Lids off when buying petrol

You do realise that most mirrors will not safely hold a helmet, bars are generally sloped downwards and so will not safely hold a helmet and not all bikes have a helmet lock?

Oh I'm sorry, i didnt realise, , maybe the bars and mirrors on my CBR 1000, VFR750, ZZR 600, VTR 1000, GPX 600, RGV 250, 2 x RD350's, etc etc etc have all been different to your motorbikes?

Mabye i missed something. The mirrors and Bars on the ZZR600 i have at the minute seem more than up to the job of holding a helmet.
Surely my Spec 1R cant weigh that much less than everyone elses helmet here?
"Why do you stupid bikers have to take your helmets off anyway?. It just causes problems for the rest of us.......get a move on!!!".

I was lost for words. Couldn't be bothered with an argument so just ignored him as he returned to his car ranting and raving.

Some folk I guess were holding the door open for everyone else when brain cells were being handed out.:rolleyes:

tbh, you do seem to faff about a bit much.
Mohh. If I was out for pleasure it's nice to take the lid off sometimes and get a bit of air. Though if I was just going places or in a rush then it's a bit more annoying. I think I started with always taking my lid off, but after using the same places a few times they didn't mind if I left it on. Otherwise I'd aim for pay at pump.

I can see how it could be thought of as rude, walking in wearing a lid, though of course the visor is always up and I was a fool and didn't wear earplugs.

As for holding the 'people' up behind when getting gear all back on, I didn't let it bother me too much, can't be helped and I've often spent minutes waiting for car drivers to move away.

I used to plonk the lid on the seat, though that worked well with the Shoei, the Arai is a bit more wobbly, and as people have said, there isn't often a safe place to put it. clip-ons yes, but it always seemed precarious to me.

Oh I'm sorry, i didnt realise, , maybe the bars and mirrors on my CBR 1000, VFR750, ZZR 600, VTR 1000, GPX 600, RGV 250, 2 x RD350's, etc etc etc have all been different to your motorbikes?

Mabye i missed something. The mirrors and Bars on the ZZR600 i have at the minute seem more than up to the job of holding a helmet.
Surely my Spec 1R cant weigh that much less than everyone elses helmet here?

Your certainly in the minority of motorcyclists if you regularly stick your skid lid on your mirrors, bars, seat or any other part of your machine.

Out of all the people I ride with, not one of them would trust any of those areas to hold a lid safely and without risk of it having a helmet/ground interface situation arise.

tbh, you do seem to faff about a bit much.

Really?. I hardly think so. :rolleyes:

I'm sensible when it comes to fuelling up. As mentioned by someone earlier, if it's very busy, I will generally fuel up then take the bike of the stand and move it out the way to a safe place to park up so that anyone behind me can move forward and begin fuelling up themselves.

However, I'm not doing that every time I fuel up just because there's one single car waiting behind me. I've spent time waiting too, whilst the plonker in front of me gets into their car, safely put's their receipts away in there wallet with their cards, tucks it away in their glove box or jacket pocket, adjusts their hair, has a quick read of the paper they have just bought.......and then slowly puts on their seatbelt, faffs about with their seat adjustment, starts car and then moves off.

So yeah, it can be a two way streak, this waiting game.

What people need to do is get off their high horses and be sensible about it all. It's hardly rocket science.
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Your certainly in the minority of motorcyclists if you regularly stick your skid lid on your mirrors, bars, seat or any other part of your machine.

Out of all the people I ride with, not one of them would trust any of those areas to hold a lid safely and without risk of it having a helmet/ground interface situation arise.

Then you and your friends worry to much, because not once and I mean never have I have helmet fall of a handle bar, mirror, or helmet lock.
In fact I dont know anybody who rides who doesnt stick their helmet on the bike when they fill up.
You go to skegness in the summer or any gathering of (spits) "bikers" and most if not all the bikes have their helmets on them.
Then you and your friends worry to much

Nope, we don't actually. We're quite a relaxed lot, really. :D

because not once and I mean never have I have helmet fall of a handle bar, mirror, or helmet lock

Lucky you, I've seen it countless times and I'm sure many of the other two wheelers here have as well. And it's usually the newer, inexperienced riders who do it. The bizzare thing is on the ocassions I have seen a lid take a header south onto the tarmac, the owner actually picks it up, inspects the damage and then replaces it back where it was, adjusting it slightly. :p

You go to skegness in the summer or any gathering of (spits) "bikers" and most if not all the bikes have their helmets on them.

No offence m8, but that's just not true, by any means. Sure, at a lot of meets there are folk who have their lids perched precariously on the mirrors, bars etc but I would put my mortgage on the amount of riders who place their lids carefully on the ground being greater in proportion. ;)
Oh I'm sorry, i didnt realise, , maybe the bars and mirrors on my CBR 1000, VFR750, ZZR 600, VTR 1000, GPX 600, RGV 250, 2 x RD350's, etc etc etc have all been different to your motorbikes?

Mabye i missed something. The mirrors and Bars on the ZZR600 i have at the minute seem more than up to the job of holding a helmet.
Surely my Spec 1R cant weigh that much less than everyone elses helmet here?

