Lids off when buying petrol

Good on you for taking your lid off, shame not all bikers do the same.

Its only the thieving gippos who need to, the majority of us dont need to because we arent going to steal the petrol. Unfortunatley that seems to make us all thieveing gippos in a lot of peoples eyes.

If its requested i would, but if it isnt i wouldnt. Find it hilarious its considered rude to leave your helmet on :lol: visor always up though
Its only the thieving gippos who need to, the majority of us dont need to because we arent going to steal the petrol. Unfortunatley that seems to make us all thieveing gippos in a lot of peoples eyes.

How do you propose people tell the difference between you and theiving gippo if you are dressed in full leathers with a helmet on?
[TW]Fox;13459666 said:
How do you propose people tell the difference between you and theiving gippo if you are dressed in full leathers with a helmet on?

I guess thieving gippo's don't ride 10k shiny sportsbikes ;)
I guess thieving gippo's don't ride 10k shiny sportsbikes ;)

a) To most members of the general public, a bike is a bike. They have no idea which ones are shiney and expensive and which ones are not. Frankly most of them dont know which cars are expensive and which are not.
b) Have you SEEN the contents of a gippo camp lately?
[TW]Fox;13459666 said:
How do you propose people tell the difference between you and theiving gippo if you are dressed in full leathers with a helmet on?

I don't hence the:

Unfortunatley that seems to make us all thieveing gippos in a lot of peoples eyes.

I wasn't suggesting a solution, just making an observation.
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Never was asked to remove the helmet, but then I spend so damn long fiddling with all that stuff that they probably (and correctly) assume it would take me hours to try to make a "get-away" anyway.
You're hardly being preemptively labeled as a criminal just because you ride a bike.

It's a precaution, nothing more. Whilst criminals continue to use certain methods to concele their identities then you can safely assume that anyone wearing a helmet in a petrol station, or a balaclava in a bank, will be asked to remove them.

It's not an insult against you, it is not labeling you anything. It's polite and a precaution for you to remove your helmet.

Wasn't there a thread in GD about the Insult Nation we live in?
Maybe I just pick petrol stations that haven't had much fuel stolen yet :o.

Can see where they are coming from though.
hopefully when ID cards arrive we can have a stamp on them saying 'THIEVING GIPPO'

im serious btw, it's time these spongers were classified as such...

i pass a little camp (bless) on the way to work each morning, happily sat in there converted vans opting out of society, which is fine, shame they sign on and take my money and no doubt rely on my NHS and Road network!!!!

this is worthy of another thread though...
I guess thieving gippo's don't ride 10k shiny sportsbikes ;)

So because someone is driving a decent looking bike or car that means they are automatically exempt from being a thief? How do you know that the vehicle is even theirs? You're stereotyping now. We had all sorts steal fuel when I worked there, hell the guy who broke into the fuel station in the middle of the night was driving a BMW 5 series, maybe he wasn't a thief...he was just confused. :D

As I said before, we didn't single out bikers, the rule applied to anyone wearing headgear.

Flukester, my last post wasn't a specific jibe at you.
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It's a precaution, nothing more. Whilst criminals continue to use certain methods to concele their identities

so if i go to the station in the OP wearing a hoodie, or a deerstalker hat, or look at the floor, then the attendant would ask me to remove said garment/look at a camera before he'll switch on the pumps?

EDIT: I'm not actually bothered by and do take mine off on occasion, but i dont think some of the reasons are encompassing enough. It should be one rule for everybody, and it isnt.
You're hardly being preemptively labeled as a criminal just because you ride a bike.

yes you are, they are working on the assumption that you MIGHT be a thieving chav and as such want to make sure that if you really are one tehy got your face on film.

hopefully when ID cards arrive we can have a stamp on them saying 'THIEVING GIPPO'


So because someone is driving a decent looking bike or car that means they are automatically exempt from being a thief?

Biker fuel thieves are usually chav scum on scooters, not proper bikers wearing proper gear.
yes you are

For years its been stated in most shops that you must remove a lid before entering, nightclubs have no hat policies. Do you disagree with these policies?

Its just covering your back as a business and helps to discourage thieves.

It's bizarre, that you are so offended by such a policy.
yes you are, they are working on the assumption that you MIGHT be a thieving chav and as such want to make sure that if you really are one tehy got your face on film.

No they aren't. You make it sound like bikers deserve special treatment. If every other member of the public who chooses to pass through a petrol station has their face on film, what makes bikers so special that they shouldn't have to do the same?
Actually, there was an article in MCN a while ago showing two people whom were dressed as Santa and Elvis, which had no problems filling up although their faces were allmost fully covered.
Cue the biker and they wont let him fill up till he removes his helmet.

Personally I never remove my helmet for any petrol station, there's no need and in winter it breaks my layer of warmth.
If they give me hassle over my helmet I just leave for the next station, only happened once thus far thankfully. :)
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