards are okay with this monitor. As im sure you know theres issues with those cards on the 4k monitors not working properly.