Lids off when buying petrol

No they aren't. You make it sound like bikers deserve special treatment. If every other member of the public who chooses to pass through a petrol station has their face on film, what makes bikers so special that they shouldn't have to do the same?

Plenty of muslim women, and cap wearing people do not have their faces on film.
Equally, for bikers it is a LEGAL requirement to wear a helmet
No, there isnt.
My bike and numberplate is on camera.
So is my normal commuting gear.
Showing my face wouldn't make a lick of difference.

Yet as I said, I`ve only ever had this problem once and I`ve never gone to that garage since. No worries :)

Your bike being on camera means nothing. Plates are easily copied these days and do you honestly think your clothes identify you? By having your face on camera proves your identity, not which kit you decided to wear on a particular day. What a ludicrous thing to claim.

Turn it on its head, your house is broken into and your biking gear and keys are stolen and the thief goes on a bilking mission. If your clothes were enough to prove who you wouldn't have a leg to stand on. The CCTV catching your face can prove you innocent as well as guilty.
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Yes, but only when you're moving!

As quoted below, if you're on the bike, you need your helmet on, which means you can't fill the bike while being on it anymore, which means you cant get the max amount of fuel in.

As soon as you straddle a bike you need to wear a helmet, so sitting on the bike and filling it up whilst holding your lid is breaking the law.

There have been a few cases recently where the police have taken it a bit further with respect to "being incontrol of the bike"; there hav ebeen instances where even pushing the bike along (mind you this was on a pavement) was taken by the police as using the bike (I think I'm correct in what I remember).
Damn :/ my bro's rear light stopped working on way home from work and the police stopped him about 1/2 mile from home and made him push it all the way home.
They refuse to give you petrol? How? Do they press an emergency stop or anything ?
Do they moan after you've filled up? Or is the system different there ?
I would have thought you just fill up as usual, go inside, tell the pump number, pay and walk away. You'd have filled up long before they could moan about a helmet and it wouldn't make a difference ?
They refuse to give you petrol? How? Do they press an emergency stop or anything ?
Do they moan after you've filled up? Or is the system different there ?
I would have thought you just fill up as usual, go inside, tell the pump number, pay and walk away. You'd have filled up long before they could moan about a helmet and it wouldn't make a difference ?

They won't activate the pump so you wouldn't be able to fill up. When you take the nozzle off it bleeps on their computer then they activate it to let you fill up. It's the same everywhere I've been in Europe.
They won't activate the pump so you wouldn't be able to fill up. When you take the nozzle off it bleeps on their computer then they activate it to let you fill up. It's the same everywhere I've been in Europe.

Errr I never noticed that here, just arrive, take pump and start fueling. Never seen them activating anything, in fact can easily see there's nobody at the counter at some stations when it's not busy until you come in to pay they come back from somewhere in the back.
I do a lot of IT for "some" petrol stations and a lot of the larger ones require the staff to authorize each pump as soon as its lifted . Some older systems can be flicked to Auto so all pumps will work when picked up. This is not the case for supermarket fuel stations and each time a pump is picked up a onscreen and audible warning is played and the staff turn on the pump .

Errr I never noticed that here, just arrive, take pump and start fueling. Never seen them activating anything, in fact can easily see there's nobody at the counter at some stations when it's not busy until you come in to pay they come back from somewhere in the back.

and thats relavant to this debate how ?

i dont know about anybody else, but ive lost count of the number of times you've picked arguments with people, only for you to be prooved wrong, and you then (as you have now) come back with "well its like that in my country"

has it never occured to you before you post your disagreement with something, that actually you could be talking a load of twaddle and it might be best to keep your disagreement to yourself ?
Are you sure there are fuel stations that don't require authorisation? I have yet to come across one.

We had to authorise all transactions when I worked at a fuel station due to idiots who may be underage, smoking, have their engine running, on their mobile phone, trying to fill a canister that is not designed for fuel etc. I can't see fuel stations just authorising fuel for anyone because there are legal requirements that if not followed could lead to them getting shut down?

I'll happily stand corrected if I am wrong but I'd be very surprised. Are you sure that the folks behind the desk just don't authorise your pump as soon as they see you?
i dont know about anybody else, but ive lost count of the number of times you've picked arguments with people, only for you to be prooved wrong, and you then (as you have now) come back with "well its like that in my country"

has it never occured to you before you post your disagreement with something, that actually you could be talking a load of twaddle and it might be best to keep your disagreement to yourself ?

He doesn't drive or own a car either.
:eek: 5 pages, caused a bit of excitement this one hasn't it :D

I take my helmet off if there's a sign/sticker etc, if not I don't. For the car drivers it might sound like a simple thing to do but it gets to be a real drag when you fill up every 100 miles or so, especially in the winter.

As for it being polite, get a grip :p You'll be lucky if the spotty oik behind the counter will actually put his phone down whilst he serves you.

Never had a problem with regards to wearing the helmet, did have an interesting argument with a mad bint over a different issue though. Filled up, went in to pay, told her the pump number and handed over my card. Without saying anything she tapped a little hand written sign on the front of the till, which said no cards accepted for less than £10 (I'd put about £8 in). I pointed out that it wasn't much use putting the sign on the till, wouldn't it be better to put it on the pumps?. This didn't go down well :D


PS MrLOL, didn't read like he was picking an argument with anyone, more asking a question.
Its not a few seconds, its a complete faff if you'd read the posts of those that ride bikes (instead of ignoring them),

Utter, utter tosh I'm afraid. I only had a bike licence for about 6 years (before taking car test), so I've visited plenty of petrol stations on a bike. Unless you helmet has some kind of high security combination lock on the chin strap, or possibly if you are in some way physically disabled (which would surely preclude you from riding a bike?) then it does take a few seconds.

I find it quite concerning that some people are so blinkered they actually believe this is an unreasonable requirement. If a biker commits some crime on a forecourt, would these same people be completely happy for a conviction to be made purely on the type of helmet and protective gear the biker was wearing? No chance of an unsound conviction?
I can't see fuel stations just authorising fuel for anyone because there are legal requirements that if not followed could lead to them getting shut down?

ALL the automatic self service card paying ones automatically authorise ... so clearly it is NOT a legal requirement for anyone to physically check.
ALL the automatic self service card paying ones automatically authorise ... so clearly it is NOT a legal requirement for anyone to physically check.

Yes but you can hardly do a runner without paying a self service pump can you? They are open to fraud from stolen cards etc. but that's hardly limited to bikers.
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