Lift Laugh Love, a Log Story --- (Weightloss->Lifting->Swolification)

Been a while, been super busy with christmas parties, my birthday and general festivity.

Weighed in this morning at 80.1kg, dunno how this happened because I've been drinking and eating pretty proper lately!

Once again I've stuck at the same squat weight to try and acclimatise to it, as such. Not sure it's helped or not yet.
Squat 130 5x5
OHP 52.5 5x5 <- PB, barrier broken!.
DL 135 1x5
Squat 130 5x5
Bench 82.5 5x5 <- PB, barrier broken, didn't feel particularly tough either!
BOR 72.5 5x5 <- PB I think, beasted.
Squat 130kg 5/5, 135kg 1/1, 140kg 1/1. Got a vid of the 2nd 140kg below.
OHP 55kg 5x5 <- PB's all day
DL - Couldn't be bother with repping so just went for a 1RM! First ever attempt, went something like this.
140x1 <Unstrapped PB
150x1 Oh Lawd
160kgx1! PB, mixed grip + chalk.

So a good session today! Think I've easily got 150kg in the squat bank, and maybe 165-170 on a fresh deadlift session! Chuffed.

Depth needs another inch or so, but I'm happy enough. It's not like my lower numbers are deeper, I'm not good at depth :p. It's still deep enough to be PC dominant I think, and the speed honestly it felt easyish. I wanted to go higher but no catchers or spotters around :(.
No video of the 160kg deadlift, but I might go back in on Christmas Eve for a Bench 1RM and go for it again then.


Brief update, training has been all over the place and generally crap because of booze and food over Christmas/NYE.

Weighed in 81.7kg this morning. Not too bad I was hovering around 84kg of beer weight on Monday, being back at work on my normal diet has flushed water out right quick.

Unfortunately I intend to cut from now, I REALLY don't want to but I am getting chunky and need to stay competitive with Syla5 :p. Not looking forward to the strength loss and 1600-1800kcal diet, but needs must.

Monday (NYE Training brahs!)
Squat 112.5 5x5 <- Yup big deload, lost a LOT of strength it seems.
Bench 75 5x5
BOR 65 5x5
Thursday (I was in no state to go to the gym on Weds, best NYE ever though.)
Squat 115 5x5
OHP 50 5x5 <- Damn this felt heavy. What has happened to me!
Deadlift 120x5, 130x3, 140x2 <- Doing sets of deadlifts does nothing for me, so just messing around really.
Squat 117.5 5x5 <- Finally feeling solid again, hips took AGES to get mobile though.
Bench 77.5 5x5
BOR - 67.5 5x5

Choons, a classic that's been stuck in my head all week.

First week of 'proper' gym and diet this week, timetocut.jpg.

Using the following rough cutting macros

Rest Days:
50f/150c/180p 1800kcal
Training Days:
80f/180c/180p 2200kcal

Weighed in this morning 81.0, so 0.7kg or just under 1.5lbs in the first week. Looks like these macros will be bang on. Psychologically I hate it though!

Squat 120 5x5
OHP 52.5 5/5/5/4/4 <- Goodbye sweet pre-christmas gains :(
Deadlift 115 1x5 <-Trying to actually use my hamstrings for these now.
Narrow grip lat pulldown, 210lbs 8/8/8. Just because I had time and I <3 it.
Squat 122.5 5x5 <- Christ this feels heavy. Where the hell has my strength gone!
Bench 80 5/5/5/5/4 <- As above :(
BOR 70 5x5 <- Will deload these and maybe switch to underhand tbh. Not feeling it atm.
Squat 125 5x5 <- Still feels heavy but making the lifts
OHP 52.5 5/5/5/4/5 <- Rage at failing the 4th set got me the 5th, still felt awful compared to my December 55kg though :(.
Deads - Just messed about really I was in a haggard mood and not in the zone at all.
Narrow grip lat pulldown 230lbs 8/8/8 - Again because I love them.

Pretty pants week really, oh well!

Weekly update. 2nd week of cutting, weight this morning 80.5kg to again pretty much bang on where I should be. Sticking with 2200/1800 until it slows. I still hate it though.

