The problem is that almost all fuel stations don't request that people remove their helmet, there are only a few out there which enforce the rule, which makes them look like a jobsworth. If every fuel station enforced the rule then id bet this thread would never of been started
So many people posting and they have not read or paid any attention to any of the posts motorcyclists have made. It is not as simple as "Taking off your helmet". You have to take off the helmet, unzip your jacket (letting all the heat out), then take off your balaclava and then remove your earplugs + store them somewhere safe. If you want to keep warm you have to then do your jacket back up. It is not an option to put your helmet on the end of the handle bars, if you have any sense anyway. Would you put a £300 I Phone on the edge of your curved bonnet and hope it wouldnt fall off?
When you have the helmet off, you either put it on the floor which is covered in spilt diesel or try and hold it with one hand, fill up with the other and balance the bike at the same time. Then you have to go into the shop and pay, wow, you have your helmet off, the person at the till is going to appreciate that you are not being rude by not showing them your face. Then you're back outside, refit your earplugs, un zip the top of your jacket again, letting the heat out once more, fit the balaclava, do up jacket, fit the helmet, which now feels like a soggy sock cause its cold and damp, great!