Living in University Halls

PinkFloyd said:
Yeh, its great so far. Good atmosphere, making good mates already.
Alcohol is a great way to bring each other together. Combined with a few random jokes that kicked in we had a great first night.
Loving the internet connection here apart from being limited to one computer. Don't really play my PS2 much anyway, we've spent most of the day chilling out playing PES and listening to music. Luckily our floor all has a pretty similar taste in music, or atleast a good acceptence in each others stuff.


You sir have the ingredients for a SPECTCULAR year.
Raymond Lin said:
You sir have the ingredients for a SPECTCULAR year.
Theres not enough women here :p
Think our particular block is all blokes. But theres an all girl bloke next to us.
Theres a lot more blokes then women. But I'm sure I'll cope.
Was chatting to a 4th year last night. She had been in the same floor as me from the year before. (may have even been the same room, can't remember)
PinkFloyd said:
Theres not enough women here :p
Think our particular block is all blokes. But theres an all girl bloke next to us.
Theres a lot more blokes then women. But I'm sure I'll cope.
Was chatting to a 4th year last night. She had been in the same floor as me from the year before. (may have even been the same room, can't remember)

That sucks, uni-sex is the best ! Pardon the pun............. :D
PinkFloyd said:
Theres not enough women here :p
Think our particular block is all blokes. But theres an all girl bloke next to us.
Theres a lot more blokes then women. But I'm sure I'll cope.
Was chatting to a 4th year last night. She had been in the same floor as me from the year before. (may have even been the same room, can't remember)
Freudian slip?
PinkFloyd said:
Theres not enough women here :p

Oh boo hoo, there was a nice display of some cute birds doing a spot of dancing as 'entertainment' in the uni square today :p

24 hour access library 4TW :)

/returns to bar :p
When you guys moved in/going to move in, how much luggage do you have with you? in terms of pieces etc.

I've got, at the moment, 1 medium sized suitcase, 2 soft bags, a box for speakrs, a box for monitor, cpu case, box of plates etc.
and I haven't finished >_< still need to pack some books, dvds, duvet

I'm getting worried now it's a bit too much. or is that the normal?
Sudden said:
When you guys moved in/going to move in, how much luggage do you have with you? in terms of pieces etc.

I've got, at the moment, 1 medium sized suitcase, 2 soft bags, a box for speakrs, a box for monitor, cpu case, box of plates etc.
and I haven't finished >_< still need to pack some books, dvds, duvet

I'm getting worried now it's a bit too much. or is that the normal?

Whatever it is, it fits into my dad's Old Renault 16 Saloon.

Usually consist of 1 Suit case of clothes, my 14" TV, My PC tower, a TFT (or 2), once was even a 17" CRT. 3 Office style boxes, a few shoe boxes, a few Wine boxes (for other stuff), Some Habitat Bags with my cooking stuff. A few time even had an A1 drawing board with A1 folders too.

It might seems a lot but when you unpacked it's not that much.
Raymond Lin said:
That sucks, uni-sex is the best ! Pardon the pun............. :D

Im in uni-sex rooms :D

6 of us there, at least 2 guys and 2 girls i believe?

The other 2 will end up some weird hybrid :(

That or 2 hot girls :D If so me +1 other guy im sure will be loving it :D
Raymond Lin said:
Simple things are the best aren't they Gurdas ? I get a kick out of my Library card too. :D ;)

But the card opens my own individual room too! It's the best thing ever, means I won't have to lug keys around:D

Sudden said:
When you guys moved in/going to move in, how much luggage do you have with you? in terms of pieces etc.

I've got, at the moment, 1 medium sized suitcase, 2 soft bags, a box for speakrs, a box for monitor, cpu case, box of plates etc.
and I haven't finished >_< still need to pack some books, dvds, duvet

I'm getting worried now it's a bit too much. or is that the normal?

That seems like an alright amount. Last year I had a suitcase, sports bag sized bag, several bags full of clothes, case, monitor, large subwoofer, fridge, 5 satalite speakers, couple of bags full of shoes/trainers, duvet etc. It fully packed out the back of a hatchback Vectra and also the back seats.