Squat 127.5 5x5
Bench 80 5/5/5/5/5
BOR 60 5x5 <-Deload + straps for feelz.
Squat 130 5x5 <- Made the reps but not pretty. I'm a good grinder lol.
OHP 52.5 5/5/4/4/2 <- Doh
Deadlifts 115 1x5 120 1x5 <- Meh. Don't tend to follow deadlift progression properly, cos I'm pants at them :p
Squat 115 5x5 <- Deload, nice and smooth feels very explosive in the middle aswell.
Bench 82.5 5/5/5/4/5 <- Fuark!
BOR 62.5 5x5
Narrow grip lat pulldown 240lbs 8/6/4 - Again because I love them.

Feeling ghetto atm.

Solid week brah. Bench progressing?

Mirin ghetto times.

Not quite unfortunately, I did hit 82.5 5x5 before Christmas. The Christmas break seems to have really taken my momentum away, I'm confident I can get it though even whilst cutting - just got a feeling.

Gonna carry on with SL until March time, when I'm going to Valencia for a week of debauchery and saying goodbye to my sweet gains :(.
Another week of feeling constantly hungry and weak, cutting is the enemy. Weighed in bang on 80.0 this morning so at least it's working!

Squat 117.5 5x5
OHP 52.5 5/5/5 <- Had to cut this to 3 sets, Bristol traffic was bonkers.
Deadlift 115 1x5
Squat 120 5x5
Bench 82.5 5/5/5/5/4 <- FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU
BOR 65 5x5 <- Straps + thumbless grip = oh lawd.
Squat 122.5 5x5 <- Good depth today.
OHP 52.5 5/5/4 <- Again cut to 3 sets due to traffic :(.
Deads - 100x5 110x5 120x5 <- Might cut out deads altogether. Can't get any leg/hip action at all after squatting.
Renegade Rows 6kg DB's <-Fuark these are juicy!

Pretty pants week again. Lost my strength momentum over the Christmas break and can't get it back whilst trying to become a malnourished skinny phaggot.


Chris really hope you lean out, you've got a decent bit of mass on you so ignore what your bodytype is and lean out. I'm a classic endo with gyno, and I still looked pretty awesome (in my opinion ofc) when I got to around 10% BF!
gonna get flamed for this but hey ho, have you considered CBL?? my strength is unaffected, even going up before i did my back, ive dropped 6lb and i havent been sticking to just 3 backloads a week, i have been doing 4 with some extra carbs on my ULC days as well.

I remeber cutting last year and it was not a great motivator when my lifts started to stall and go backwards :(
Syla5 tbf mate, you say strength hasn't been affected, but I'm sure I've seen a few posts saying you've had sessions not as good, running out of steam, recovery being poor. The only positives I've seen from your CBL is losing weight and leaning out, but nothing in endurance or strength? Certainly nothing conclusive as you're still chopping and changing timings and back loading days etc.

Not rubbishing CBL, but saying perhaps not best to recommend it to someone who's struggling with energy/recovery on a cut when you haven't fully seen a cycle through and proved the results.
gonna get flamed for this but hey ho, have you considered CBL?? my strength is unaffected, even going up before i did my back, ive dropped 6lb and i havent been sticking to just 3 backloads a week, i have been doing 4 with some extra carbs on my ULC days as well.

I remeber cutting last year and it was not a great motivator when my lifts started to stall and go backwards :(

Yeah I've looked into it. I don't think I could do the required food prep & general adherence to actually do it though. I'm never gonna start making salads and crap like that to take into work, although there is a salad bar at the Morrisons over the road.......... hmje. Plus things like pub lunches with work every week etc. just seems a bit more awkward to fit 'real life' around CBL than IF + IIFYM.

I dunno I just can't be bothered starting up something new right new, working out some meals etc. etc.

I will reread your diet posting and have a think though.
I haven't mentioned anything about lacking strength, or fatiguing quicker at all. My sessions have been good this year except for 1 where I was pushed for time.

My recovery has been affect, this is possibly down to CBL, but most likely down to the fact that I came back in after 2 weeks no deadlifting and smashed out not 1 but 3 PB sets, not letting my back fully recover and thinking it was the diet and not dailing the weight back and allowing full recovery before pushing on even further.

My back load timings are still spot on, there is nothing wrong with backloading every night, the point is the more focused you want to be on loosing weight the less backloasd you do(min of backloading on training days only). As my aim is to actually add muscle mass there is nothing adverse with what I have been doing. I stick to the program as far as protocol is concerned, my meal timings and macros are spot on.

So in conclusion, I have seen results, fat loss and strength gain, but done my back in and dialled back training a week earlier then my planned deload.
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