LOST..... How do you think it will end

Sorry, I meant, which characters did you want to see, that weren't there at the ending?
Mr Eko was the main one, Libby and Ana Lucia seemed notably missing, and for completeness Arzt, Paulo and Nikki (although obviously they were never really involved)
yeah, I'm pretty sure Libby was there too.

As for Ana Lucia, Hurley or Des (can't remember who) said that she wasn't ready when she took the money and then them go from the back of the police van.
What a complete load of crap!!! very disappointed with the ending... still a billion things that need answering and never will be properly.

While I loved how it was shot and as a stand alone episode thought it was very good I can't help but feel it didn't fit the overall story.

They crash on the island, find the others, the hatch, the DI etc then time travel steps in while trying to kill the big bad guy only to find the whole purpose of the island was to resolve their individual issues and they're all dead?!

There were so many mini plots going on that had nothing to do with the ending I'm struggling to see why they were included.

So I guess I really liked the ending for what it was but don't think it really did the overall story any favours.
Wow, it's all over. I was around 13 when I first started watching it, and since then it's gripped me, confused me, angered me, made me laugh, saddened me and just completely utterly amazed me. Its mysteriousness kept me glued to my seat and completely shocked me as the events opened up over time, just awesome.

Regardless of anything, I have to say it's definitely the best TV show I have ever seen and I don't think we'll ever see anything in our lifetime that will beat it. Such a perfectly made and thought out show and I'll certainly miss it! :(

Bring on the box set! :cool:
Ok, I've had a few hours to think about it and I'm both pleased with the ending and also have my gripes. The ending only seemed to tie up seasons five and six, and plot elements that only appeared within seasons five and six. I mean, yes, there was a loop with Jack dying where he originally woke up etc. But I just feel that we've only had an ending for two seasons of a show, the other three/four seasons could have gone anywhere.

I really don't know right now, maybe it will take a bit of time to sink in but I enjoyed this finale for what it was but I just don't feel it 'fit' properly in some way.
The purpose of the island for the lost people was to help them sort out their issues, was it not?

I can see what you're getting at here, I mean Jacob did say something like "I brought you all here because you all had troubled life's". But I think he just did that to prove to MiB that people can change given the chance.

Basically the sole purpose of the island wasn't to help the lost people, it was to stop evil escaping etc, it just happened to help the losties in the process.

Or that's my views on it at least
Jacob used to always say 'If iI tell you there's no point, you have to work it out on your own'. I think it was a bit of both. The reason he brought the Black Rock to the Island was to try prove that not all men are evil as mother had told him as he was growing up.
That wasn't the purpose of the island. The island existed, for whatever reason to serve whatever purpose (containing evil/whatever).

The light contained the evil and the light is what people see when they are ready to move on, so if the light went out on the island people would never be able to move on (hence the reason for protecting the light and the island), also the light came in the church when they were all ready to move on together. Smokie was evil incarnate trying to get of the island and do what it does best and would have prevented everyone from moving on (not just the losties but everyone). The light is for EVERYONE to move on....

Yes Eko had already found inner peace, this is confirmed when he confronted smokie as his brother so he would have already have moved on as he did not need the others, unlike locke who lost his faith.
I thought the whole purpose of them ever going to the island was to protect it?

Jacob brought them there for that so yes you're right. What I'm getting at is the current 'feeling' around the net is that the island helps them resolve their problems. I felt as if from season 1 to 6 the general feel of the island changed so many times it became farcical. The alternate time line throughout season 6 didn't fit. Sure they were time travelling but the alternate reality wasn't time travel it was limbo created by god knows what.
Jacob brought them there for that so yes you're right. What I'm getting at is the current 'feeling' around the net is that the island helps them resolve their problems. I felt as if from season 1 to 6 the general feel of the island changed so many times it became farcical. The alternate time line throughout season 6 didn't fit. Sure they were time travelling but the alternate reality wasn't time travel it was limbo created by god knows what.

Created by the detonation in season 5 'The Incident'. Juliet says to Sawyer (i think it was him) 'It worked!', then dies, she probably saw into the AR. The explosion caused the AR and Faraday was kinda wrong and kinda right.
Created by the detonation in season 5 'The Incident'. Juliet says to Sawyer (i think it was him) 'It worked!', then dies, she probably saw into the AR. The explosion caused the AR and Faraday was kinda wrong and kinda right.

That's if the bomb went off :p

I understand they wanted to leave it open to discussion. I just wish they'd had another season to explain the polar bears lol.
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