LOST..... How do you think it will end

Eko wasn't there becuase he already passed through limbo as he fulfilled what he wanted to do before he died. I agree, so many people are saying it was rubbish because they have no idea what happened. I've seen like 6 people say they weren't impressed then when it had been explained they're like 'ohhhh what a great way to wrap it up'. Lost as always means you need to dig deep and not just take it as face value.

No eko wasn't there because he wanted more money.


LOST explanation, chronologically:
The island has been there since the beginning. It is neither fully hell, heaven, purgatory, or earth. It is a 5th kind of place, like an intersection of all these. It is a "cork" which prevents the evil (hell) from descending upon the earth.
There needs to be a protector, Jacob probably wasn't the first. But after Jacob is the protector, he protects the cave which has the light. The light is a part of heaven that shines through.
Jacob kills and tosses MIB into the cave, where MIB is reincarnated in evil, full of greed. He wants to kill Jacob, but can't due to "rules" (by god) protecting the protector of the island.
Hundreds of years later Jack etc. crash on the island, because Jacob brings them there. He wants to have candidates to succeed him if MIB does kill him. Jacob is allowed to make his own rules too, and one is that people he brings can't leave the island. Jack etc. are still alive, not dead, since this is a new kind of place not talked about in other stories.
Jack etc try and try to get off, and a part of the group does leave. But the rules are the rules, and they eventually come back (seemingly of their own free will). After they come back MIB really starts interacting with the Candidates. As per the rules, a candidate is allowed to kill the protector. So, MIB manipulates ben and kills Jacob.
Jacob hangs around as a ghost until a new protector is selected, and Jack is selected to be that protector.
Jack and Locke put Desmond in the cave. Desmond thinks the rock ("cork") he is removing reveals heaven, but instead it reveals a fiery red hell ("the red wine"). It is only in the absence of hell, that heaven shows itself as light. Jack and Locke become regular folks while hell is about to descend upon earth (or at least the island), and Jack kills Locke and Locke injures Jack.
Jack gives the protector power to Hurley, who makes Ben his Richard, and goes in the cave to plug up the hole. After Jack puts the cork back on the bottle, Heaven shines again and Jack dies a little later.
Kate, Sawyer, Lapidus, and Miles make it off the island and die of old age or other circumstances. Hurley and Ben die when they get succeeded by someone else.
But, they all meet in purgatory at the same time, since there is no sense of time here. They meet here and they all move on to Heaven, except notably, Ben, who stays behind, because he isn't ready yet.

A little text from a guy on reddit, helped me understand it a bit better....
Lost had me lost till reading this thread and the reddit one.

Im not religious at all and didnt under stand the end. All I could understand is that it was about good and evil.

I'm not religious, but I understand the idea of purgatory as I'm sure most 'non-religious' people do?

When they died they made up their own existence that they felt would fill in the gaps without going to the Island. As Jacob said, he brought them to the Island as they were all either unhappy or looking for something.

When Jack's dad (who's called Christian Sheppard.... think about it...) said to him that everyone dies, some before and some long after; he was talking about there and then. Ironically that timeline was timeless.

A little text from a guy on reddit, helped me understand it a bit better....

shame that they just didnt do this after series 2 and not string the whole fanbase on for a further three seasons with a pointless and irrelevant time travel series.

LOST had a lot of potential, but they over complicated things and tried to be too clever.

Ashes To Ashes was a great ending and tied everything up
LOST was just a mess
shame that they just didnt do this after series 2 and not string the whole fanbase on for a further three seasons with a pointless and irrelevant time travel series.

If it wasn't for the time travelling, we wouldn't have known about what was connected to the giant foot statue before it was destroyed, why DHARMA was there, that the Doctor in the orientation video's was Miles' dad, why the Polar Bears were there, that Charles Widmore was the leader of the others and that Daniel Farraday's Mum was also on the Island. Other things as well that I can't think of off the top of my head.

LOST had a lot of potential, but they over complicated things and tried to be too clever.

I'll give you that, it was long winded at times. But as a whole I thought it was good for the narration of the story.
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If it wasn't for the time travelling, we wouldn't have known about what was connected to the giant foot statue before it was destroyed, why DHARMA was there, that the Doctor in the orientation video's was Miles' dad, why the Polar Bears were there, that Charles Widmore was the leader of the others and that Daniel Farraday's Mum was also on the Island. Other things as well that I can't think of off the top of my head.

I'll give you that, it was long winded at times. But as a whole I thought it was good for the narration of the story.

One thing i didnt understand was the importance of the candidates names written on the wall. The writers made a big deal about that, and when Jacob was explaining to Kate that her name was crossed off, Jacob said that "it was just writing" meaning that it meant nothing.


Also, why did the island kept having huge thunderstorms before series 6?
One thing i didnt understand was the importance of the candidates names written on the wall. The writers made a big deal about that, and when Jacob was explaining to Kate that her name was crossed off, Jacob said that "it was just writing" meaning that it meant nothing.

Exactly. There were points during the show, which were made out to be hugely important. Then we found out that actually they weren't really that important.

Would anyone care to explain why the "numbers" were so important? And what the significance of Desmond pressing the button was?

Could the numbers plot device simply not have been omitted?
Another question: didnt Walt have special powers, with regards to bringing back dead birds back to life? Was his power explained?
One thing i didnt understand was the importance of the candidates names written on the wall. The writers made a big deal about that, and when Jacob was explaining to Kate that her name was crossed off, Jacob said that "it was just writing" meaning that it meant nothing.

Jacob was watching them from the time they were born. Which is why he wrote their names in the cave, and why he could see Jack's house that he grew up in, in The Looking Glass" (lighthouse)

Kate asked Jacob why her name was crossed off. He said it was because she was a mother (sarrogate to Claire's son, Aaron) so she had something to live for, which goes against the candidacy. But he also said that it was only chalk so she can be a candidate if she still wanted to be.

A little text from a guy on reddit, helped me understand it a bit better....
Cute, except it's not right the island was clearly 100% fully real, the writers just couldn't be bothered to explain any of it so they gave us the alternate reality which was everyone getting back together after they were dead.
They basically **** all over their own work for the last few seasons and rendered pretty much all of it irrelevant, to give us a hokey, contrived, "happy" ending.
Lost was cool when it was about science and Dharma... not really into the way they wrapped it up and the finale (to me) was against everything I used to enjoy about the series.

Shame really!
Just watched the finale. What can I say, chuffing brilliant. Exactly what was needed at the end, I was almost blubbing like a girl at the end. Incredible.
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