Snap, only bike mirrors i didnt trust were on the MTX200 and that's cos it didnt have any;)
Filling up and i just rested it on the yokes.
Would never leave my lid on the floor next to the bike at Devils Bridge, too much chance of it getting kicked, bung it on the off side mirror and its out of the way and since the bike leans to the near side, the angle helps keep it on place. Bung gloves in fairing to keep warm.

As more and more "pay @ pumps" appear this should become less of a problem, saying that by the time i come to get another bike, the govt. and police will have done its best to outlaw us anyway.

Enjoy the biking while you can and try not to p^h^h^h off to many ppl who will do their best to make our life hell.
The bizzare thing is on the ocassions I have seen a lid take a header south onto the tarmac, the owner actually picks it up, inspects the damage and then replaces it back where it was, adjusting it slightly. :p

I'd rather take the chance with a lid that may be damaged than without :p
Then why is it that a self service station can exist without any sort of age check?

Technically the self service should be monitored by people in a control center, they watch the cctv and distinguish any of the contraventions. The self service pumps also should not accept electron cards or any electronic payment only cards as these are available to under 16s.
Technically the self service should be monitored by people in a control center, they watch the cctv and distinguish any of the contraventions. The self service pumps also should not accept electron cards or any electronic payment only cards as these are available to under 16s.

Visa Electrons, and Barclays (connect?) are not under 16 only cars though, for isntance I had electron with my Lloyds account even though I opened it waay after I was 16, and my dad just got a stupid connect from his new Barclays account despite having proper cards from HSBC.
A self service station cannot be monitored for the persons age as there is no way to tell the age from a camera.

If underage drivers are such a problem (how exactly do they tax their car / moped ...a nd what is the use of the dVLA database if they cannot chase up on this) then there are ebtter solutions than petrol stations...
Arn't Tesco Pay @ the Pump's a 24 hour service? ie they still work when there is no one attending the garage

There is usually someone inside the garage, or atleast round here there is usually a person inside it even at 3am.
Its not a few seconds, its a complete faff if you'd read the posts of those that ride bikes (instead of ignoring them), you'd realise the whole process probably doubles the time it takes to get your petrol [assuming no big queue at the till] and leave particularly in winter when neck warmers which need tucking in are usually worn.

Takes me about 10 seconds. O noes, I have to roll my buff back up my neck, that's another half a second! I can't understand how anyone can make such a faff out of putting a helmet on, unless they have no thumbs or something.
I see them too, and to be fair I nearly always take my lid off. I think the OP was just expressing his dissatisfaction at being treated like a criminal, when he's not. Bikers do get unfairly categorised as dodgy.


why the charade to pretend its impossible to fill up without removing it though ? we've already got proof from several bikers its possible.
as i said earlyer my mum has worked in service stations for years
most runs are cars and they allmost never catch them
so i call bs on your last quote

You can call it whatever you like, I've had first hand experience plus I've got a copper sat next to me as I type who reckons you're talking a load of old pony but then everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Its interesting to see the mixture of responses in this thread. In some respects I can understand why it is annoying for the biker, however I can also appreciate why it is important that they remove their lid. I don't think the OP was treated like a criminal, he would not have been treated differently to any other biker.
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You can call it whatever you like, I've had first hand experience plus I've got a copper sat next to me as I type who reckons you're talking a load of old pony.

Its interesting to see the mixture of responses in this thread. In some respects I can understand why it is annoying for the biker, however I can also appreciate why it is important that they remove their lid. I don't think the OP was treated like a criminal, he would not have been treated differently to any other biker.

Tell the copper to go do his job and arrest some chav scum, you know the kind that DO rob petrol stations, rather than the OP who does not.
Tell the copper to go do his job and arrest some chav scum, you know the kind that DO rob petrol stations, rather than the OP who does not.

Not really sure what you're getting at with that comment.:confused: I don't remember suggesting that the OP stole fuel?
You can call it whatever you like, I've had first hand experience plus I've got a copper sat next to me as I type who reckons you're talking a load of old pony but then everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Its interesting to see the mixture of responses in this thread. In some respects I can understand why it is annoying for the biker, however I can also appreciate why it is important that they remove their lid. I don't think the OP was treated like a criminal, he would not have been treated differently to any other biker.

ok then witch part is pony ?
the part that they allmost never catch them or the part most are car's ?

as for catching a biker who has done a pump run because you can see their face on cctv
unless the biker was well known by the police the chances of catching them are close to nil

it would take the 1 in a million chance of the police pulling the biker over and asking them to remove their helmet so they could see their face
and even then it would have to be an officer who had seen the cctv images in the first place

ive been riding bikes on the road for 24 years and ive only been pulled over 3 times and one of those was a copper asking why i had killed a busa by turning it into a trike

as i said i take my helmet off every time i fill up i dont have a problem with it
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I never said you suggested he stole petrol, I simply said that the chav scum need to be arrested.

Mmmmkay I'll let him know that for when he is on his next shift, I'm sure he'll be glad of the tip thanks!

Cyclops, to answer your question. What I meant was that you claimed that CCTV didn't help catch offenders and that police never follow it up. I was mearly disagreeing with you because I have witnessed it happening.

Good on you for taking your lid off, shame not all bikers do the same.
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