Lift Laugh Love, a Log Story --- (Weightloss->Lifting->Swolification)

Weekly update!

Weighed in this morning at 80.4kg. Need to stick around 80 until New Years so I can cut to 70 by easter time (hopefully).

Squat 125 5x5
Bench 82.5 5/5/5/3/2 <- Bench fail. Deload to 77.5.
BOR 65 5x5
Squat 125 5x5
OHP 47.5 5x5
Deads 130 1x5 <- Never happy with my deads, especially now I have 0 leg drive after squats.
Squat 125 5x5 <- That's right, 125kg again! I hit all the reps all 3 sessions, but I never felt 'comfortable' with it. Wanted to really groove it in, as it feels HEAVY.
Bench 77.5 5x5 <- Felt weak, but got the reps
BOR 67.5 5x5 <- Strapped up to avoid forearm pump. Much better, should help me get past 72.5

Something a bit more chilled this week, just cos.


Your posts have become the perfect log.

Hidden gym work as no one wants to see it :P
****. Who dis? And why isn't she on me :mad:

Managed to read any of CBL?

Also, squat more until you fall over.

Completely forgot the Carb Back Loading book, dumped it in my dropbox to pick up later but missed it. Will try and get on it this weekend.

Unfortunately my plans for Christmas Squat Domination™ have been slightly scuppered by some work news :(. Gotta go to a customer site Mon/Tue/Weds next week, all super long days and from 7am :(. I guess I could train Sun/Thurs/Sat actually.
Was hoping next week would be my last 'build up' week then I'd go for PB's 17th onwards.

Oh well see what happens I guess, some time off could do me some good.
Luckily the 'bugs' I had to go on site to fix turned out to be incompetent customer engineers (what a surprise!) so I was able to train this morning.

130kg 5x5 Squat was the order of the day, I got it but it got a bit messy.

Here's a vid of the last set.

The Carly Rae Jepson soundtrack really helped :p. I'm not sure you can tell, but after me preaching the virtues of not squatting in front of a mirror, they've gone and spun all the racks so they're facing mirrors! Bloody annoying and it really affects me :(. My right knee is all over the place, depth isn't great and knees past toes to even get that low. I plan on doing 2 more 5x5 130kg days then going for a 140kg+ 1RM next weekend.

Rest of session was
Bench 80kg 5x5
BOR 70kg 3x5 <- ran out of time!

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Chris are you really forcing your knees out? It will create space for your hips to sink lower.
Yeah I think I'm gonna have to widen my stance from now, it's a smidge wider than shoulder width at the moment. My thighs are longer than my torso which doesn't help matters.
Nice lifting Chris.

You are right about the knee, needs a little more control. You might find that reducing the angle on your feet to get them more towards parallel helps a little. It should allow you to generate a slightly more stable system in your hips allowing you to hold the knees more. You might have to do some ankle stretching to allow for this.

However a video from behind will tell if this will help or not. :)
Diet is king. Changed to stronglifts because I wanted to get stronger :p, mainly. Both will do an admirable job for fatloss, but I would probably suggest a good 3-day split for a beginner. Squatting 3x a week is pretty taxing even when you can eat like a king.
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