Lift Laugh Love, a Log Story --- (Weightloss->Lifting->Swolification)

Weekly update!

Gonna log all my sessions from now, as I'm at the point where I'm missing lifts and deloading etc.

Weighed in this morning at a whopping 81.0kg. Getting annoyed now! kcals and macros are exactly the same as always, but my body seems insistent on gaining some winter fat :(.

Squat 117.5 5x5
OHP 52.5 5/5/4/5/2 <- Doh! Deload to 45
DL 120 1x5
Squat 120 5x5 <- Video above
Bench 82.5 5/5/3/3/2 <- At the top end of my strength I have an annoying habit of relying on my shoulders. If the bar speed slows and it feels like a grinder, completely subconsciously my left scapula unpins, shoulder comes forward and I'll finish the lift. Problem is it's all delt and it leaves me in a **** position for the remaining reps. This happened on the last 3 sets here, very frustrating.
BOR 72.5 5x5 <- Grip starting to run out here, probably a bit much body english aswell. May deload.
Squat 122.5 5x5 <- PB
OHP 45 5x5 <- EASY! My previous 5RM and it felt light weight baby!
DL 125 1x5 <- I hate deadlifts.

What your all really here for!

Lil something from the saviour of hip hop this week.

And while we're mixing things up a bit, a blonde!

What did I come in here to say......?

Oh yeah!

The CBL guy has some interesting things to say regarding fasted morning training. Apparently, ingesting a small amount of carbs post workout has the effect of producing double the growth signalling compared to training at any other time of day.
The CBL guy has some interesting things to say regarding fasted morning training. Apparently, ingesting a small amount of carbs post workout has the effect of producing double the growth signalling compared to training at any other time of day.

That's interdasting. I train in the mornings now but my body doesn't seem to cope well at all with fasting.
I tend to train in the mornings. Don't have any issue with it if I don't eat before...

Mind you my 'morning' is 10AM... So I tend to have had breakfast before..

That said, in past times when I haven't had food before, it's not a massive issue I find. Alternatively I'll eat a banana quickly before, seems to work well.

Also, it's really bugging me, skill, who's in your sig?

Could you do fasted training? I don't think the effect requires fasting after training, but it might require limited carb intake until after ~4 p.m. He doesn't actually talk about it too much, it's more of slight tangent he goes down on this podcast:
...sometime just after 30 mins in I think. The whole thing is worth a listen though, prepare to never eat carbs at breakfast again.
Still not read the carb backloading ebook, I couldn't 'obtain' it last time I tried so totally forgot.

I've been training on an empty stomach for well over a year now, find it has no effect on energy/focus etc. whatsoever. Honestly I just can't be bothered to get up even earlier to get a decent breakfast in me before going to the gym. Plus it lets me use some more calories in my lunch & tea.
Also, it's really bugging me, skill, who's in your sig?
Anna Kendrick <3

Could you do fasted training? I don't think the effect requires fasting after training, but it might require limited carb intake until after ~4 p.m. He doesn't actually talk about it too much, it's more of slight tangent he goes down on this podcast:
...sometime just after 30 mins in I think. The whole thing is worth a listen though, prepare to never eat carbs at breakfast again.

It's not the training that would be the problem. My body just seems to react badly to hunger past a certain point.
Still not read the carb backloading ebook, I couldn't 'obtain' it last time I tried so totally forgot.

I've been training on an empty stomach for well over a year now, find it has no effect on energy/focus etc. whatsoever. Honestly I just can't be bothered to get up even earlier to get a decent breakfast in me before going to the gym. Plus it lets me use some more calories in my lunch & tea.
Did you read what I posted? :p

Sticking with IF and fasted morning training, if you add a small amount of carbs (he mentioned an over ripe banana) post training then you double the growth signalling compared to training at any other time of day. This wouldn't work if you had breakfast.

Email in trust too, btw.
I did read it, I just chose to half answer Fluttershy instead :p. I'll have a listen, and give it a spin for December perhaps. It's pretty much impossible to tell the difference I expect, without bloods & fancy equipment etc. My only concern would be breaking the fast early (even thought It's little calorie wise, it's still a sugar dump) might trick the rest of me into 'It's eating time!' and I'll be stupendously hungry at 0930.
I did read it, I just chose to half answer Fluttershy instead :p.
Ego destroyed :(

It would be unfortunate if it put you in feeding mode, but there might be some effect with heightened glucose clearing that prevents it.

The biggest drawback would be if it pulls you out of ketosis, but I'm guessing the idea of it being a small amount of carbs would be to limit that.
Not gonna get near ketosis with IF anyway, and I'm far from low carb in the feeding window.

EDIT: I see what your saying, for someone who is combining keto + IF. That would get you joocy in no time.
People wake up in a ketogenic state, i.e. they are burning fat. Most people interrupt this with a carby breakfast. least this is what he's saying. I know traditional wisdom for ketogenic diets tells us that it takes days to reach ketosis.
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