I can't believe they teased us for years with DHARMA stuff (like the rabbits in the Orchid), then sacked it off for this badly thought out mythological bunch of horsecrap.
There is a very solid and hard impact break off line in the story and writing that happens between season 4 and 5, S4e8 to be precise. It's almost as if all the writers on staff that participated in writers strike were fired and the producers were contractually unable to continue with the original dharma/others/hostiles story arc and moved onto completely insane "back to the future"/ying yang brothers myth type of stuff. There are many, many, many parts of the story from season 3 and 4 that just vanish/disappear in season 5 and 6 without a trace. And I'm not even talking little teaser clliff hangers like Libby being in mental hospital with Hurley, but major story parts and leads just suddenly stop mid tale, break off and go into another direction.
Another indicator of "we lost license to the story" scenario is sudden twists in character development. I already mentioned The Others and Whispers turning 180 degrees in story, but this bizarre stuff affects even later main themes. The Black Smoke for example. Described at the end of Season 1 as security mechanism, a guard of the island. It would attack one entity at the time, you could hide from it in a tightly growing bamboo bushes, if that was its mission, it would hurl you into the air and maul you over (vide Echo). Often it would attack one in team to scare you out of the area and then vanish (vide one of the mercenaries from the chopper). For all intents and purposes The Black Smoke was deadly and dangerous, if a little dumb equivalent to German Shepperd on steroids.
Between Season 1, 2, 3 and beginning of the season 4 and season 5, 6 The Black Smoke undertook two developments that made no sense whatsoever. First, it was reinvented by what can only presume was temporary team of writters for the end of season 4: throughout first 3 seasons the smoke was either very dumb or gravity bound - since it couldn't lift too high off the ground. We know this because it was breaking trees to make its way through the jungle and
couldn't pass through 10 foot sonic pylons (and as we know, other characters could go over the top of them, sonic barrier didn't exist above the pylons). We also know it to be carrying The Disease, since most of Russeau's crew died of it after coming into contact with The Moster in The Temple, according to her story. no one on the island knows what it is - including Ben, when asked directly he admits to Locke "I don't know what this thing is, John" somewhere in season 3.
But then we have the lapse in writing - in episode 9 of Season 4 we see Ben rushing to an alcove in his hut and
call the smoke over for help. The smoke then for the first time arrives not as a weedy shadow but as massive cloud, several meters in diameter, passing over the trees, over the houses, throwing and thrashing its huge body tens of meters above the jungle when fighting mercenaries. At that stage The Black Smoke is still The Monster. Dumb German Shepperd (that apparently reacts to a whistle of some description hidden inside Dharma compound), but its behavior change - if it was that big and could fly so high, why didn't it just go above sonic fence?. And if Dharma/Ben had a whistle for it, then why protect yourself from it with pylons? Makes no sense, right? But then we have the later seasons and The Black Smoke becomes the "heart of the story" - the point of it all. I'm just going to ask straight - are you ****** kidding me - WTF is this poo?
And it's again, just one element of the last two seasons not making any sense. I could go on for hours - the Wigmore - dude who couldn't find the island, but sent team for Linus with orders to kill everyone else on it, including the guy, who as it turned out 20 episodes later, was irreplaceable for his plans . Or Jacob - you know, the guy Ben never really saw, but Locke heard, but Ben and Alpert followed their entire life despite Ben admitting never hearing or seeing him. The good guy, the Ying, that ordered murder of entire Dharma in The Purge, that turned out to be momma's boy that spent most of his life stocking people in a mirror on top of light house and visiting them all over the world, but couldn't move from the hut where Locke had to find him through map in Horace uniform, but there he would only appear as random dead people as in reality he would only in his room at the feet of the statue where any mortal could stab him with any shiv to like, omg, death, but not really death. Yeah, I'm talking about that kind of drunk off their marbles kind of random temp writing.
I'm stabbing in the dark here with multiple teams of writers here. And I'm too lazy too actually look up authors of all the episodes by name. But unless they all had group amnesia - the lapse of contractual rights to original story plots is, in my opinion the only explanation for moving from Dharma/Hostiles story to myth story.
The writers of original Lost, the first three seasons made a lot of bad mistakes - they insisted they planned the series as day-to-day across years type of story but focused entire season around relatively unimportant to the story boy that grew too fast to maintain intended time lapse for more than 12 episodes. They built another half a season around two actors that they had to promptly write off as world wide audience found both characters of Boone and Shannon and their story together hard to swallow. We had characters loosing their accent between seasons (Danielle S1 vs Danielle S3). We had orientation tapes between seasons come from parallel dimensions (Dr. Pierre Chung aka Dr. Marvin Candle aka Dr. Mark Wickmund aka Dr. Edgar Halliwax some with screwed arm, some without). Loads of inconsitencies. But at least story was all together solid (ish). I would really love to hear what the first draft authors wanted to achieve in later seasons.