LOST..... How do you think it will end

Yeah I think it was covered in two episodes, both Claire centric ones in season 3 or early 4.

I definitely missed it then, because I have no recollection of that at all. I was equally stunned a few episodes ago to discover Eloise was married to Charles Widmore, and that Charlie was his son. Makes perfect sense when you think about it, but at the time I was like :eek:
I definitely missed it then, because I have no recollection of that at all. I was equally stunned a few episodes ago to discover Eloise was married to Charles Widmore, and that Charlie was his son. Makes perfect sense when you think about it, but at the time I was like :eek:

Charlie isn't their son, Daniel is and always was.
I watched the first few seasons then got lost, mind the pun, and couldn't find where I was so stopped watching. It just kept getting more random and dragged on :o
Sinque Said “Eh? I thought they said Charlie was - that's why Desmond went to pick him up from jail. Desmond works for Charles Widmore in the alternate reality and Charlie is his son. “
Daniel is the son and he is a musician not a scientist in that timeline and he wanted Charlie to play. So Widmore sent Desmond to pickup Charlie for Daniel.

The confusing bit is Widmore said he son is musically talented or something like that and then went on to say pick up Charlie to play for him. But it’s Daniel who he is refereeing to when he said musically talented.
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Not enough Des in that episode for me tbh. It annoys me, they put a 'slow' episode like that THEN also a weeks break. Technically episodes like that are a weeks break, nothing happens in them!!!

You'd think with them slashing the number of episodes in a season, would make it much faster paced. Think again. That's why I'm dreading going back and watching the first few season again, it's going to be mind numbingly sluggish.
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Not enough Des in that episode for me tbh. It annoys me, they put a 'slow' episode like that THEN also a weeks break. Technically episodes like that are a weeks break, nothing happens in them!!!

You'd think with them slashing the number of episodes in a season, would make it much faster paced. Think again. That's why I'm dreading going back and watching the first few season again, it's going to be mind numbingly sluggish.

Whaaaat. I've rewatched seasons several times out of fun (and too much time on my hands)
Not giving anything away but this next episode is supposed to be the best episode of Lost ever second to this seasons finale, not to prolong the pain at all ;).
Whaaaat. I've rewatched seasons several times out of fun

Well I haven't, so I don't know. The show gets tedious enough as it is sometimes and that's when I don't know what's going to happen next, Im just speculating what it will be like when when I do...
Anyone ever wondered about why the Polar bears were on the island? (Stole from lost pedia)

What if the reason the polar bears were really on the island was to turn the wheel that moves the island.

1. It's the only place that is close to the natural habitat of the bears ei: its cold.
2. Ben had a real hard time pushing it himself.

3. It would be better to have a polar bear turn it because then you don't have to send a human to Tunisia. (Polar bear skeleton was found in Tunisia).

4. The polar bear that Charlotte found in Tunisia had a large collar on it, which could have been attached to the wheel.

5. And they kept the polar bears in the cages by the Hydra station when they didn't need to move the island.
Wow. The polar bear thing I've not even given a thought about in a long time, but that is a very good explanation. But.. who brang the polar bears to the island? The Dharma?
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