This year I don't have my tower which cuts down the moving somewhat, but have about twice as many clothes!
thanks Raymond and gurdas :) Makes me feel better that i'm not going to land up there with an insane amount of luggae when everyone else is goign around with a single suitcase :p

guras, you mentioned a fridge, is it useful to have one in your room? even though there is a shared kitchen. I'm considering it but haven't decided on it yet. Thought I would go there and see from tehre if I needed one. What's your experience been?

I just hope after taking all this, I don't forget anything major (not that it's a big deal, mom's in london and so am I so I can easily pick things up :p)

Any ideas as to what the more commonly forgotten things are?
Sudden said:
thanks Raymond and gurdas :) Makes me feel better that i'm not going to land up there with an insane amount of luggae when everyone else is goign around with a single suitcase :p

guras, you mentioned a fridge, is it useful to have one in your room? even though there is a shared kitchen. I'm considering it but haven't decided on it yet. Thought I would go there and see from tehre if I needed one. What's your experience been?

I just hope after taking all this, I don't forget anything major (not that it's a big deal, mom's in london and so am I so I can easily pick things up :p)

Any ideas as to what the more commonly forgotten things are?

It's likely the uni will charge you to rent a minifridge, as most dont like you to have your own. But yeah, you dont want your alamahol in the communal fridge do you!!!! :eek:
badgermonkey said:
It's likely the uni will charge you to rent a minifridge, as most dont like you to have your own. But yeah, you dont want your alamahol in the communal fridge do you!!!! :eek:

When are you moving in?
Sudden said:
thanks Raymond and gurdas :) Makes me feel better that i'm not going to land up there with an insane amount of luggae when everyone else is goign around with a single suitcase :p

guras, you mentioned a fridge, is it useful to have one in your room? even though there is a shared kitchen. I'm considering it but haven't decided on it yet. Thought I would go there and see from tehre if I needed one. What's your experience been?

I just hope after taking all this, I don't forget anything major (not that it's a big deal, mom's in london and so am I so I can easily pick things up :p)

Any ideas as to what the more commonly forgotten things are?

It is very useful having our own fridge. My halls last year weren't a flat layout but just individual rooms down long corridors with communal kitchens dotted around. Having a fridge in your room is just convenient, this year i'll still have one in my room, just to keep stuff like bottles of water in for example.
PinkFloyd said:
Yeh, its great so far. Good atmosphere, making good mates already.
Alcohol is a great way to bring each other together. Combined with a few random jokes that kicked in we had a great first night.
Loving the internet connection here apart from being limited to one computer. Don't really play my PS2 much anyway, we've spent most of the day chilling out playing PES and listening to music. Luckily our floor all has a pretty similar taste in music, or atleast a good acceptence in each others stuff.

Sounds good :)
My flatmates are a bit quiet, but had a good night out last night at the school disco :D
Lectures don't start till Tuesday too :D

Oh and at Beaconside, there's about 50 houses and only two of them have any girls in them :p We're a rare breed at Staffs.
Yeh its a bit of a sausage fest at times. But its not too bad. Most of my good mates back home were girls so its a bit of a change.
Been out last two nights running and drinking large amounts of lager :p
We were also on the shots last night, Twistys, 2 for a pound. Half way through the night we had this:

Then we picked up the pace, but we got told by a doorman we weren't allowed to stack them. Think we had about 50 shots between 8 of us :eek:
Only one of us was ill. lol.

I was an hour and a half late for the "choosing which modules your doing" meeting, which was great because I got a lie in and didn't have to que for half an hour ;)
Sadly I was woken this morning by a bloke on the floor below "singing" Trivium style at a highly irritating volume. He hasn't done it again today, but that wasn' very pleasant at 9:30 after 6 hours of sleep. :mad:
Are you the guy in that picture with the tie round your head?
You look very familiar if so, and you look just like a guy that offered a sambucca shot to me and my mate that were sitting nearby.
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